维也纳第一天 (1st Day in Vienna)

Pray for some quality English below …

7月21日 星期六

早上我俩开车离开了布拉格,花了大概5个多小时到了维也纳。中途在捷克和奥地利边界的米库洛夫小镇停留吃了午餐。其实到了那里后,才发现那里正在举行一个什么节日,在镇中心广场的地方,搭建了一个舞台,有在上面表演的团队,然后周围是卖捷克各地的小吃摊位,很多人顶着大太阳在观看表演,品尝各式小吃。我俩也尝试了几个,可惜当时太热了,我失去了拍照片的心情 😅

In the morning we left Prague and made the five hour drive to Vienna. On the way, we stopped for lunch in the small town of Mikulov on the Czech / Austrian border. To our surprise, when we got there, we found that a food festival was going on!

开车从布拉格去维也纳的路上 . Driving from Prague to Vienna

In the town square, they had set up a stage where a band was performing, and there were small food stands all around selling foods from various places around the Czech Republic. Many people were watching the band, sitting or standing in the hot sun and enjoying a variety of local snacks. We also tried a few dishes, but it was so hot at the time, I lost my mood to take any pictures 😅

刚到的时候拍的唯一几张照片之一, 简易的舞台和观看表演的人们 One of the only photos taken just after arrival, showing the stage and the people watching the show

在那里解决完午饭,一个奇特的事情发生了。在去吃午饭之前,我俩付了停车费,PJG把机器打印出来的停车票就放到挡风玻璃的下面。等我俩吃完饭,回到车里的时候,发现那个票子竟然不翼而飞! 怎么也找不到! 我俩排除了有人给偷走了的嫌疑,因为车里的其它东西都在。我俩真的是百思不得及其解,非常奇怪的一件事情。后来我俩猜测,一定是PJG在放停车票的时候,放到旁边那辆白色的车里了,刚好那辆车没锁门,哈哈  😄😂  唯一合理的解释吧?


到了晚饭时间,维也纳竟然雷电交加,开始下起了大雨! 我俩在一个四川饭店结局了晚餐(这个会在以后有记录 😀) ,然后就回到民宿休息了,PJG开了一天的车, 非常累,很快就进入了梦香。

After searching the food stalls and finding something we liked for lunch (that also didn’t have a long line in front!), we returned to our car to find a strange thing had happened. Before we went to lunch, we paid the parking fee, and we put the parking slip under the windshield inside the car. However, when we finished lunch and returned to the car, we found that the ticket was gone! We couldn’t find it anywhere! We both ruled out our suspicion that someone had stolen it, because everything else in the car was there, and the car was locked. We were really puzzled. Later, we guessed that PJG had put the parking ticket inside the white car that was parked next to ours!! haha ​​😄😂 Could this be the only reasonable explanation?

After arriving Vienna at around 3pm and getting settled at the AirBnB, we took the car to a garage where we could be park for three nights because we weren’t planning on drive in the city of Vienna. We bought a 72-hour transit ticket to give us unlimited transportation for our stay.

Just about at dinner time, thunder and lightning began and the rain started to pour! We ended up having dinner at a Sichuan restaurant that was very nearby (I’ll blog about that later), then returned to the hotel for the night. PJG was very tired from the drive and soon entered dreamland.

7月22日 星期日

今天天气预报有雨,我俩的计划是追寻PJG的父亲在1949年在维也纳的旅行足迹,像在其它的地方一样,去他去过的地方并拍照留念 😊  并且同时游览维也纳。  很巧合的是,他父亲当年也是7月23日的时候来到的维也纳,正好是69年以前。 早上出门的时候在下雨,还好老天开恩啊,雨没下多久就停了,而且更幸运的是,因为厚重的乌云,今天竟然不热!

Sunday, July 22

Well, today’s weather forecast is for more rain. Our plan is to do some sightseeing of Vienna and at the same time pursue the travels of PJG’s father through his pictures from 1949.  Coincidentally, his father was in Vienna on July 23, exactly 69 years ago. It was raining when we went out in the morning, but fortunately as the day progressed it began clearing up. Even more fortunately, because of the overcast skies, today is nice and cool!


