下山上山 (Hiking To The Beach)

Sweat yourself to death with this English translation inline below…

8月9日 星期四

今天我俩打算在我俩所在的小镇转一转,不开车,徒步, 到海滩上看看。一般说去一个地方头脑中的地图应该是一片区域,在这里不仅是“一片”那种概念,更是“垂直面”的概念,因为房屋都是建在悬崖上,所以说是看看小镇,就意味这要下山上山! 😂  当然不这样做,怎么能叫体验过阿尔马菲海岸小镇呢 😂

我俩出门的时候已经快中午12点了,天气真是又热又潮啊~~~  我俩民宿的地点属于半山腰吧,所以先是容易的部分下山,我俩打算在稍微下面一节开始下山,先开车到那里,停了车,听旁边的饭店的服务员告诉我俩从那里下山到海滩的一共大概有将近800个阶梯。 好吧,出发啦~~ 斗志昂扬~~

Thursday, August 9

Today, we are planning to stay in the town where our AirBnb is located – no driving, just hiking and going to the beach. When looking at the map of our little town it is challenging to understand the actual layout. In Amalfi, you have to consider more than just the area on the map but also its topography. Because here where the houses are built on to the cliffs, with each new row of houses towards the coast it means you are going to do a lot of climbing! But of course, if you don’t do this, how can you truly experience the Amalfi Coast?

When we left, it was almost noon. The weather was really hot and humid ~~~ The location of our apartment was already halfway up the mountain, so the easy part of course was going down. We drove down to the restaurant where the waiter had pointed out the stairway and explained that there were nearly 800 steps to reach the beach. Ok, let’s go with a fighting spirit and conquer the steps!

一户人家的大院门 . A door to a family courtyard
背景中的天和海就是我俩要去的地方 😅 . You can see the sky and the sea in the background – that’s where we are heading.
这就是下山上山要看到的景色 . This is the view as we go down the mountain.
我俩的民宿就隐藏在上面山上的哪里 . Somewhere up there is our apartment hidden in the mountains above.
路过一个小喷泉,竟然还有鱼 . We passed a small fountain with goldfish
又一户人家的大门 . Another family gate
快到海滩了,已经可以看到下面的人了 . Getting closer to the beach, you can start to see the people below.


It took 20 minutes, and it felt like it was pretty easy to get to the beach. It’s completely invisible from above. Suddenly people are everywhere – People sitting at the restaurants, people swimming, people rowing boats and people who are just hanging out. The scenery here is also beautiful, the blue sky and the sea, the magnificent mountains and river flowing in and the houses on the cliffs leave a lasting image of the special Amalfi Coast.


这里没有阿尔马菲镇那么声名显赫,但是也没少了些许那里的美丽,更增添了一份没有了拥挤的游客的安静。我俩在下面照片中的餐厅吹着海风,看着海景,超级享受地吃了一顿应该说是这次旅行中风景最美的午餐 😀  (会在吃在意大利写)

There is not like the town of Almafi, but there is no less beauty here and it is much quieter without the crowds. We dined in the sea breeze in the restaurant pictured below, gazing out at the seascape, and enjoyed a delicious meal of fish – pure enjoyment. It should be noted that this was the most beautiful place to have lunch on this whole trip (I’ll blog about it in the “Eating in Italy” post)

这个餐厅的风景 . The scenery from our restaurant

当然吃完了午餐,还要爬山回去! 800多个阶梯啊~~ 我俩付了4个小时的停车费,还有一个小时就要过时间,下山花了20分钟,我俩估计一个小时慢慢走,应该可以顺利完成。那就计时开始,爬山~~~

Of course, after eating a long lunch delaying the inevitable, we knew we had to climb back up the mountain! More than 800 steps … ah!!  We had paid for four hours of parking and there is only an hour to go – we figure it took 20 minutes to go down the mountain so we estimated we will need an hour to slowly meander our way back up. Start the timer! Our climbing begins!!!

给PJG留个念 . A last souvenir photo of PJG before we start climbing.

虽然累,拍照是不能省略的,😄 😂😆 .

Although we’re tired, I must not neglect to take pictures!! 😄 😂😆 .

我的汗真的是止不住地流啊 . A river of sweat is flowing down my face.
PJG的衣服已经基本全湿透了 . And PJG’s clothes are completely soaked.

真的是好累,好热,好多汗啊,看一下下面的视频吧 😄 😂😆

We’re really tired, it’s so hot, so sweaty, take a look at the video below with a surprise at the end.

看到这个就知道马上就到了 . When I saw this, I knew we’d reach the top soon.

一共花了46分钟,爬到了我俩的停车处,还不错喔 😄😂😆   上来后,感觉要比想象中容易些,而且那中努力后的收获感很让人满足 😄

It took a total of 46 minutes to climb back up to the parking lot. Despite the photos, it really was not that bad. After making it back up, it felt easier than I thought, and the satisfaction of the effort was our true reward.

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