国会大厦,游船 (Reichstag Dome, Boat Tour)

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7月17日, 星期二




Tuesday, July 17

The Dome of the German Parliament Building

The dome of the Reichstag does not require you to buy a ticket, but you need to provide your ID and make an appointment in advance, as there is a need to control the flow of visitors. We made an appointment on the first day we arrived for 1:30pm today. We had hoped to get in earlier, but we selected three time options and they picked the day for us. Today, we can only go up to the terrace and can’t walk around the dome because it is being cleaned. But it was still good to be able to go up and see it.

Just like the ups and downs of Germany, the establishment of this parliament building has also experienced many setbacks. In 1884, William the 1st broke ground on the building and after 10 years of construction, it was finally completed in 1894. But then, in 1933 it was destroyed by fire and was abandoned after World War II. It was not until the German reunification in 1990 that it was repaired. In Germany, since 1994, the German Federal Assembly elects the president every five years, and in 1999 this building became the site of the German Bundestag, The Peoples House. Its unique glass and steel dome make it a popular tourist destination in Berlin and it forms part of Berlin’s iconic skyline.

国会大厦外观和被国旗挡住的穹顶 The facade of the Capitol and the dome, blocked by the flag
穹顶 The Dome
大厦顶楼的景观,可以看到远处的电视塔 The top floor of the building … you can just see the TV tower in the distance
穹顶内部 Inside the Dome, look carefully to find the photographer


参观完国会大厦穹顶,我俩去坐了施普雷河上的一个游船,柏林欢迎卡竟然还有折扣。今天天气很热,坐游船的人很少。施普雷河是一条通过柏林的主要河流,最初的柏林的最原始的中心就是依这条河畔而建。可惜的是,这条游船并没有走多远,说是一个小时的游船,可是他们只是在停靠地点向左右各游了15分钟, 剩下的就是返程时间,所以没有看到更多的景色。

Spree River Cruise

After visiting the dome of the Capitol, we had some time to kill before picking up the car so we went on a cruise on the River Spree. The weather was very hot, and there were very few people on the boat. The Spree River is one of the two major rivers that pass through Berlin. The center of Berlin was originally built on the banks of the river Spree. It is a pity that this cruise ship did not go far, but although it was a short cruise and gave us the opportunity to see some of the scenery from the river, and relax 🙂

游船上基本没什么人 There were hardly any people on the cruise with us.
河道的墙上的涂鸦 . Graffiti on the wall of the river

在船上被晒的精疲力尽,下了游船,我俩坐地铁去取了租的车,明天要开5个多小时的车去布拉格。在民宿楼门前的周二集市里我俩又买了一些水果准备路上享用 😀

I got really tired on the boat and the gentle rocking of the ship put me to sleep, but it was very relaxing. After the boat ride, we took the subway to get the rental car and tomorrow we will make the five hour drive to Prague. In the market on Tuesday in front of our apartment building, we bought some fruit and other things to prepare for our road trip! 😀

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