目前对维也纳的感受是很典型的一个欧洲城市,城市里有很多有着几百年历史的建筑,公共交通设施发达,地铁,轻轨,大巴都很方便,游客很多。这里似乎有很多雕塑,遍布城市的各个角落,难怪PJG的父亲当年用仅有的一些黑白胶片,拍摄了好几张雕塑的照片。在去我俩要去的第一个雕塑的路上,我俩在Burggarten公园里看到了莫扎特的雕塑。当然了奥地利是很多著名的古典音乐大家的诞生之地,所以看到他们的雕像应该是理所应当的 😀

So far the feeling I get from Vienna is that it is a typical European city: many buildings with hundreds of years of history; excellent public transportation; the subway, light rail and bus are all very convenient and, of course,  there are many tourists. One thing that seems different, is that there seem to be a lot of sculptures here, all over the city. Probably due to the high cost of film in those days, it is no wonder that PJG’s father only took a few black and white photographs of select sculptures. On the way to the first sculpture we visited, we saw a sculpture of Mozart in the Burgarten park. Of course, Austria is the birthplace of many famous classical musician, so it’s not surprising to see  their statues here.

第一个找到的雕塑是德国的伟大作家约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德的雕塑, PJG父亲当年和朋友在雕塑前膜拜,可惜今天就只有PJG一个人 😂

One of the sculptures we visited was of the great German writer John Wolfgang von Goethe. Probably as a bit of comedy, PJG’s father and his friends kneeled before the sculpture to show how great he was; but today there is only one person praying.

雕塑69年没变,雕塑前的人却已是另一代 . The sculpture has not changed in 69 years, but this time the person knelling before it is from the next generation.
去下一站的路上看到又一个美丽的雕塑 . On the way to the next stop, we saw another beautiful sculpture.

下一站是在维也纳市中心的圣斯德望主教座堂, 该教堂是天主教维也纳总教区的主教座堂。教堂始建于12世纪,初建时为罗马式风格,后来加两座塔楼,南塔的尖顶为哥特式风格,北塔为文艺复兴风格。再后来经过18世纪再次扩建和二战后的修复,使这座教堂成为一座独特的混合风格建筑。哈布斯堡王室的很多成员也被埋葬在这里。更为惊奇的是,这里的地下墓穴还存放着1735年因黑死病爆发而逝去的上万人的白骨。下面的黑白照片是PJG父亲当年拍的,和今天看到的相比,可以看到一部分的房顶当年正在改建进行时。

The next stop was St. Stephen’s Cathedral in the heart of Vienna, the cathedral of the Catholic Diocese of Vienna. The church was built in the 12th century and was originally built in the Romanesque style. Later, two towers were added. The steeple of the South Tower is Gothic and the North Tower is Renaissance. Then later, after another 18th century expansion and restoration after World War II, the church became a unique mixed architectural style building. Many members of the highly influential Habsburg royal family were also buried here. Even more amazing is that the catacombs below the church store the bones of tens of thousands of people who died from the Black Death in 1735. The black and white photo below was taken by PJG’s father in 1949. Compared with today, you can see that the roofs were being rebuilt in that year.

今天看到的教堂同样在进行修缮 The church we saw today is also undergoing repairs.
很多精雕细琢的细节 . … a lot of finely crafted details
教堂内的费加罗大厅,莫扎特曾在此谱写了闻名于世的“费加罗的婚礼”。   This church is just around the corner from where Mozart wrote the famous, “The Marriage of Figaro”.
教堂周围的马车游览项目 Horse Carriage tours start from the church
教堂背面 . The back of the church


At our next stop, we see Johan Strauss’s sculpture, the same black and white photo below was taken by PJG’s father. Unfortunately, for some odd reason, his father didn’t often include people in his photos, mostly just scenery. Also, in the black and white photo below, you wouldn’t have known that the musician was painted in bright gold.



