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8月11,12,13日 星期六,日,一
马德里是我俩的最后一站,旅游了两个月后的感觉就是,不再渴望去某地的知名景点,而是可以很奢侈地随意游逛了。马德里人似乎很慢拍,把时间都推后了几个小时,很多饭店的午餐下午1点才开门,晚餐都是8,9点钟才开门。 第一天我俩10点多出门,发现街上也没什么人,大部分店铺也都没开门,所以在接下来的两天我俩都是上午在民宿休息,下午才出去闲逛一阵子。
对马德里我还有另外一种情愫,那就是这里是三毛和荷西相遇相爱的地方。以前读过好几本三毛的书,我也服了我的臭记性,虽然不太记得书的很多内容,但是记忆最深的便是三毛对荷西的爱,我记得她曾经写过在荷西意外逝世之后,那种痛是让人无法承受的,但是当她体会到这种痛之后,她还是希望荷西先于她走,因为她爱到不忍心让荷西经历这种痛不欲生的感觉。不过说来也惭愧,我并有特意去追足三毛的脚步 ,周日本打算去她会经常去过的El Rastro跳蚤市场,据说那里只是周日开,我又没有仔细看经营时间,所以去完索菲娅王后国家艺术中心博物馆之后,打算去跳蚤市场的时候,发现那里下午三点就关门了,有些许遗憾 😒 不管怎样,能来到三毛曾经生活和恋爱过的地方,是一种很奇妙的经历。
August 11-13
Madrid is the last stop of our two months of travel, and we are feeling less enthusiastic to go to see famous places, but have the luxury to just hang out. Madrid people seemed to be have a different schedule, maybe due to the heat. Many restaurants only open at 1 pm, and dinner not until 8 or 9pm. On the first day, we went out at 10 in the morning and found that there were very few people on the street and most of the shops hadn’t opened. So, for the next two days, we stayed at the AirBnb in the morning and then went out for a while in the afternoon.
Another reason I was looking forward to Madrid is because this is where the famous Taiwanese author Sanmao met and fall in love with her husband Jose. I have read several of Sanmao books before but I hardly remember the details of the books due to my terrible memory. My deepest memory is about Sanmao’s love for Jose. After the accidental death of Jose, Sanmao expressed that the pain was unbearable, and as her realization of the pain, she wrote she still hoped that she dies after Jose because she couldn’t bear to let Jose experience the pain of being without her. Anyways, because of the tiredness, I actually did not deliberately follow the footsteps of SanMao in Madrid. On Sunday we planned to go to the El Rastro flea market she used to go, but by the time we were ready to go, we found that it was closed at 3pm, so I felt a little disappointed. Anyway, it’s wonderful to come to the place where Sanmao lived and loved.
In Madrid we didn’t have any specific attractions to see so we are basically just hanging out. We went out to buy some small souvenirs and gifts because this is our final stop, so we don’t have to worry about packing.
Below are some photos of the city of Madrid.
从太阳门走路5分钟,就到了历史可以追溯到1589年的主广场, 这里一直是兼多功能于一身,曾经是市场,斗牛场,足球比赛场,西班牙宗教裁判所时期,所谓的异端分子也在此处死。现在这里是马德里的一个主要的旅游景点。
Five minutes walk from Puerta del Sol, it is the main square dating back to 1589. It has always been a multi-functional one. It used to be a market, a bullring, a football field, and the Spanish Inquisition where the so-called heretics were executed. It is now a major tourist attraction in Madrid.
The Sophia Queen’s National Art Center Museum is free on Sundays after 1:30pm, and so we took advantage of this opportunity to visit. Although because it is free, only part of the museum was open, but lucky for us, the part that just opened is what we wanted to see, such as the works of Picasso and Dali. In many of the painting rooms we were not allowed to take photos, so I only took a few of the Dali paintings.
Madrid’s largest park, The Buen Retiro Park, is a 350 acre park with more than 15,000 trees. This was once the palace of the Spanish royal family built in the 16th century, however, it was not until the 19th century that the park was opened to the public. . The park is too big and in the hot weather, we only walked around to see the Alfonso XII Monument, a monument built to honor him.
Madrid is the end of our two-month trip, and suddenly I feel how fast time flies!!
Don’t forget to check out the food blogs!!