巴黎歌剧院,万神殿葬礼 (Opéra de Paris, Pantheon Burial)

7月1日,星期日 – Sunday, July 1


Today the order of this post is reversed. Visiting Pantheon Burial took place in the morning and visiting the Opéra de Paris was in the afternoon.

巴黎歌剧院 – Opéra de Paris


We took the subway to see the Opéra de Paris in the afternoon. The entrance ticket was 12 EUR each and I also rented an audio guide for 5 euros. Much of what I’m posting about the history of the opera I learned from the Chinese audio guide.

巴黎歌剧院, 又称加尼埃宫,是有着一个半世纪多历史的建筑,与巴黎圣母院、卢浮宫以及圣心教堂一样,彰显着巴黎的文艺和历史。 说到歌剧院的诞生,还是因为一个事件。其实在歌剧院诞生之前,巴黎在旧城区已经有了一个歌剧院,1858年,有人在那个旧城区的歌剧院暗杀当时在欣赏歌剧法国国王和王后,虽然国王和王后没有被炸弹波及,但是事件之后,国王意识到旧的城区很难保障安全,旧开始在新城区修建一个新的歌剧院,也就是今天的巴黎歌剧院。当时要找建筑师的时候,还举行了一个竞赛,谁也没有想到,当时名不见经传的35岁的查尔斯·加尼埃赢的了竞赛,所以剧院又被称作加尼埃宫。 歌剧院一共用了15年修建,于1875年揭幕开业。加尼埃的设计风格是一种综合的艺术风格,整体机构显示了古典主义, 大理石,玛瑙等绚丽的装饰和色彩显示了巴洛克风格。

Opéra de Paris, also known as Palais Garnier, has more than one and a half centuries of history;  Along with the Notre Dame, the Louvre and Sacré-Cœur,  it represents the art and history of Paris. An interesting story, the Opéra de Paris came about because of an incident. Apparently, before it was built, there was already an Opera house in the old town of Paris. In 1858, someone was trying to assassinate the French king while he and his wife were watching the opera. And although the King and his wife were not injured by the bomb, the King began to realize the safety issues in the old town. So he ordered that they begin to build a new opera house in the newer part of Paris – which is now the Opéra de Paris. When they were looking for an architect to build it, they held a contest. To everyone’s surprise, a 35-Year-old unknown person Charles Garnier won the contest; therefore the theater is also called Palais Garnier. It took 15 years to build the Opera House and it opened in 1875. Garnier’s design style is a combined style of classical structures of marble and agate and those gorgeous decorations and colors of the Baroque style.

一出地铁便看到了巴黎歌剧院 – As you emerge from the subway, the Opéra de Paris fills the skyline


The grand staircase of Palais Garnier was designed for the audiences who came to see the plays. He considered the audiences as part of the opera, and so the design of the grand and central staircase allows visitors to show themselves off as well; especially the female audience members wearing beautiful dresses who can show their graceful charms while walking up the stairs.

从下面看主楼梯,想象一下设计师的展望,有没有看到美丽女人们的走上楼梯的风姿? – Looking up to the grand stairs, allow yourself to imagine what the designer Garnier has imagined about the graceful charms of the female audience.
站在二楼的楼台上可以看到主楼梯有些突视的感觉,也就是下面那个照片。 – Standing on the balcony from the second floor, you can see the grand staircases below that are both concave and convex.
从二楼看主楼梯 – Looking at the grand staircases from the second floor.
主楼梯顶上的画柔和而绚丽 – The painting on the ceiling of the grand staircases is soft and gorgeous.


The color theme in the auditorium is red and gold; the arched shape borrows from the Italian style. Garnier seemed to pay much attention to the female audiences. The color of red was used because he thought that while they were watching the play, the faint red light will reflect on their faces and make them more beautiful.


The main hall where the audience can have drinks has eight paintings, respectively describing tea, coffee, red wine, fruit, etc., matching the function of the hall.

