到达布拉格 ( Arrival in Prague)

See video below.  里面有视频

7月18日 星期三

早上整理好行装,开车出发去布拉格。德国的很多高速上都不限时速,所以车都开的非常快!PJG开到了180公里/小时,他肯定非常过瘾。大概花了不到两个小时,到了德累斯顿,我俩在那里解决了午餐;大概又花了1个半小时,就到了布拉格。从德国到捷克,根本没有任何关检,就是注意到标牌上的语言变了,哈哈 😄    在民宿安顿好,车听到了民宿给提供的一个车库里。

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汉普顿宫,泰晤士河游船 (Hampton Court, River Boat)

6月25日,星期一 Monday, June 25


Today is our last full day in London and we went to the Hampton Court Palace in southwest London. It took about an hour to get there, and the return ticket was 14.7 gbp.

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西贝流士纪念碑,基亚斯玛当代艺术博物馆 – Sibelius Monument and Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art

西贝流士纪念碑 – Sibelius Monument

摘自Wiki: 西贝流士纪念碑显而易见的是为纪念芬兰著名作曲家让 ∙ 西贝流士而建,建于1967年,芬兰艺术家埃拉·希尔图宁的设计。让 ∙ 西贝流士是民族主义音乐和浪漫主义音乐晚期重要代表,他的音乐对英国和美国作曲家影响尤大,在英美两国他曾被视为最重要的当代作曲家。他的创作重心是管弦乐作品。他善于使用管乐器营造出阴郁,幽森的气息,令人联想到芬兰的自然风景,同时也善于表达雄壮,恢弘的音乐效果。

According to wikipedia, The Sibelius Monument, was designed by Finnish artist Ella Hiltunin in 1967 to commemorate the famous composer Jean Sibelius (1865–1957) . He is widely recognized as his country’s greatest composer and, through his music, is often credited with having helped Finland to develop a national identity during its struggle for independence from Russia. His focus is on orchestra works and he is good at using wind instruments to create a gloomy, dark atmosphere, reminiscent of Finland’s natural scenery, but also good at expressing majestic and magnificent music effects.

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The Elevator at our Airbnb Apartment


This is the interesting elevator at our Airbnb apartment building which can barely hold two people at one time. When PJG and I were in there together, it was hard to squeeze past him 😅  I have never taken such an elevator and only seen something like this in movies 😄 very cool!