皮尔顿,罗马浴场 (Pilton, Roman Baths)


今天是开车在伦敦周边速游 (因为停留的时间比较短暂,所以叫她速游 😅 )的第三天,第一个停留的地方是皮尔顿,也是PJG大姨 – Sylvia 的故居所在。这是一个非常小的村庄,有很多房子也都有一,二百年的历史了。PJG来过这里很多次了,这次是专门带我来的。我没有见过他的大姨,不过见过很多她的绘画作品,她去世后,有很多她的画都在 PJG这里,我们曾在山景城的家里挂了满墙。所以这次很高兴能够来到她的故居看看。

Today we left Cornwall and are driving towards the Cotswolds where we will stay at a hotel in Swindon, that is our only real hotel on the trip.  On our third day in England, the first place we stopped on our way to Bath was Pilton, which was also PJG’s Aunt Sylvia’s former home. This is a very small village.

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