白金汉宫,卡姆登区 (Changing of the Guard and Camden Town)

白金汉宫皇家卫队换岗仪式 – Changing of the Guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace

皇家卫队换岗仪式每天有固定的时间举行,这项已成为英国王室文化的重要元素之一的仪式,每年都会吸引世界各地的游客前来观赏。今天是11点进行,我和PJG做了地铁赶到后,白金汉宫的门前就已经里外三层的站满了人,想要看到换岗仪式是不可能了。PJG机智地咨询了一个警察,他建议我们等在一个地方,那里还没有人满为患,可以近距离的看到皇家卫队及军乐团走方队步入白金汉宫。 我俩便迅速的去了那边占了位置。

The Royal Guard’s ceremony is held at 11am every day, and the ceremony, which has become one of the most popular elements of British royal culture, attracts visitors from around the world every year. Today PJG and I took the subway and arrived at Buckingham Palace about 10:30am. At the gate there is a throng of people stacked many levels deep. Being able to see the changing ceremony from there would be impossible. PJG went to consult a policeman and he advised us to wait in a place across the street, where there were still not many people. You can get close to see the Royal Guard and band marching into Buckingham Palace. Perfect! We quickly went over there and took up our position.

等待观看换岗仪式的人群. People waiting to watch the changing of the guard ceremony.


After waiting about 20 minutes, exactly at 11 o’clock, the Royal Guard and band appeared. Watching them wearing their symbolic red dress, with big black bear fur hat, carrying on the centuries-old ritual – with hearts of admiration it reminds me of  previous times at Tiananmen Square where we have a similar sense of pride with the Chinese flag-raising ceremony.

在去白金汉宫的路上,这个公园里的座椅是收费的,1个小时1.8英镑,哈哈,不过还真不知道坐在那里能看到什么。On the way to Buckingham Palace, there were these park seats where they charged 1.8GBP per hour, haha, but we really didn’t know what they would sit there to see!
白金汉宫和门前的蜂涌人群. At Buckingham Palace and in front of the crowd.
屹立在白金汉宫门前的维多利亚女王纪念碑. Queen Victoria Monument towering in front of Buckingham Palace.
这里可以看出我俩等待的位置. What we can see from where we were waiting.
皇家卫队和军乐队终于出现. The Royal Guard and military band finally showed up!

那些卫队士兵走过我们,进入白金汉宫大栅栏门后我俩这里就看不到什么了。试着走到门口,那里还是水泄不通,根本看不到什么,我俩就决定离开。看到了很多人和周围的警察们合影,我也忍不住拍了一张 😅😅 话说那些警察都很和蔼可亲,还有一口那么洋气的英式口音,真招人喜爱啊 -~~ 😀

After seeing the guards as they marched passed us and into Buckingham Palace gate there wasn’t much more to see. So we tried to go to the gate area but it was still packed and nothing really to see, so we decided to leave.

I saw a lot of people with the police taking photos, so I can not help but also take a picture with them 😅😅  the police are very kind, and with a brim of the British accent, really cute haha-~~😀

凑热闹和警察合影,怎么感觉自己像小孩一样 😛 How do you feel like a child to take a photo with the police …
卡姆登区 Camden Town

离开了白金汉宫,我俩来到了卡姆登区。出了地铁,一踏入这里像是进入了另一世界,和这两天看到的伦敦大相径庭。这里很朋克很嬉皮,街头巷尾的各种雕像,店铺的风格,穿奇异服装的店铺经营者和街头艺人,都大声的张扬着其嬉皮精神。这里的集市有很多卖各式各样的旅游纪念品,便宜的效仿品和波西米亚风格的装饰品,工艺品的店, 各国的街头小吃,到这里来可以即饱口福也饱眼福,还可以淘一些便宜的小东西。

Leaving Buckingham Palace, we went up  to the Camden district. Out of the subway, a stepping into this place was like entering another world, and very different from the other places we had seen in our two days in London. It’s sort of a punk, hippie kind of place, with a variety of statues, different shops and street performers in exotic outfits; the hippie spirit is loudly present.

There are a lot of different kinds of tourist souvenirs, cheap imitation and bohemian decorations, handicraft shops, street snacks from all over the world to enjoy here … but mostly some cheap stuff.

应该是要转播足球赛了. I’m think they will be broadcasting the World Cup football game here.
小吃摊,非常多的小吃摊,我好像只拍了这一张,因为当时人太多了. Snack stalls, many really cool snack stalls, although it seems that I have only taken this one picture of a burger and burrito place! …  because there were just too many people!
她唱的很好听的. She sings very nicely.


On the Regent’s Canal next to Camden Market, small canal ships are passing through every day, and the old gates are used to control the water levels so that ships can climb through the canals.

运河上的小桥和旁边休憩的人群. The small bridge on the canal and the crowd beside the rest.
一个运河上的闸门. A Lock gate on the canal.


After a while, we left Camden for our 3pm appointment with Alison and her mother. We are going to have English afternoon tea together!

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