伦敦塔,伦敦塔桥,西敏寺 (Tower Bridge, Westminster)

今天去了伦敦塔,伦敦塔桥,西敏寺。因为PJG提前买全面观光一卡通 (London Pass), 这三个著名景点就不需要再买票了。这个一卡通的价格是130英镑,所以一定要充分利用它的价值啊~~

Today we went to the Tower of London, Tower Bridge and Westminster Abbey. We didn’t need to buy tickets for these three famous sites because PJG bought the London Pass (which cost 130GBP), so we will make sure to make full use of its value. Haha ~ ~

伦敦塔 – Tower of London

伦敦塔是英国标志性的宫殿,位于伦敦市中心泰晤士河北岸,是一座具有1000年历史的城堡,官方名称是“女王陛下的宫殿与城堡,伦敦塔”,用于保卫王冠的。伦敦塔曾作为要塞、皇家宫殿、军械库、国库、铸币厂、天文台、避难所和监狱等。 1988年被列为世界文化遗产。可惜的是最值得一看的历代传承下来的皇室的王冠和珠宝展出不允许拍照片。

The Tower of London is an iconic landmark in England, located on the north bank of River Thames, and has over a thousand year history; the official name is “Her Majesty’s Palace and Castle, Tower of London”, its primary purpose is to protect the crown. The Tower of London has served as a fortress, a Royal Palace, an Armory, the Treasury, the Mint, an Observatory, sanctuary and prison and so on. In 1988 it was listed as a World Cultural Heritage. Unfortunately, the most interesting part – the Crown Jewels, you are not allowed to take pictures.

远观城堡,那一群人是在听伦敦塔哨兵的游览讲解。Viewing the castle from afar and the crowd is listening to the Beefeater guide.
这里可以看到远处的伦敦塔桥,照片的那堵已经缺损的墙是保存下来的一段最早建的墙。The Tower Bridge is in the background and the half torn wall is part of the original wall from 1092.
伦敦塔里的有名的乌鸦,一共应该有6只,就住在伦敦塔里,就像“冰与火”里面的乌鸦,它们是有特殊意义的。古时的人相信这6只乌鸦是来保护王冠和城堡的。The famous raven in Tower of London, there are six of them living in the castle. It’s like the ravens in the, “Game of Thrones”, they were very special and it was believe that they were to protect the crown and the castle.
从中国抢来的大炮 This cannon was stolen from China (n.b. !!!)
白塔内的圣约翰教堂保藏着这样的即神秘又精致的盔甲. The White Tower exhibits many such mysterious and exquisite armor from the ages.
珍宝馆,进去后就不能拍照片了。这里展出了全套的御用珍宝,王冠,包括现任女王伊丽莎白加冕是带的王冠,等等。The Crown Jewels, I can’t take pictures inside. There is a full set of royal treasures, crowns and so on.
伦敦塔桥 – Tower Bridge


Located near the Tower of London, and built between 1886 and 1894, the Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge crossing River Thames (n.b. a bascule bridge is a moveable bridge with a counterweight). The famous bridge, which has undergone a century of changes in fortune, bearing witness to London through World War II, the Great Depression and to the rapid growth of today’s cosmopolitan city. Standing on the bridge, you can enjoy the view of the River Thames and the beautiful scenery on both sides. The exhibition on the second floor tells of the history of the bridge. When we were there, there was a group of students were also there to visit, but unfortunately they had to answer question sheets about the bridge 🙂 The bridge has a section of glass flooring which is about 42 meters above the River. Through the glass, you can see the passing cars and pedestrians on the bridge below and the ships passing by on the river.

在展览馆里看泰晤士河. See the Thames River from the exhibition hall.
玻璃长廊,那些小学生根本就不害怕,我是第一次站上去的时候战战兢兢的 😛 The glass floor – those pupils aren’t afraid at all! I was trembling standing on it for the first time.

在去英国国会大厦旁边的西敏寺的路上,看到在国会大厦门前抗议英国脱欧的人群,她(他)们非常激昂,还不断的高歌 “让脱欧滚蛋吧” (我还真不知道怎么翻译她们的词,所以翻译的不太好。)

On the way to Westminster Abbey, there were a group of Brexit protesters in front of Parliament. They were very passionate, and constantly singing in unison,  “shove Brexit up your ass.”  Which was quite amusing when it was sung with a British accent.

西敏寺 – Westminster Abbey


Situated next to the Parliament, Westminster Abbey is a gothic-style building that’s used by the British Monarch as a place of burial or coronation. Westminster Abbey was built in accordance with the will of the Confessor Edward, who was also the first king to be buried there in 1065. The funeral of Princess Diana was also held here as well as her marriage. Besides the Royal Family, there are many other famous people buried here; such as British aristocracy, poets, politicians and scientists. Charles Darwin, Dickens, Newton, and Stephen Hawking was also buried here just last Friday. Taking pictures was not allowed, so I only took a few photos outside.

寺的入口正面照. The front of the temple entrance.
西敏寺围墙内的花园. The garden within the walls.


This is actually a blog of yesterday, I started writing it last night, but we got back to our place very late, so I couldn’t complete it. I don’t want to be behind blogging too much, so I completed it this morning 🙂

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