东京第五天 Day 5 in Tokyo


Wednesday, May 31, 2023, the fifth day of the Tokyo trip


PJG booked tickets for the Tokyo Imperial Palace last month for our visit at 1:30 pm. The weather today was nice, not hot and no rain. It took about 30 minutes to take the subway to the Tokyo Station. After exiting the subway, we walked around Tokyo Station and happened to come across many people gathered in front of the Station watching horse drawn carriages and many policemen.

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东京第四天 Day 4 in Tokyo


Tuesday, May 30, 2023, the fourth day of our trip to Tokyo

天气预报预测今天的雨晚上才会下,看看外面的天气,能见度还不错,我俩决定去东京塔。坐地铁大概40多分钟就到了,人不多,买票不需要排队。东京塔是东京的地标性建筑之,建于1958年,是日本最早的钢铁塔之一。它的外观灵感来自于法国的埃菲尔铁塔,但整体是红色和白色的外观,高度为333,曾经是东京最高的建筑物,直到2012年东京晴空塔(Tokyo Skytree)建成。塔内设有两个观景台,分别位于高度150米和250米处,在晴朗的天气里,可以看到远处的富士山。可惜今天远处还是有雾。

The weather forecast predicts that it will rain later this evening. Looking out our window the skies are clear and the visibility is good. So, we decided to go to see the views from the famous Tokyo Tower. It took about 40 minutes to get there by subway. There are not many people, and there was no queue of people to buy tickets. Tokyo Tower is one of the main landmark buildings in Tokyo.

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东京第三天 Day 3 in Tokyo


Monday, May 29, 2023, our third day in Tokyo


When I woke up this morning, it was raining, so I just took the time to record the actions of the past two days. We bought breakfast from 7-11 last night again, and as before someone bought an egg salad sandwich, and I bought a rice ball with bread.

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东京第二天 Day Two in Tokyo


May 28, 2023, Sunday – Tokyo Trip Day 2


Our breakfast was egg salad and fried chicken sandwiches that we bought at the 7-11 store downstairs last night. It is convenient and delicious, and it is indeed an upgrade from the simple croissants for breakfast as had while traveling in Europe, haha.

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去东京 Heading to Tokyo


Friday, May 27, 2023 – the first day of the Tokyo Trip.


Our long-awaited trip to Tokyo finally arrived. Today, we departed from San Francisco Airport and arrived at Tokyo’s Narita Airport after a smooth 10-hour flight. I finished watching the popular 8-episode Taiwanese drama, “The Wave Makers” on the plane.

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