吃在奥地利(Eating in Austria)

The best Birthday translations available inline below!

7月29日 星期日


Sunday, July 29

We left Salzburg today and had spent a relatively shorter time in Vienna and to be honest, there was really nothing special about the food worth writing about. So I’ve combined the food from Salzburg to sum up our eating experience in Austria. Austrian food is … okay which means that it doesn’t have much strong flavors, but it is also not tasteless. Perhaps I am biased by the strong asian flavors of Chongqing and Thailand. Here they like to eat meat, and like German food, there are sausages, pig knuckles and sauerkraut.


这个是在维也纳我俩民宿附近的一家饭店,因该算是本地菜,因为PJG点了他们的香肠。我点了炸鸡,炸鸡就应该是世界菜了吧,😄 哪里都有卖炸鸡的。 我俩的期待很高,因为别人的菜看上去都很好吃的样子,可是其实味道也就一般般,炸鸡根本没法跟首尔炸鸡比,味道很平淡,就是酥皮还有些滋味。

Local Food

This was a restaurant near our Airbnb in Vienna and I would categorize it as “local food” because PJG ordered their sausages. I ordered fried chicken, but I think fried chicken is not really local but World food, 😄  since it is the same all over the world. Our expectations were very high because the dishes we saw other people eating looked very delicious. However, it turned out to be just so so. The fried chicken was kind of tasteless which, by comparison, reminded me of the super delicious fried chicken we had in Seoul.  Anyway, the only good part was the crispy skin.

肉拼盘  Our meat plate, delicious.
我的炸鸡,给的量太大了,三大块炸鸡加一个玉米 My fried chicken, they gave three big pieces and two pieces of sweet corn… they were ok.
PJG的香肠,他好像觉得好可以 PJG’s local sausage which he say was pretty good, especially with the mustard. 


我俩在维也纳住了3天晚上,第一晚吃的中国菜,第二晚是上面的,第三晚吃了越南菜。下面这家越南菜也是离我俩的民宿比较近,当时有些犯懒,不想走很远去吃晚饭,就在附近找到了这家。还是亚洲菜不让人失望,随便找一家都好吃 😀

Vietnamese Cuisine

We stayed in Vienna for three nights, the first night we had Chinese food, the second night was described above, and the last night we had Vietnamese food. The restaurant was pretty close to our Airbnb. Because of how tired we were, we didn’t want to walk a long way for dinner, so we found this nearby place. As always, Asian food is never disappointing. The food was delicious 😀. But of course I’m biased.

猪肉春卷 Grilled Pork Spring roll
我的炒鸡肉蔬菜 Fried chicken and vegetables
PJG的鸡肉咖喱  PJG’s curry chicken


这家饭店叫 Die Weisse,离我俩的民宿步行大概5分钟,是民宿主人向我俩推荐的,他说这个饭店自酿啤酒,而且基本都是本地人去吃饭。来到这里后发现他们的后院子好大,很有大排档的感觉。 我俩点了他们拿手的奥地利菜,其中那个Goulash,就叫炖牛肉吧,感觉怎么翻译都不准确,和我在布拉格吃到的是同一款菜,味道也基本一样,所以也证明了在布拉格吃的那个,不是墨西哥版本的 😂  同时也懂了什么是Goulash。

Austrian Cuisine

The restaurant, called Die Weisse, was about 5 minutes’ walk from our Airbnb and it was recommended by the host, who said that the restaurant brewed their own beer and was basically for locals. We came here and discovered the big nice backyard which we really liked. We ordered their Austrian specialities – one was Beef Goulash which was the same dish I had eaten in Prague. The flavor was the same so it proved that the one in Prague was not really a Mexican version 😂  So now I can firmly say I know what goulash is.

我的烤猪肉配酸菜,那个圆球状的东西是一种面食,说不清楚是什么。我很喜欢那个酸菜。My roasted pork with sauerkraut. The ball was some kind of bread mixed with something inside. Sorry terrible description 🙂
PJG的炖牛肉,说是炖不准确是因为这个的汤汁其实很浓稠 PJG’s beef goulash with the same bread ball.


这个是我俩在从因斯布鲁克回民宿的路上,偶遇的一个饭店。当时已经快8点了,我俩都饿了,在德国的一个乡间小路上开着车,忽然看到了饭店,我俩就决定停车吃饭! 这个真是乡间小店,马路对面家的牛我都可以看到,不过其实环境非常好,旁边就是高山绿地,景色很美。菜的味道还不错,不过我也说不出来有什么特色。

German Cuisine

On the way home from the Innsbruck, we found this local restaurant by the countryside due to the car navigation sending us on an “alternate route”.  It was almost 8pm, and we both were hungry and driving on a country road in Germany, suddenly we passed the restaurant, so we decided to stop to eat! This was really a local place where I could see the neighbor’s cows across the street while eating. The environment is nice with beautiful scenery and huge green mountains in the background. The food tasted really good as well, very homey.

