纠结的威尼斯 (The Tangled Venice)

Weave your way through an English translation inline below …

7月31日 星期二



Tuesday, July 31

I am calling this the tangled Venice, but in fact it was the two of us that were tangled 🙂

Verona is about 70 miles from Venice and can be reached by train in a little more than an hour. It was very convenient to buy the Italo train ticket online the day before, and we both set off at 6:45 this morning on the high speed train to Venice. We are very excited!



热! 真的太热了,天气预报是35度,在烈日暴晒下超过了35度。

人多! 人山人海! 要想进入那些著名教堂或景点,都要在大太阳下排长长的队伍! 我俩宁可放弃了!

公共交通拥挤不方便! 整座城市都是建在水上,是被众多运河分隔并由众多桥梁相连的118座小岛组成的城市,所以要么是步行,要么是坐像公交车的水上巴士,要么坐水上出租车。但是由于游客太多,拥挤的水上巴士就像一个蒸笼,太阳是那把火,上船就是一身大汗。而且,我觉得等水上巴士的时间也比较长,等船的巴士站也是像蒸笼一样,总之感觉尤其不方便。



But after a day of sightseeing and wandering the maze of alleys, the two of us were really tangled and confounded. How could we love such a unique and famous city, but we couldn’t enjoy it. There are several reasons:

The primary answer is Heat! It’s really hot, the weather forecast is for 90 degrees, and it’s more than that in the hot sun with high humidity.

More people! Amazing crowds! Too many people! To enter the famous churches or attractions, you must queue up in a long line under the hot sun! We refused!

Public transportation is not convenient and crowded! The entire city is built on the water! It is a city of 118 small islands separated by many canals and connected by many bridges. So it is either a walk, a water bus, or a water taxi. But because there are so many tourists, the crowded water bus is like a steamer, the sun is the fire, and the boat is a sweat. Moreover, I feel that the time waiting for the water bus is relatively long and waiting for the bus is also like being in a steamer. In general, it feels particularly inconvenient.

Of course, if you don’t do the boat, you can walk through various alleys and various bridges, but the whole Venice is like a big labyrinth. If you don’t have a map or the googles, you will easily get lost, and be found later melted in the hot sun.

However, with all the complaining about our entanglement, Venice is still a unique city with many picturesque views and was certainly worth seeing – Although we are convinced we did the right thing to be based in the lovely and relatively quiet city of Verona.

刚下火车看到的景色  Our first views of Venice after emerging from the train
想象中的典型的威尼斯景色  How I have always imagined a typical Venice scene would look like
这里的运输都是用船来进行,这个船正在卸载某个小店的用品  The transportation here is all carried out by boat. This one is unloading supplies destined for a small shop.
这个船在运输施工材料  This ship is transporting construction materials
在城里挨家挨户收垃圾的工作人员,我俩看到他们走到一个楼下,按下每家的门铃,收取垃圾。然后这个垃圾车会被放到船上运走。 In the city, door-to-door garbage collectors ring each doorbell and collect garbage. Then the garbage will be put on board a boat and transported away.
安康圣母圣殿 Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute
(Basilica of Saint Mary of Health)
坐船到达圣马可区域 The most convenient way to reach San Marco is by boat.
威尼斯市中心的最著名的圣马可广场(Piazza San Marco) The most famous place in the heart of Venice, St. Mark’s Square 
始建于1514年的圣马可钟楼,该钟楼在1902年突然倒塌,现在的建筑是在1912年重建的。  Founded in 1514, the clock tower of St. Marks, collapsed in 1902, and was rebuilt in 1912.
威尼斯的天主教主教座堂-圣马可大教堂(Saint Mark’s Basilica),拜占庭式建筑的典范。  Venice’s Catholic Cathedral – Saint Mark’s Basilica, a model of Byzantine architecture.
广场一侧的行政官邸大楼(Procuratie)  The Procuratie, administrative bureau buildings on the sides of  St Mark’s square 
圣马可大教堂和边上排队进入教堂的长队  St. Mark’s Cathedral and the long queue to get into the church
广场三侧的行政官邸大楼前都是饭店摆出的座位,这个饭店还有钢琴,手风琴和歌唱表演。我和其它游客要坐在两个饭店之间的石阶上,被饭店的人赶走了 😂  In front of the administrative bureau building on the three sides of the square are the seats of the restaurant. There is also a piano, accordion and singing performances. I and other tourists were sitting on the stone steps between the two restaurants and were driven away by the “Respect Venice” folks – apparently you can’t sit on the steps in St Mark’s Square.
圣马可广场边的小广场,两根柱子是威尼斯著名的白色石柱,左侧柱子上是威尼斯守护神圣马可的飞狮,右侧上的雕塑是威尼斯的守护神圣狄奥多。A small square adjacent to St. Mark’s Square, the two pillars are the famous white stone pillars of Venice. On the left is the lion that guards the sacred San Marco of Venice and on the right is the San Teodoro of Venice.
总督宫  The Governor’s Palace
繁忙的水上巴士  A Busy water bus
有时候幸运可以在外面的阴影处找个座位  Sometimes we were lucky enough to find a seat in the shade outside
船内基本就是蒸笼 The boat is basically a steamer – Steamed Humans for lunch?
水上巴士停靠站 A Water bus stop
水上出租车  The Water taxis
著名的传统划船项目-贡多拉  TheFamous traditional Venice Gondola – We’re 80 Euros richer! Yeah!
叹息桥- “密封式拱桥建筑,由内向外望只能通过桥上的小窗子。叹息桥的两端连接法院与监狱两处,死囚通过此桥之时,常是行刑前的一刻,因感叹即将结束的人生而得名”  Bridge of Sighs, leading to the prison – So named from the suggestion that prisoners would sigh at their final view of beautiful Venice through the window before being taken down to their cells.


As mentioned above, in addition to numerous winding waterways, countless bridges and numerous small islands, Venice is like a big labyrinth, with many, many narrow alleys, sometimes you don’t know where to go or if you’ll reach a dead end. We developed a small game while wandering around. Each of us chooses an alley to walk through and if you come to a dead end, you lose one point. If there is a passage through the alley you add one point. And add five points for staying in the shade!

威尼斯有名的沉船书店- Libreria Acqua Alta, 书店里有一只大船。  Venice’s famous shipwreck bookstore, Libreria Acqua Alta, has a large ship in the center of the bookstore.


Since Venice hosts the world-famous Venetian Mask Carnival every year, there are many shops selling masks. The various masks are actually very interesting. If we didn’t still have to continue traveling with only two small bags, I would definitely buy a few.



We were going to take the train back to Verona at 8pm after dinner, but under the attack of the scorching sun and the crowds of tourists, we decided to take the 5pm train and returned to Verona. The feeling of Venice along the way is really mixed. The first impression is that you can love it and still hate it. Maybe the next time we’ll choose a more suitable time, when the climate is pleasant; when the tourists are fewer and stay longer. Until then, we have a good understanding of Venice, one of the world’s most unique cities.

One thought on “纠结的威尼斯 (The Tangled Venice)”

  1. 威尼斯真美!
    有一天我去乌镇了,东栅的人 太多了,人山人海,小步挪,也是三十四五度高温,弄的我马上没心情了。特别有同感!

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