吃在英国 (Eating in England)

6月25日,星期一 Monday, June 25

The United Kingdom, or London itself, does not seem to have much local food, but here you can taste different restaurants around the world because there are immigrants from all over the world. Before the tour departed, we were full of expectation of food everywhere, but after coming to various places, due to various factors, such as long distances, such as the passing of time, such as fatigue, etc., PJG and I are basically close to where Where to solve, the end of the long journey to tasting has disappeared. In short, this time in the UK, the most we eat is the famous fish and chips, deep-fried food is really unrequited. Some of the food we have tasted.

英国,或是伦敦本身好像没有什么特别多的本地食物,这里倒是可以品尝到世界各地的不同餐饮,因为这里有来自世界各地的移民。旅游出发之前,我俩对各地的美食充满了期待,但是到了各个地方以后,由于各种因素,比如路途遥远,比如时间已过,比如疲惫不堪等等,PJG和我基本都是离哪里近就在哪里解决,那种要长途跋涉去品尝的尽头已经消失了 😅 总之,这次的英国之行,我俩吃得最多的就是大名鼎鼎的炸鱼薯条,油炸食品真是百吃不厌啊 😅 下面记载了一些我俩品尝过的美食。

沃尔康肉馅饼 – Walcome Pie


This was eaten in a small shop in Land’s End. The pie was a round meringue wrapped with meat and vegetables, or other fillings, folded to make dumplings, and the edges of the crust were folded and baked. The specific source of this food is unknown, but the miners in the Volcan region have made it famous. It is said that this is a food that the miners often eat. The thick and tightly sealed pie skin can lock the gravy and keep the temperature of the food. The shop sells large, medium and small, and I shared a big one with PJG. I think it tastes good and it feels like the food from my home.

小店门脸 Front of Shop
前台 Inside
饼的外观 Closeup of a Pasty
我俩点的是牛肉和土豆馅儿的,里面还有洋葱和胡萝卜,土豆很绵软。The two of us shared a pasty with beef and potato stuffing, and onions and carrots. The potatoes were very soft.

炸鱼薯条 – Fish and Chips


This is a must-eat street snack in the UK. It’s nothing special, but it’s popular here, especially for tourists. If you say a special place, it’s the fish batter is very special, especially crispy, it is said that the beer inside will make the fried paste particularly crispy, the fish inside is still very tender and juicy, with fries and some stores provide different dipping sauces and are really delicious.

Here are four different places of fish and chips we have eaten.

第一家 – The first:

这个是吃的第一份,在索尔兹伯那里的一家外卖店买的。分量巨大,薯条的块也非常大,非常过瘾。也许是因为第一次吃,觉得这个似乎最好吃。This was our first fish & chips which we bought at a takeaway shop in Salisbury. The weight is huge, and the fries are very large and very enjoyable. Perhaps it was because it was the first time I thought this seemed like the best of them all!

第二家 – The second place:

第二家吃炸鱼薯条的店面,在Shepton Mallet小镇里的一家小店。The second place we had fish and chips – a small shop in the town of Shepton Mallet.
店里面挂了很多帽子,看起来客人都是本地人。There are a lot of hats hanging from the ceiling. It seems that the guests are all locals.
这个炸鱼和有名的炸鱼薯条有些不同,因为炸鱼的面糊不是那种酥脆的,是加了面包康的,不过味道也还是不错,价格是最便宜的,好像是4英镑多这一份。This fried fish is different from the famous fish and chips. Because the batter of fried fish is not t crispy kind, but it is also breaded. However, it is still delicious. The price was the cheapest of them all, only 4 GBP.

第三家 – The third one:

这个是在伦敦塔桥下面的一家小店买的,味道也还不错,鱼炸的很符合标准,豌豆稍微老了些。 This was bought in a small shop underneath the Tower Bridge in London. The taste of this one was also pretty good. The fish was very tasty but the peas were slightly older tasting.
在这家吃的最好的地方是有美景!坐在那里就可以欣赏到伦敦塔桥,真的超惬意。Certainly the best part of eating at this place was the view! Sitting here, you can enjoy the Tower Bridge in London and it is really super comfortable.