蔬菜感觉很新鲜,像是从她们的后院里种植的 A fresh salad, looked like its directly from their garden
我的猪肉蘑菇,黄色是一种什么面条 My pork with mushrooms and a some sort of noodles
PJG点了欧洲到处都是的炸猪排和薯条 PJG’s popular European pork schnitzel with fries
甜点是最好吃的 -炸苹果圈和冰激淋 The most delicious desert – apple donuts and icecream

萨尔茨堡甜点 salzburger nockerl

这个甜点是民宿主人推荐给我俩的,说是一定要尝一下,是当地的特色甜点。好吧,到了他推荐的饭店尝试了一下,我只能说我太挑剔,我觉得很一般吧。感觉就像是特别蓬松的蛋糕,除了蓬松感之外,味道实在没什么特别的,下面的蔓越莓酱又比较酸,真的是空有虚名啊~~ 超级不值它13多欧元的价格。

Salzburger nockerl

This dessert was recommended to us by our Airbnb host who said we must try this local dessert.  So we went to the restaurant he also recommended.  Maybe I was too picky, but I don’t think it was that special or even that delicious. It was basically a very puffy fluffy cake and tasted just bland, not even sweet. It’s called a soufflé and it very fluffy and soft.  The cranberry sauce at the bottom was sour. So another empty reputation ~ ~ Besides, It was definitely not worth the 13+ euro price.

卖个甜点的饭店 The restaurant
甜点本尊 The Salzburger nockerl soufflé 
盛到我盘子里的一坨 One of the mountains on my plate


这家离民宿也是步行5分钟,我发现我俩基本都是在民宿附近解决晚餐,因为一般走了一天实在太累了。这家有各式意大利面,披萨等基本意大利菜,我点了一个西红柿酱的意面,我还是吃不了那种奶油芝士的白色酱的面,受不了那种奶和芝士的味道。结果没有让我失望,我俩的面都非常好吃 😀  西红柿酱也不酸,面条很劲道,大虾很新鲜,面里还放了一种绿叶蔬菜增加了一种脆的口感,我很喜欢。 而且更有意思的是,第二天我俩竟然又来这里吃了晚饭,我点了另外一款鱿鱼西兰花意面,也非常好吃,浓浓的大蒜的味道很配那个鱿鱼。

Italian Cuisine

This restaurant was five-minute walk from the Airbnb. I think eating near our place basically became the thing we do. This restaurant had all kinds of pasta, pizza and other Italian dishes. I ordered a tomato sauce pasta. I still can not handle any pastas with the creamy cheesy white sauce. I just can’t stand the taste of the milky and cheesy flavor. To my surprise, the food here was very delicious 😀 We both liked all of the food. The tomato sauce was not sour at all, prawns was very fresh, there was green leafy vegetables in the sauce which added a crisp element, I liked it a lot. So we went there again for dinner the next day!  I ordered another pasta with squid and broccoli in tomato sauce. It was a different taste compared with the first pasta I had and it was also very delicious. The garlic flavor paired with squid very well.

坐在外面看落日 We could enjoy sunset eating outside.
我的大虾西红柿酱意面 My prawn pasta
PJG的传统的牛肉意面 PJG’s traditional beef spaghetti
第二天晚上的鱿鱼西兰花意面 My pasta with squid and cauliflower I ordered the second night

西餐 -PJG的生日晚餐

这是我在网上找到的一个饭店,看了Google和Yelp上的照片和评价,觉得这里的景色应该很好,这个饭店在6楼的楼顶,坐在外面可以看到萨尔茨堡要塞。PJG一般很喜欢坐在室外并且有景色的或是可以看人的地方。可是一般这种饭店的菜品味道就会很一般,我是怀着忐忑的心情预订的,希望至少不难吃就好了。我对西餐的期望值不高。我预订了7点的座位,在我俩逃离Hotel Stein的酒吧后,刚好7点到了这里,景色还是很美的。

Western Cuisine – PJG’s Birthday Dinner

This is a restaurant I found on the Internet through google and yelp. The restaurant was located on the top of its hotel building,  the scenery was supposed to be good where you can see the Salzburg old town. PJG generally likes to sit outdoors and have a view or people watching. So I hoped this restaurant’s view wouldn’t disappoint him. But I did not have too much expectations for the food here because generally this kind of place only produces okay food. But I did hope that at least it was not bad. I booked a seat for 7pm, and we got here just in time after we got out of the Hotel Stein’s Bar. The scenery was beautiful.


令我意外的是这里的饭菜还真的挺好吃的,摆盘和每个菜的设计搭配都很不错。 我俩都很满意,不过红酒我俩喝了两瓶,实在是喝多了,吃完饭已经10点多了,10多分钟的步行回民宿,都不记得是怎么走回去的了  😂😂  还好,一年就这么一次。

To my big surprise, the food here was really delicious. The dishes were designed well and looked very pretty. We both were very satisfied. We drank two bottles of red wine and  got drunk. We did not really remember how we walked back home 😂😂 Fortunately, this only happens once a year.

鞑靼牛肉-就是生牛肉,腌制的很入味 Beef tartare, very tasty
一道沙拉,很清爽的味道,里面的南瓜子增加了脆脆的口感 Prawn salad
我点的一道鱼的菜,当时是服务员推荐的,我也不知道具体是什么名字。里面有鱼肉,鱼肉上面的那个是西葫芦花里面酿了什么,圆的是土豆,然后有一片茄子,那个紫色的是一个脆的炸的什么蔬菜片。I ordered a fish dish which was recommended by the waiter, so I didn’t know the name. So the things in the plate were  fish filet, a zucchini flower stuffed with sth, potatoes,  eggplant and some other stuff I had no idea.
PJG的牛排+龙虾肉配土豆,蔬菜,小碗里的是一种腌菜 PJG’s steak and lobster tail with vegetables and potatoes, the stuff in the small bowl was some kind of pickled something.
甜点是可丽饼,冰激淋和奶油 Dessert was crepes with ice cream
饭店赠送的带生日烟花的巧克力蛋糕 😂 真有气氛 The restaurant gave PJG a chocolate cake and firecracker for his birthday – he looks mesmerized. 

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