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7月5日 星期四 Thursday, July 5th
当然今天早上还是没有水,房主的女儿说好9点会给我俩打电话,告知一下修水管的进程,9点半多了还没有她的音信,PJG就给她打了一个电话询问。她说咨询一下再回复给我们,过了一会儿,她说工人说下午两点也许会弄好,然后她给我俩定了一个附近的酒店。稍作整理,我俩带了一些必需用品搬去了酒店。终于可以洗个澡和上厕所了 😅😂😂😅
Of course, there is still no water this morning. The daughter of the landlord said that she would call us at 9 o’clock to inform us of the status of the pipe repair. At 9:30, there was no news from her. PJG gave her a phone call. She said that she would reply to us after a consultation. After a while, she said that the workers said that they might get it fixed by 2pm and then she booked us at a nearby hotel. We took some essential supplies to the hotel and I can finally take a shower and go to the bathroom. 😅😂😂😅
After the rest and washing, it was almost 12 o’clock. We were going to go to Brussels, the capital of Belgium, but it would take three hours round trip. We both gave up on the plan to go there and decided to spend time in Ghent. We went to the medieval castle – Earl’s Castle, built in 1180. The castle was once the residence of the Count of Flanders, the lord of a medieval European feudal territory. This castle is much simpler than the other castles we have been to. It has been used as a court, prison, factory, etc. in its 800-year history.
People sitting on the banks of the Scheldt rivers have also become part of the beautiful landscape!
在根特悠闲的逛了一下,这里有着布鲁日的风情,但是少了些商业气息,少了些游客,显得更清静宜人一些 🙃
Taking a leisurely stroll in Ghent, where you have the style of Bruges, but much less commercial atmosphere, less tourists, and simply more quiet and pleasant.🙃