March 17–23, 2025: First Week of the Work Trip in Mazatlán
这是平静而有节奏的工作周。每天早上在海浪声中醒来,一睁眼便是浩瀚无垠的大海,鹈鹕,军舰鸟和海鸥在空中翱翔,不时俯冲入水,捕捉鱼儿。坐在宽敞的阳台上,喝完一杯热茶,吃完早饭后,便开始一天的工作。如此壮阔的海景在眼前展开,连原本枯燥的工作也仿佛变得轻松起来。PJG 每天都会独自外出徒步几个小时,探索这座海滨小城。
It was a calm and rhythmic work week. Each morning began with the sound of waves, waking to the vast expanse of the ocean, with pelicans, frigates and seagulls soaring overhead, occasionally diving into the water to catch fish. Sitting on the spacious balcony, after finishing a cup of hot tea and breakfast, the day’s work begins.
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