马萨特兰第一周 First Week in Mazatlan


March 17–23, 2025: First Week of the Work Trip in Mazatlán

这是平静而有节奏的工作周。每天早上在海浪声中醒来,一睁眼便是浩瀚无垠的大海,鹈鹕,军舰鸟和海鸥在空中翱翔,不时俯冲入水,捕捉鱼儿。坐在宽敞的阳台上,喝完一杯热茶,吃完早饭后,便开始一天的工作。如此壮阔的海景在眼前展开,连原本枯燥的工作也仿佛变得轻松起来。PJG 每天都会独自外出徒步几个小时,探索这座海滨小城。

It was a calm and rhythmic work week. Each morning began with the sound of waves, waking to the vast expanse of the ocean, with pelicans, frigates and seagulls soaring overhead, occasionally diving into the water to catch fish. Sitting on the spacious balcony, after finishing a cup of hot tea and breakfast, the day’s work begins.

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马萨特兰历史中心古城 Maztalan Historic Center


Sunday, March 16, 2025 – Day Two of our Mazatlán Working Trip


Last night, the loud crashing of waves mixed with deafening music from passing cars intermittently persisted until around three or four in the morning. Eventually, I managed to fall asleep only after putting on my Apple noise-canceling headphones.

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Going to Mazatlan 去马萨特兰


Saturday, March 15, 2025 — Departing for Mazatlán


After returning from our trip to Malaysia, we really wanted to do another remote-working journey. Especially since last October, when the manager I liked left the company, I felt less attached, further strengthening my determination to achieve this goal within the year.

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We’re going to Mexico … Mazatlán!

Zhaoyang wanted to do another “work away from home” trip and after some debate, we settled on Mexico since it has a favorable timezone for her work and is easy to get to. Also, in the last few years, she has overcome her distaste for mexican cuisine. After an exhaustive search of many places in Mexico, including San Miguel Allende, Puerto Vallarta, Guadalajara and several other places, we finally settled on Mazatlán!

Our AirBnb search narrowed down the condo choices to about a dozen and then we started to do a more detailed review about the restaurants and bars in those areas. We ended up with two choices: Torre Eme and Boca Del Cielo. They are about 20 minutes apart and each have pros and cons. After a coin flip, we decided on the Torre Eme condos due to their proximity to the Malecon and several beach side restaurants!

利马最后一天 The Last Day in Lima


Saturday, December 7, 2024, the Last day, Day 9, of the Lima Trip

今天是我们这次旅行的最后一天,凌晨2点的飞机,因此在利马还有整整一天的时间。PJG 的腹泻情况好转了许多,看来抗生素起效很快。不过,为了恢复体力,他继续在民宿休息,我上午打 Uber 去了圣弗朗西斯科修道院博物馆。利马周六的交通依然拥堵,本来不到二十分钟的车程,我的Uber花了40 分钟才抵达目的地。博物馆的门票是 20 秘鲁新索尔,包括导游讲解,其实是游客不允许自行参观,必须跟随导游讲解完成游览。整个参观过程禁止拍照,所以没有留下任何照片。为了简单展示一下这个博物馆的氛围,我从网上下载了几张照片。

Today is the last day of our trip, with a flight at 2 a.m., so we still have a full day in Lima. PJG has improved significantly, and it seems the antibiotics are working quickly. However, to regain strength, he continues to rest at the Airbnb while I explore the city.

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利马第七天 Day 7 in Lima


Friday, December 6, 2024, Day 8 of the Lima Trip

是的,某人的“旅行者腹泻”今天更加严重了,加上昨晚还有些低烧,只能遗憾地留在床上休息。我去了超市,买了一些香蕉、电解质水和卫生纸,然后独自打了辆 Uber 前往华卡普克拉纳遗址。这是一座位于城市中心的古老金字塔,由古代原住民文明建造而成,距离民宿车程不到 10 分钟。遗址的门票价格为 15 秘鲁新索尔,包括一个小时的导游讲解。尽管游览时间短暂,但站在这座拥有千年历史的金字塔前,聆听导游的讲解,我还是学到了不少关于利马历史的知识。

Yes, the Peruvian two-step worsened today, coupled with a slight fever last night, so he had to stay in bed to rest. I went to the supermarket and bought some bananas, electrolyte water, and loads of toilet paper, then took an Uber alone to the Huaca Pucllana site. This ancient pyramid, built by indigenous civilizations, is located in the heart of the city and about a 10-minute Uber from our apartment.

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返回利马 Returning to Lima


Thursday, December 5, 2024 – Day 7 of the Lima Trip

怎么说呢,这次的南美洲利马之旅,又一次不出意外地经历了意外——PJG 昨晚开始肚子不舒服,今天早上开始泻肚子。还记得上次在布宜诺斯艾利斯那场泻肚子之经历吧?不过,早上的他还没觉得严重,能够完成今天的行程。我们上午 11 点半的大巴返回利马,出发前在绿洲的小湖边散步了一圈。

Well, this South American trip to Lima has once again, somewhat predictably, been met with an unpleasant hiccup – PJG started feeling unwell last night, and by this morning, he was dealing with the dreaded South American diarrhea. Recall that similar experience in Buenos Aires? Fortunately, it didn’t seem too serious in the morning, and he was still able to manage today’s itinerary. After breakfast, we strolled around the small lake at the oasis killing time before our 11:30 am bus back to Lima.

