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7月2日,星期一 July 2, Monday
今天是在巴黎的最后一天,我俩决定去坐那个站点停靠间随上随下的塞纳河游船。今天上午天气多云,又下了些小雨,所以意外的气候宜人,我俩便下船上船又有机会看了卢浮宫周边的景色和一些没去过的街区。意外的发现了一片儿有很多日本饭店,非常思念亚洲菜的我俩就在那里解决了午餐。傍晚时分,我俩又在一个咖啡馆来了两杯这里流行的超浓咖啡,坐在那里欣赏过往人群。晚上,又去了蒙马特高地,欣赏了一下红磨坊的夜颜 😁😁 话说这里太阳下山的真晚,快到11点了才有些夜晚的感觉。今天没有进行什么大项目,所以贴一些大街小巷的照片以作纪念。
Today is our last day in Paris and we decided to use the Hop-on-Hop off Seine River cruise. It was cloudy and drizzled a little this morning so the weather was pleasant and we had a chance to stroll around the scenery near the Louvre and some neighborhoods that we had not been. One area we were surprised to find was a large asian restaurant area. There were many Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese restaurants and I very much was missing Asian food so we decided to have lunch there.
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