Cornwall with my Dad (和父亲一起重游康沃尔)

I travelled to Cornwall with my Dad. Of course he wasn’t there physically, but his memories and pictures accompanied Zhaoyang and me as we trekked through the Cornwall countryside, backroads, tiny roads and towns with his picture book in hand looking to find the exact locations he and his sister were in 1949. There were some successes and some failures but the adventure was more than worth it.


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天涯海角和毛斯尔 (Lands End, Mousehole)

今天继续追寻PJG父亲的脚步,去了天涯海角(Lands’ End) 和毛斯尔(Mousehole)。今天是父亲节,说起来他过的还挺有意义的 😊 PJG开了有10个小时的车,真的很疯狂!在英国的乡间小路开车还真是特别,有很多小路过一辆车都很困难,根本无法错车,如果开到半路遇到对面过来的车,有一辆车就需要后退!不过其实这是一个很有意思的经历,我们今天只需要后退了一次 😅, 不过停下来让路有很多次。 这种事情似乎很平常,看起来英国人都习以为常了,每次小路错车或者让路后,对方的司机都会打手势表示感谢。其实总体来说在英国开车非常容易,因为大家都很遵守相同的规则,左车道开车,右车道超车,非常井然有的,这样更有效率和更安全。

Today we continued to pursue PJG father’s footsteps, we went to Lands’ End and Mousehole (pronounced Mouzel). Today is Father’s Day,  he said it made it even more special 😊.

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