The dome of the hall
这是其中一幅画 -One of the paintings – hmm, is she carrying a chicken?

主休息室真是金碧辉煌!当时去歌剧院的人也总是惊呼“太多金子了!”  而加尼埃的回答是,其实那些不是真的金子,而是用一种特殊的金色颜料画上去的,那是文艺复兴时期意大利经常用的一种镀金技术,这种技术不仅节省成本,而且比用真金雕刻的艺术品更容易显示细节,更有立体感。

The Grand foyer is magnificent and golden! In fact, the people who went to the Opera house always exclaimed, “Too much gold!”  But Garnier’s answer was that it actually was not real gold. It was a special kind of gold paint which used a commonly known gold-plating technology from the Italian renaissance. This paint was not only cheaper, but also showed much more detail, and was more of a three-dimensional artwork, as compared with using real gold materials.

主休息室的金碧辉煌! – The golden Grand foyer – it took eight years to finish the 33 paintings.
站在歌剧院外面的楼台上看到的场景 – The view from the outside balcony.
一套曾经用过的演出服 – an used opera outfit

万神殿葬礼 – Pantheon Burial

这个万神殿 (也有中文翻译为先贤祠,我觉得这两个名字都太有中国味,感觉都不对,就随便用了一个)最初是由法国国王路易十五兴建的,经过过很多变迁,现在是法国很多文化,政治名人的安葬地,卢梭、伏尔泰、雨果、大仲马、居里夫妇都安眠在这里。 很巧合的是这个万神殿就在我俩的民宿住处附近,走路10分钟左右就到了。周四去租车的那天早上,我俩看到警察开始摆设控制交通的路障,还在猜应该是有什么活动要发生。在巴黎周边开车游来回,还车的车库就在万神殿的前面,又看到有很多警察,而且万神殿前面搭设了舞台类的帐篷。PJG便问了一个警察/军人/保安模样的人,他告诉我俩西蒙娜·薇依会被埋葬在万神殿里,周日也就是今天这里要举的葬礼仪式。

The Pantheon was originally built by the French king Louis XV.  After a lot of changes, it is now a burial ground for famous French artists and politicians; Rousseau, Voltaire, Hugo, Alexandre Dumas and Madame Curie and her husband are also buried here. It is a coincidence that the Pantheon is just a few blocks from our Airbnb apartment, its less than a 10 minute walk from here. On Thursday morning, on the way to the rental car place, we saw many workers starting to set up roadblocks to control traffic and we were wondering what was going on. After coming back to Paris, the rental car return garage was just in front of the Pantheon, and again there were many policemen and people were setting up a stage right in front of the Pantheon. PJG asked a on of the guards, who told us that Simone Veil would be buried in the Pantheon, and that the funeral ceremony would be held here on Sunday.

我俩都不知道薇依是谁,在网上查了一下,她还真是一个不简单的人物。她是律师,法国德高望重的女政治家、纳粹集中营的幸存者。她在2017年6月30日巴黎逝世, 享年89岁。 二战期间,作为犹太人的她和家人被抓进集中营,父母和兄弟都被迫害中丧生。二战结束后,她回到法国,开始在巴黎政治学院学习法律。她曾出任法国卫生部长,成为法国第一位担任国务部长的女性,她还曾担任欧洲议会议长,也曾是法国宪法委员会成员之一。 她捍卫女性权利,在她的努力下,于1974年促使堕胎合法化法律在法国通过。

Neither of us knew who she was, but after searching online, we found that she is a very important figure in France. She was a lawyer, a respected female politician, and a survivor of a Nazi concentration camp. She died a year ago in Paris on June 30, 2017 at the age of 89. During World War II, she and her family, as Jews, were put into a concentration camp and both parents and brothers were killed in persecution. After the end of War, she returned to France to study law at the Paris Political Academy.  She served as the French Minister of Health and became the first woman in France to serve as a state minister, she was also the President of the European Parliament and also a member of the French Constitutional Council. She defended women’s rights and, because of her efforts, the legalization of abortion laws was passed in 1974.