第四家 – The fourth one:

这是在科文特花园集市里面的一家酒馆里吃的午饭,这个不仅是最不好吃的,也是最贵的,15英镑这一份,鱼感觉不是很新鲜,豌豆很硬,还莫名其妙的给了一片面包。This was our lunch in a tavern inside Covent Garden Market. This is not only the most unpalatable one we had, but also the most expensive. It costs 15 GBP!! The fish did not feel very fresh, and the peas were very hard. And for some inexplicable reason, it came with a piece of bread.

下面是一家很小的泰国菜饭馆,在一个很小的小吃街Shruton ground market 里看到的,我俩一直都喜欢吃泰国菜,就在那里吃了午餐。结果味道超好,PJG尤其喜欢吃那个辣炒鸡肉,是我俩以前在美国没吃过的,他还问那个服务员小姑娘那是什么酱。😂 所以真不能小看这个其貌不扬的小店呐~~ 看看我俩把饭吃的一干二净的就知道有多好吃了 😅😅

The following place was a very small Thai restaurant we found on a small snack street called the Strutton Ground Market. We always enjoy Thai food and had our lunch here. The result was a super delicious experience. PJG especially liked the spicy fried chicken with a sauce we had never eaten in the US before. We asked what it was but they just said it was their own creation.

We could have licked the plate!
小店的店面门脸 The front of the Thai restaurant

甜甜圈 – A Doughnut


This was bought in the bustling Boroughs Market near the View from the Shard. It was delicious. The sugar on top was like the kind of sugar I’d have when I was a kid. But I can’t remember the name. There is also a cream filling inside. It was a creamy custard like filling.

卖甜甜圈的小摊 – The Doughnut stand
甜甜圈 – The Creation

印度菜 – Indian cuisine

接下来就是要吐槽的印度菜,我俩去红砖巷市场就是为了吃地道的印度菜,结果我俩进了这家。这家的门前挂着个横幅写着2018红砖巷的厨艺大师的获胜者,那个门前招揽生意的印度小弟很自信的说他家的是这里最好的,我俩就一狠心进去了。本来说好的只进那种里面坐满了印度人的地方,结果这里只有两桌白人的客人。反正都进来了,就希望好吃吧。这里的菜上的超级慢,我俩点了两份午餐套餐,等啊等啊,终于两个餐前小点上来了,然后又等啊等啊,两个菜终于都上来了,结果味道非常一般,那个玛萨拉太甜了。最后我俩的总结是加州我们那里有着最好吃的印度菜 😂😓

Now it’s time to complain about the Indian food in England! We went to the Red Brick Lane Market hoping to eat authentic Indian food. There is a banner in front of this house that reads the winner of the 2018 Red Brick Lane Master Chef (Of course this should have been a warning.) The Indian man who was at the front of the business beckoning people to come in, was confident to say that his food is the best in Brick Lane, and after a pause we both entered. We really wanted to go to a place where the Indian locals would go. But here, there were only two tables of white tourists. Anyway, we’re here, hopefully it will be delicious. The service here was super slow, we ordered two lunch specials, waited, and waited, then finally, the two appetizers came; they were ok…  Then we waited and waited, ah finally, the main course came. The result: it was pretty delicious in general, but the Marsala sauce was too sweet. Finally, our conclusion was that we actually have the best Indian food in California.😂😓

鸡肉餐前小菜 – Chicken Dish – notice how dry it looks?
炸的里面是土豆什么的 – The Somosas … potato filled
一道鸡肉菜,忘了叫什么了 – Chicken Vindaloo – a spicy sauce
蔬菜玛萨拉,除了甜没有什么味道 – A Vegetable Masala sauce – too sweet
这家印度餐馆的门脸 – The front of the restaurant

