6月29日,星期五 – Friday, June 29th
今天PJG和我去了一个拥有艺术灵魂的一座130米高的山丘-蒙马特高地。这里可以说是浪漫与艺术的完美结合体,曾经有很多著名的画家,莫奈,毕加索,雷诺阿,梵高等都在这里生活和创作过,他(她)们很多著名绘画也都在这里诞生;很多电影也都在这里取景拍摄过,艾蜜莉的异想世界,红磨坊,午夜巴黎等;白色圆顶的圣心堂圣和彼埃尔教堂显示着浓郁的宗教气息,在小丘广场作画卖画的众多画家们散发着这里的随意的艺术气息,狡兔酒吧(很多像毕加索般著名的画家的常去之处)和洗衣船(毕加索很穷的时候居住的地方)使这里弥漫着神秘的气息,爱墙又见证了现代人的浪漫气息。 漫步在这里的有百年历史的鹅卵石的大街小巷,想象着当年那些或落魄潦倒的艺术家们在这里创作和挣扎,感觉似乎和他们擦肩而过一般。
Today we went to Montmartre, a hill 130m above Paris with an artistic soul. This area is said to be a perfect combination of romance and art. Many famous painters from here: Monet, Picasso, Renoir, Van Gogh, etc., all lived and created here and many famous paintings were born here. Also many movies were filmed here: Emily’s Wishful World, Moulin Rouge, Midnight Paris, etc.
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