西贝流士纪念碑,基亚斯玛当代艺术博物馆 – Sibelius Monument and Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art

西贝流士纪念碑 – Sibelius Monument

摘自Wiki: 西贝流士纪念碑显而易见的是为纪念芬兰著名作曲家让 ∙ 西贝流士而建,建于1967年,芬兰艺术家埃拉·希尔图宁的设计。让 ∙ 西贝流士是民族主义音乐和浪漫主义音乐晚期重要代表,他的音乐对英国和美国作曲家影响尤大,在英美两国他曾被视为最重要的当代作曲家。他的创作重心是管弦乐作品。他善于使用管乐器营造出阴郁,幽森的气息,令人联想到芬兰的自然风景,同时也善于表达雄壮,恢弘的音乐效果。

According to wikipedia, The Sibelius Monument, was designed by Finnish artist Ella Hiltunin in 1967 to commemorate the famous composer Jean Sibelius (1865–1957) . He is widely recognized as his country’s greatest composer and, through his music, is often credited with having helped Finland to develop a national identity during its struggle for independence from Russia. His focus is on orchestra works and he is good at using wind instruments to create a gloomy, dark atmosphere, reminiscent of Finland’s natural scenery, but also good at expressing majestic and magnificent music effects.


This sculpture was created by welding together more than 600 stainless steel pipes, and just like in his music, the movement, thick texture, majestic momentum, and placed in this park in a natural setting, vividly shows the essence of the music of Sibelius.

西贝流士的头像雕塑. The portrait sculpture of Sibelius.
从雕塑的底部望向天空. The view from the bottom of the sculpture looking to the sky.

And a few photos added with creative discretion of the translator:

基亚斯玛当代艺术博物馆 – The Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art


This museum building, which specializes in contemporary works of art, has a relatively modern concise design, especially evident in the white walls of the interior, and is the creation of the American architect, Steven Holl. I both love and hate the works of contemporary art. Hate, because many times the work itself is abstract for the sake of being abstract. Under the banner of contemporary art, it’s just a facade for the emptiness of the work. But I also love it, perhaps because of this, this art form provides a good expression platform for all kinds of people, or the people they want to represent. These artists can loudly shout, do their own work and let others be the judge of it.

以下作品不做解释了,请观者自己总结自己的感受吧 😊

I wont try to explain the following works, as such, you are the judge: 😊

是的,那个是PJG. Yes, that’s PJG.

艺术馆里展出的艺术家 duo Erkka Nissinen 和 Nathaniel Mellors 的作品:

The following two pieces of artworks are from artists  Erkka Nissinen and Nathaniel Mellors. There is a surprise at the end of the second video 🙂 So watch it through …

这个最后有彩蛋哦 ~~   a surprise at the end ~~

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