徒步慢游 – Paris Walking Tour

6月30日 星期六 – Saturday,  June 30th

PJG和我今天决定进行自己的巴黎徒步慢游,四处看看巴黎的大街小巷。虽然今天天气很热,我俩还是斗志昂扬 💪

We decided to do a walking tour today to leisurely look around the streets in Paris. Although it is very hot today, we are filled with excitement.


The first stop is The Luxembourg Park, about 15 minutes walk from our apartment. There are palaces, lawns, shades, fountains, children’s playgrounds, sculptures in the park; and people are here to rest, read, exercise, picnic and playing with sails boats in the pond and so on. The park was originally built by the widow of King Henri IV in 1612 as her new place of residence. Now owned by the French Senate the park has become a popular place for Parisian casual gatherings.

在树荫下读书和聊天的人 – people in the shade to chat and read.


In the Fountain Pond in front of the Luxembourg Palace,  there are many people playing with small sail boats. Boys, girls and adults play attentively, pushing the boats with a wooden stick, then watching them sail  in the wind. The price for a boats is 4 Euros for 30 minutes. But unfortunately all the boats were in the water, so we decided not to wait and continued on our walking tour.

在公园里树荫下乘凉各行其事的人们 – people enjoying the shade
还有练瑜伽的 – practicing Yoga
他在聚精会神的练耍4个球 – He was very focusing on his juggling four balls.


On the way to our next stop, we stumbled across a ceramic art market with many stalls selling unique artwork. In the US, every May to June,  there are Art and Wine Festivals going on in many cities to sell artwork. But every year we’ve been all of the stuff seems to be the same and most of the artwork can’t really be regarded as art. In contrast, the artwork here seem very unique and artistic. If we did not have to continue to travel with our luggage, we would have bought one piece from here for sure.

EPJG很喜欢这款艺术品 – PJG really liked these pieces.
他在跟设计这聊天 – He was talking with the artist.
看起来市场是搭的临时的棚子,不知道是不是长期在这里举行。- Not sure how long the market has been around.

接下里,我俩到了史蒂文最喜欢的巴黎的一条街 Rue Cler。史蒂文是美国的一位旅游作者,出过书和记录旅游的纪录片,在这次旅游前,我俩看过很多他的“史蒂文带你游欧洲”里的很多片子,在讲巴黎的片子里,他提到Rue Cler是他最喜欢的一条街。我俩慕名而来,结果不能说是失望,也没有什么惊喜,因为这里和其它很多街巷都很类似。

We then went to Rue Cler which was mentioned by Rick Steves as his favorite street in Paris. He is a travel writer in the US and he produced many books and travel videos. Before our trip, we saw many episodes of the “Rick Steves’ Europe” travel series.  In the one about Paris, he mentioned that Rue Cler is his favorite street. So we came here, and we can’t say we are disappointed, but we are not very pleased either, because it is like many other streets in Paris although very touristy – but we prefer Montmartre.

鲜花店 – fruits stalls
坐在餐厅外面吃午餐,和下午咖啡的人们 – people enjoying their meals and coffee
用手机拍美女很困难,容易被发现 😅 – It is difficult to get a shot of a pretty women secretly by phone 😅 without arousing suspicion.
很多很多芝士 – many many types of cheese

下面到了著名的凯旋门。它位于巴黎戴高乐广场中心,是1806年拿破仑下令修建以纪念击败俄奥联军,是象征着胜利的纪念碑。在凯旋门的门墩的墙面上,刻有4组表现战争的大型浮雕:“出征”、“胜利”、“和平” 和 “抵抗”。

We reached the famous Arc de Triomphe which is located in the center of Place Charles de Gaulle. It was ordered to be built by Napoleon in 1806, to commemorate those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars; it is a symbol of Victories. On the walls, there are four large sculptures depicting the war period: “On the March”, “Victory”, “Peace” and “Resistance”.

圆形的戴高乐广场连接着12条路,各个方向的车开到这里真的是一片混乱,前天我俩从巴黎郊外回来,开车经过这里,意外的发现这里的交通状况很糟糕,有点像我老家,车多,失去了秩序, 谁能抢到路谁走,非常混乱。我拍了一段视频以做记录。 😅

There are 12 roads leading to the center of the square and the traffic from all directions of can be really bad and messy. The day before yesterday we came back from outside of Paris, driving through here, and we experienced a very messy situation. Its a bit like in my hometown in China, whoever gets the road first, goes. so many times, cars are stuck from different directions – gridlock!. It was really brutal. I took a video of it to commemorate it for the time when someone complains about Chinese driving.  😅

象征“和平”的浮雕 – The sculpture “Peace”
门上和门内刻有跟随拿破仑征战的将军和胜战的名字 – The names of the generals who followed Napoleon inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces.
无名烈士墓和墓前的长明灯,为了纪念那些在第一次世界大战中为法国牺牲的战士们。- The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Eternal Flame to commemorate those who died in WWI for France.


Walking for almost 4 hours in the hot sun! We’re exhausted. Similar to London, there are a number of buildings that are hundreds of years old, and these buildings are where the ordinary Parisians live. These buildings are built of big, hard stone, and they look solid and strong, there is no doubt that they will stand here for another hundreds years. We also visited a few places where his father had been, and he will write about that in another note about those places. (assuming he can finish all the translating!!!!!!)


After returning to our place, we went to a public laundry across street because our place has no washer. 4.7 euros can wash 7 kg of clothes, and every 8 minutes of drying costs 1.2 euros, with 1 euro for the washing powder. When buying the detergent, the machine ate my 50 cent euro coin! So it cost us 8.6 euros to wash our clothes here in Paris, not bad!

在吃晚饭的地方,和邻桌的一个小伙子聊天,他是黎巴嫩人,在上研究生,是做政治漫画的,来巴黎进行10天的学习。他可以说流利的法语和英语,而且非常吃惊一个18岁的学生对美国政治非常了解,具体关于政治的聊天细节就不在这里记录了 😉

While we were having dinner, we chatted with a young fellow at the next table. He is from Lebanon, and a graduate student who studies political comics, and he is here for a 10-day workshop. He can speak French and English fluently, as well as Arabic.

We were surprised to learn that a 18-year-old student was very knowledgeable about American politics! I think I will skip the details about our conversation. 😉  However, we were all on the same page about the you-know-who Monkey.

3 thoughts on “徒步慢游 – Paris Walking Tour”

  1. 美好的一天!徒步这种方式我觉得更好,就是不急的这种。看来你俩在法国的时间比较宽裕呀。

  2. Love the pictures.
    In your next post: Unique things seen in.., I can not read it, it comes up with an error message.

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