看上面的照片,我俩吃饭的这家饭店挂的那个获得烹饪大师的胜利者的横幅。等我俩吃完饭了,再继续向前面市场走去的时候,竟然看到几乎每家印度菜饭店都有这么一个赢了什么烹饪大师的横幅,鹅地妈呀 😅😂😂😂😂  真是无语啊, 哈哈哈哈。 看下面的照片,我只拍了几个。

Look at the photo above, the banner of the winner who won the “Culinary Master” hung outside the restaurant where we ate. But after we finished eating, and continued to walk up the market, we could see that almost every Indian restaurant had such a banner that won the culinary master.😅😂😂😂😂  See the photos below, I only took a few shots, but they were everywhere.

披萨 – Pizza


I don’t have much interest in pizza because in general I feel they don’t have much flavor. However, last night we didn’t really feel like going out to eat, as it was sometimes tiring to always eat in restaurants. So, we planned to go to the supermarket to buy something to eat. But unfortunately it was Sunday, and the supermarket here closed at 6pm. So we walked to a place nearby pizzeria and ordered a slice of pizza. Actually, the pizza was delicious. The crust was thin and crunchy and was just the kind I like. PJG also liked it,  but he likes any pizza. After coming to Italy, I will definitely try pizza again. Now, I am really looking forward to it.

烤披萨的烤炉 – The pizza oven at the pizzeria
披萨真身 – Our small pizza

西式菜 – Western cuisine

今天晚上是我俩在伦敦的最后一晚,晚饭在一家特别小的餐厅解决的。我俩路过了这里好多次,每次这里都非常繁忙,今晚决定试一试。说不出这里具体是哪国菜,就是西式菜吧,因为和亚洲菜差别很大。PJG特别喜欢这种很有氛围的地方,不是那种大尔豪华的,就是小小的,很轻松的,有着独特的菜单的地方。我俩点了几个菜,菜量都不是很大,但味道都很好,尤其是最后那个猪颈肉,肉做的嫩嫩的恰到好处,配着西红柿,香芹叶和不知道什么酱,味道真美,即保留了肉自身的味道,又有各种调料制成的酱的香味,真是好吃啊 😁😁

This evening was our last night in London and we settle on dinner at a very small restaurant that we had passed by many times called “Duck Soup”. Every time this place seemed very busy, and so we decided to try it tonight. It’s not clear what specific country the cuisine is from, but it is Western-style cuisine, because anything that is not Chinese food is by definition western food! 😂😂. PJG particularly likes the atmosphere here, very cozy and homey, with a unique menu. We ordered a three dishes. The amount of food was not great, but the taste was really good, especially the pork dish. The meat was tender and just right, with tomatoes, parsley leaves and a little sauce. The taste was so beautiful that it retains the flavor of the flesh itself, and the flavor of the sauce made from various spices was really delicious.😁😁

小店门面 – The Duck Soup Restauant
PJG喜欢吃的腌橄榄 – PJG loves olives
猪肉,煮了很长时间,很软烂。- Slow cooked pork, delicious!
鳕鱼和土豆,清淡新鲜,加上莳萝的味道很好。- Salmon and potatoes were light and fresh, with a delicious dills seasoning.m
这是一种油炸的豆子 – A kind of bean with sour cream
这就是那个超好吃的猪颈肉 – This was the super delicious pork neck


The above is just a record of what I thought was worthy of a blog. In short, food can be very convenient and enjoyable in the UK, because it is very large city, there are many foods from around the world, you can find pretty much whatever food you can think of. And as is a bit like China, it is full of restaurants, snack shops, convenience stores, pubs and so on. In Chinatown there also some very local street food similar to China with crepe like wraps and simple cold noodles.

4 thoughts on “吃在英国 (Eating in England)”

  1. This post makes me hungry for fish and chips or Indian curry. I burst out laughing at the caption on the pork dish: “Pork, boiled for a long time, very soft and rotten.” Did you eat it?

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