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沙漠绿洲 Huacachina Oasis

Wednesday, December 4, 2024, Day 6 of the Lima Trip


早上7点多,我们乘坐Uber前往Atocongo汽车站,开始今天的注定独特的旅程。搭上Cruz del Sur的大巴,目标是距离利马四个多小时车程的沙漠绿洲——Huacachina Oasis。在车站时,幸运地遇到了一位会说英语的女士,巧合的是她与我们同车同行,省去了和车站工作人员语言沟通的困扰。大巴的舒适度令人满意,椅背可以放倒,座椅之间还配有可拉起的帘子,会为陌生人之间增添一份私密。窗外的风景多是大片的荒芜,感觉沙尘在空气中飘荡,有时会看到很多看似被遗弃的砖瓦房,有些实际上仍有人居住,或许是尚未完工的,偶尔会看到绿色的植物,或是葡萄园。时间在这漫无边际的死气沉沉景色中悄然流逝,四个多小时的旅程仿佛不过弹指一瞬,转眼我们已抵达伊卡市。

Around 7 a.m., we took an Uber to the Atocongo bus station to begin today’s unique journey. We boarded a Cruz del Sur bus bound for Huacachina Oasis, a desert oasis located more than four hours from Lima. At the station, we were fortunate to meet a Peruvian woman who spoke some english and coincidentally shared the same bus with us, sparing us the challenge of communicating with the station staff. The bus ride was quite comfortable, with reclining seats and curtains between them for added privacy between strangers.

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利马第四天 Day 4 in Lima

2024年12月3日,星期二,利马之旅第5天 Tuesday, December 3, 2024, Day 5 of the Lima Trip


In the morning, we left the apartment and walked along the scenic coastal road by the cliff, finding stairs that led down to the beach below, a gathering spot for surfers. As we walked, we gradually moved away from the stairs for the return journey. Checking Google Maps, it showed that we could follow another road up the cliff and loop back, so we trusted the navigation and proceeded across the pedestrian overpass.

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巴兰科区 Barranco


Monday, December 2, 2024: The Fourth Day of Our Lima Journey


Today, we visited Barranco, a coastal district not far from our Airbnb in Miraflores. Known for its vibrant artistic vibe, Barranco exudes a bohemian charm.

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利马第二天 Day 2 in Lima


Sunday, December 1, 2024: The Third Day of Our Lima Journey


Today’s itinerary was packed with plans, with the highlight being a visit to the Government Palace. Back at home, PJG had successfully secured a reservation for the 9:45am tour by emailing the palace directly—a process that went surprisingly smoothly. In the morning, we took an Uber and arrived at Lima’s historic center in just over 20 minutes.

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利马第一天 Day one in Lima

Saturday, November 30, 2024: The Second Day of Our Lima Trip


Of course, going to bed at 3am means we didn’t wake up until after 8am, something we haven’t done in a long time! The sounds of cars and honking from the street below eventually woke us up. Staying in this Airbnb turned out to have a few drawbacks – along with the street noise, having stairs made getting around a hassle. I don’t think we would choose this type of place again, but at least it is forcing us to get daily exercise!

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去秘鲁首都利马 Going to Lima

2024年11月29日,星期五,利马之旅第一天 Friday, November 29, 2024: The First Day of Our Lima Journey


On the morning after Thanksgiving, we woke up at 4:30 and quickly packed the last of our belongings. By 5:30, an Uber was waiting at the door, and the city lights outside the car window shimmered faintly, like a dream not yet awakened.

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Some People In Penang 槟城遇到的一些人


Monday, May 27, 2024, the 9th day since returning from Malaysia


During the three months we spent in Penang, we met many interesting people, each face telling its own unique story. Regrettably, it was only in the last few days before our departure that we thought to capture the unforgettable moments through photographs.

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Gurney Ville 5th Floor Corner Bar


Sunday, May 26, 2024, the 8th day since returning from Malaysia

这是我们在Gurney Ville五十五天的阳光,乌云,狂风,暴雨,雷鸣,闪电,日出,日落。

These are some of our fifty-five days of sunshine, dark clouds, strong winds, heavy rain, thunder, lightning, sunrises, and sunsets at our Gurney Ville 5th floor corner bar.

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Street Art in Penang 槟城街头艺术

2024年5月25日, 星期六,马来西亚归来第7天 – Saturday, May 25, 2024, the 7th day after returning from Malaysia

槟城的街头艺术是这座马来西亚岛屿城市的文化标志之一,特别是在乔治市,这里的街头艺术以其创意和历史性的表现形式闻名。从2012年开始,当地政府为了庆祝乔治市被列为世界文化遗产,委托了国际艺术家在城市的墙面上创作壁画,这些壁画迅速成为城市的标志性景观。这些街头艺术作品通常描绘当地的生活场景、历史故事和社会议题,通过艺术家独特的视角讲述了槟城的历史和文化。其中最著名的艺术家是立陶宛籍的Ernest Zacharevic,他在槟城的多处墙面上创作了一系列生动有趣的壁画。

Street art in Penang is one of the cultural icons of this Malaysian island city, especially in George Town, where street art is renowned for its creative and historical expressions. Starting from 2012, to celebrate George Town being listed as a World Cultural Heritage site, the local government commissioned international artists to create murals on the city’s walls, which quickly became iconic sights of the city.

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Food in Malaysia 吃在马来西亚


Friday, May 24, 2024, the sixth day after returning from Malaysia


Today is the company’s Wellness Day, and so there’s no need to plunge into the flow of work. I can calm down and summarize the many delicacies we’ve tasted in Malaysia and relive the experience. Time flies, and it’s already the sixth morning since our return.

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The Last Week in Penang 槟城最后一周

2024年5月13日至5月18日 乔治城之行第十二周

Week 12 in George Town: May 13 to May 18, 2024


This is our last week of the working trip in Malaysia. Work proceeded as usual.

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