Moving on, we came to Karlkirche, a baroque church built in 1737. PJG’s father wrote in  his travel diary that it was, “an annoyingly ugly thing outside. Nice inside.” We both speculated that he might have been referring to the two towers that seemed to be an after-thought; I also felt that it wasn’t too good looking 😂.

今天的教堂前建了一个水池 . A pool now lays in the front of the church.


Leaving Karlskirch, we took the subway to the amazing Schönbrunn Palace. This is a Baroque building and massive gardens that was once the royal palace of the Holy Roman Empire, the Austrian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Habsburg dynasty. The Austrian Empress Maria Theresia ordered the construction of this magnificent Palace and gardens in 1743, covering an area of 26,000sqm, second only to the French Palace of Versailles. In 1996, the Schönbrunn Palace and Gardens and its baroque art buildings were all listed by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites.

宫殿外广场里的人面狮身雕塑 . An animal with a human face sculpture in the square outside the palace


PJG’s father’s friend climbed on the lion statue in the square outside the palace. PJG took a long time to track down and find out that this particular lion was from Schönbrunn Palace.

PJG就没有美人的姿态了,哈哈 😄 PJG doesn’t pose as well as the subject above, haha
美泉宫门前装扮莫扎特的街头艺人 . A street artist dressed as Mozart performs in front of Schönbrunn Palace


PJG’s father and friends took several photos at Schönbrunn Palace and remarked that he had visited 45 rooms. We didn’t plan to spend half a day visiting the huge palace interior, but the entire palace garden was free, and was an amazing place to explore. We found many of the same locations from the 69 year old photos and although the palace itself hasn’t changed much, there were some changes in some of the buildings. You can see this from the comparison of the photos below.

这张照片很有气氛,可以依稀可见远方高处的凯旋门观景台 . This photo is very creative and shows the Gloriette in the distance through the arch of the interior doorway.
可惜今天可以拍到上面照片的门庭处被安装上了玻璃,而且需要买票进去。我俩觉得买票很不值得,就在门庭处拍了一张类似的照片。  Unfortunately the door in the photo above is now a glass door and it would be impossible to recreate this shot through the doorway.


Next, we went to see the Schönbrunn Palace and the Palace Gardens view from the top roof of the Gloriette. PJG thinks that the black and white photo below was taken by his father from there, so we bought a ticket and climbed the stairs to the top. It really was a beautiful sight from here, and we can also see a great panoramic view of Vienna.

景色基本没变 . The scenery is basically unchanged.
中间的是PJG的父亲 . PJG’s father is sitting on the railing in the middle.
今天的照片可以看到后来加上去的玻璃窗 . So naturally, he recreates the shot.  Today’s photo shows that a glass window has been added.


The last stop for today is at the Heroes of the Red Army Monument. The monument was built in 1945 to commemorate the 17,000 Soviet soldiers killed in Vienna during the Second World War.

这个应该是PJG父亲的朋友 This is a friend of PJG’s father standing before the monument.
Because of the fountain, we took our picture from a different angle.


We had good luck today finding the places in the old precious photos and not finding the buildings covered by maintenance. Given that we were only here for two days, we only saw a small slice of the places PJG’s father had seen on his visit. But, in the course of our exploration, we also experienced city views of Vienna; many typical European Gothic and Baroque buildings; and the many parks scattered throughout the city. The sculptures of the many musicians and the handsome guys wearing costumes selling concert tickets are a constant reminder of the city’s rich musical history background.

4 thoughts on “维也纳第一天 (1st Day in Vienna)”

  1. It’s fun to see you recreating Dad’s poses, I think you must be feeling his presence. But at Goethe you neglected to actually knell!
    I love all your pictures Zhaoyang, I’m enjoying the big trip along with you both!
    I agree about your opinion that the red rooftops in Prague made the scenery so much more picturesque.
    You must not have received a parking ticket or you wouldn’t have been so happy about the puzzling situation. Did the white car look just like yours?

    1. He was too embarrassed to knell! We don’t remember if the white car looked like ours, just remembered it was a white car and luckily we didn’t receive a parking ticket.

  2. 到维也纳了,音乐之都,向往。

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