巴士观光车,圣保罗教堂 (Big Bus, St Paul’s Cathedral)


Because we came home late last night and couldn’t finish yesterday’s blog, here is the blog for 6/21/18:

The Big Bus Tour


We are very lucky for the past a few days, London has been having unexpected blue sky and white puffy clouds and the temperature is very comfortable. This morning the sky is very clear, so we decided to take the hop-on hop-off Big Bus sightseeing tour. Our London Pass already covers one day of this tour, so we wanted to try it out. The car has an audio tour guide, so after boarding we picked up our headphones and sat own in the car listening to the guides, looking at the scenery. It was very enjoyable.

我俩上车的地点车的二层有很多座位,等到下午我俩从圣保罗教堂回来再上车的时候,二层是满员的!There are many seats on the top of the bus where we get on. But in the afternoon when we get on again after visiting St. Paul’s Cathedral, the top level was full.
远处的伦敦眼,曾是世界最大的魔天轮。The London Eye which used to be the biggest ferris wheel in the world.
路过在草坪上休息和吃午餐的人们. People enjoying their lunch on the grass.
圣保罗教堂 – St Paul’s Cathedral


We got off the bus to visit St. Paul’s Cathedral which is also included in the London Pass. Originally built in the year 604, the church had been rebuilt many times,  with the current version built by Sir Christopher Wren in the late 17th century. This baroque building has a spectacular dome that makes it famous and a familiar part of Londons skyline. Similar to Westminster Abbey, the church is also a graveyard for British Princes, Nobles and other famous people, such as the “Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher. The wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles was also held in this beautifully ornate church.

非常感激教堂允许游客到教堂顶端的金回廊,这样不仅可以感受教堂的宏大,圆顶后面的结构,还可以在上面眺望伦敦全景。一共有528步台阶到达上面,经过耳语廊,石回廊到达最上面的金回廊。从耳语廊到金廊的台阶很难走,是那种非常狭窄盘旋而上的梯子。上去之后真是豁然开朗, 景色太美了。

As usual, photos are not allowed inside the church. But the church does invite visitors to climb the steps up to the Golden Gallery at the top of the church – there you can not only feel the grandeur of the church, and see the structure behind the dome, but also view a fabulous panoramic view of London. It takes a total of 528 steps to reach the top, through the Whispering Gallery and Stone Gallery to the top. From the Whispering Gallery to GoldenGallery, there was a very narrow circled spiral ladder which was very difficult to climb. But it was a breathtaking sight once on top.

远观圣保罗教堂. The view of St Paul’s Cathedral.
石回廊的外面. Outside of Stone Gallery
在石回廊层上远观碎片大厦,一会儿我俩会去碎片大厦的顶端,那里可以看到圣保罗教堂。On Stone Galley level, you can see the Shard  where we will go later.
在金回廊层上远观碎片大厦. The view of the Shard on Golden Gallery level.
碎片大厦 – The View from the Shard


After visiting St Paul’s Cathedral – although I use the word “visiting”, it was not particularly careful visit. There are so many things to be seen and learned, even after listening to all the explanations, we can sit there quietly and feel the rich history of this magnificent church. But because this was my first time in London and I wanted to see as much as possible, we only spent an hour there.  Once again back on the bus, the second floor was full, and the traffic was very heavy on the way to the next station, so we decided to get off at the Tower Bridge stop and take the subway to the Shard.

碎片大厦是英国的最高的建筑,于2009年开建,2012年完成,是意大利著名设计师伦佐·皮亚诺( Renzo Piano )设计建造的。它还有一个浪漫的名字,叫“摘星楼”。之所以叫碎片大厦是因为整个建筑由11,000个玻璃薄片组成,尤其是大厦的最顶端,看起来就是尖尖的玻璃碎片。在顶端的观景平台上,可以坐在那里点一杯香槟,360度的欣赏伦敦美景。(我俩的一卡通当然也包含了这里的票,在领取门票的时候,工作人员给了我俩购买香槟的优惠券,折扣后一杯香槟还要10英镑!小气的我俩当然没有花那冤枉钱啦,哈哈哈哈😄😄😄😄😄😄)

The Shard, the tallest building in the UK, was built in 2009 and completed in 2012 was designed by the famous Italian designer Renzo piano.  The building is called The Shard because the whole building consists of 11,000 pieces of glass, especially the top of the building, looks like big pieces of sharp glass fragment. At the top of the viewing platform, you can sit there, order a glass of champagne and have a 360 degree view of the beauty of London. (Although our London pass includes this as well,  but after receiving the tickets, the staff gave us a coupon to buy champagne, but even after the discount, a glass of champagne still cost 10 pounds! So of course, as cheap as we are, we did not spend the money, haha haha 😅😅)

仰望碎片大厦. Viewing the Shard from the street.
著名的圣保罗教堂屹立在建筑楼群中. You can see the St Paul’s Cathedral among the buildings in the distance
这里可以看到昨天去过的伦敦塔和伦敦塔桥,还有泰晤士河。You have a very good view of The Tower of London and Tower Bridge from here.


After leaving The Shard, we went to the Borough Market nearby. There are many stalls selling fruits, meats, fishes, different foods etc. We shared a very delicious donut.  We left the market to meet his never-before-met relative who came to London today to meet us.

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