准备舞台之中 – preparing the stage
她和先逝于她的丈夫的照片挂在殿前 – Simone and her husband’s photo are hanging on the Pantheon.
排练抬棺木的士兵们 – The official practicing carrying the coffin.


This country is going to bury both Veil and her husband here today. We learned that the funeral ceremony will began at 11 in the morning. When we arrived, all of the small roads around the Pantheon were blocked.  A lot of people have been already gathered there. We could not find a good place to watch, most of the time we were just looking at the back of the heads of others.

万神殿周边已经聚集了很多人 – Small roads around the Pantheon was already packed with people.
不知道这是什么军种 – Some gendarmes
顶着大太阳站在栏杆上的人们 – The people standing on the railing in the hot sun.
要接受开包安检 – security check peoples’s bags

当我俩终于到了一个可以遥望万神殿的地方,发现~~竟然~~迷人的~~法国总埃~~马纽埃尔·马克龙在讲话!!! 天啊,马克龙就近在咫尺啊!!  在远处的大屏幕上可以看到他的讲话。PJG发现就在身后的卢森堡公园里也设了一个大屏幕,我俩便快速地去了公园,那里的人竟然没有那么多。在屏幕上看到,总统夫人也前来参加国葬。

When we finally arrived at a place with a better view, between the Pantheon and Luxembourg park, surprisingly~~ we found that ~ ~ ~  the attractive French president ~~ Manuel Macron was doing a speech!!!  OMG, Macron is so close!! We could see his speech on a large screen in the distance. But PJG found that there was also a big screen in the Luxembourg park behind us, and so we quickly went to the park where there were not as many people. On the screen, we could see that the president’s wife also came to attend the burial.

Finally reached the park and could see the screen.
看到屏幕上的总统马克龙,他的演讲似乎很得人心,人群不时地爆发热烈的掌声。我当时在用谷歌翻译软件,可以时时听他的讲话,然后翻译成英文,虽然不知道准确率有多少,但是可以大概知道他讲了什么。Seeing President Macron on the screen, he seemed to do a great job in the speech and the crowd burst into enthusiastic applauses. I was using Google translation software that can translate audio into English. Although I don’t know how accurate the translation is, but I can get a basic idea of what he was saying.
在公园观看大屏幕直播的人群 – The crowd watching the speech.


After 5 o’clock in the evening, we went out to find a place to buy dinner. Many of the shops here have been closed which we guessed that it was because of being Sunday. We just walked around and unexpectedly passed the Pantheon. Surprisingly, we discovered that there are still a large number of people gathering here, reading the displays about the life of Mrs. Veil. The speakers were broadcasting some previous voice clips of her. In front of the Pantheon, there were a long line where people were waiting to go inside to pay respect.



It was a very unique experience to be in a same place with the President of France for the event today. He said in his eulogy: “When a person’s life is devoted to justice, especially to protect the weak, and such a life is grown under the wings of the Republic, then the French nation is growing.”

I hope everyone can do something for justice in our lifetimes.

3 thoughts on “巴黎歌剧院,万神殿葬礼 (Opéra de Paris, Pantheon Burial)”

  1. 这篇游记信息量很大,感谢分享!

  2. Great pictures, what a wonderful day you had. What had been your plan for the day if you hadn’t come across the funeral?
    I too did not know who Simone Weiyi was when I heard of her death; I also googled her.

    James, it was previously easier to just go to chrome email to read Zhaoyang’s posts with the email link. I didn’t think to just go to your page from chrome! Chrome automatically translates the Chinese into English. But the only way to get to the comment section is through Zhaoyang’s posts, your translated posts don’t give access. In future I will read your version first then Zhaoyang’s.

    1. Yes I just realized you can only comment on the blog not on the pages I create for the translation 🙁 … please keep the comments coming!

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