芬兰城堡,赫尔辛基大教堂,岩石教堂 – Finnish castle, Helsinki Cathedral, The Rock Church


Today we had a full schedule of sightseeing. We were up early in the morning to see the Finnish castle on the island of Suomenlinna (Castle of Finland), but in our rush PJG and I accidentally went to the wrong port – a car ferry port without tourists. But it turned out to be more fun because we also met a group of primary school students going to summer camp on the island.

这三个漂亮的小姑娘坐在我俩的对面,我问她们几年级了,结果她们不说英文。我便用Google翻译软件跟她们进行了简短的对话 😅😅  她们高兴地接受了我拍照片的请求。

The ferry, also loaded with vehicles going there, one containing a large truck filled with sand 🙂 But these three beautiful little girls sat across from us, and I asked them what grade they were in, and they just giggled and didn’t want or couldn’t speak English. So I used Google translator to have a brief, but fun,  conversation with them 😅😅 … and then they were pleased to accept my request for a photo shoot.


The fortress of Finland was built in 1748, when Finland was part of the Kingdom of Sweden. In 1991, the castle was added to the World Heritage List by UNESCO as a model for European military architecture. The Finnish castle is a fortress protecting entrance to the harbor and at different times has been used by Sweden, Russia and Finland, giving the castle its uniqueness.

从1808年起,芬兰战争使要塞在接下来的110年里一直作为俄罗斯的海军基地; 1918年芬兰内战时,城堡中设立了一座战俘营, 芬兰政府接管要塞并将其命名为芬兰城堡;1939年二战爆发,这里被用作岸基炮兵、防空部队和潜艇部队的基地。1973年,芬兰驻军撤离,芬兰城堡移交给教育和文化部管理。

Following the 1808 war with Russia, the fortress was used by Russia as a naval base for the next 110 years; Following the Finnish Civil War in 1918, a POW camp was set up in the castle, and the Finnish Government took over the fort and renamed it the Finnish Castle, or Suomenlinna; it was used as an onshore artillery in 1939 for bases of anti-aircraft units and submarine forces. The Finnish garrison was evacuated in 1973 and the Finnish castle was then handed over to the Ministry of Education and Culture for management. There will be a test later.

芬兰城堡教堂 Finnish Castle Chapel
在这里活的自由自在的赫尔辛基鹅. Helsinki Geese (resemble Canada Geese but have white foreheads)


The military fortress, which had experienced brutal fighting, has now morphed into a water-green, scenic haven.


After the tour of the Finnish castle, the boat returned to the market Square, and behind the square in the distance is the Helsinki Cathedral, also known as the White Church, in neo-classical architectural style, designed by the German architect Carl Ludwig Engel in 1830.

教堂里面比较平实,没有像其他知名教堂那样的金碧辉煌。The church is more down-to-earth and not as splendid as other famous churches.


But here! I’ve found my favorite place! The Rock Church. This church was designed by two brothers – Timo and Tuomo, and the building of the church nestled in the natural rock won the two brothers a 1961 architectural competition. The church, seen from the outside, looks like an alien UFO, designed to break the traditional church design concepts, so the design was protested by locals for its untraditional design. The church was completed in 1969 and is now part of the culture of Helsinki.

我和胖金哥在的时候,有一位优雅的女士在弹一种竖琴(不太确定是什么琴),给教堂增加了特别温柔的气氛。我特别喜欢教堂利用自然光线的设计,不同的角度,部位,人, 光,影,信仰,音乐相互交融呼应,形成了这么由生命力,时时变化莫测的不平凡的世界。

The top of the church is formed from a 22 km long copper strip, rolled around the ceiling. When we were there, an elegant lady played a harpsichord which added a particularly gentle atmosphere to the church.


I feel today has brought me a wealth of different history and scenery that I am not used to; sitting there quietly listening to the music, watching the rhythm of the lights and shadows, looking up at the rocks circling the top of the church and suddenly feel the huge universe and how insignificant I am.

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