惊艳的布拉格 2 (Beautiful Prague, Part II)

Stunning pictures and descriptions in English below …

7月19日 星期四



Thursday, July 19

We got up before six and took the subway to the Charles Bridge to enjoy the beauty of a sunrise over Prague. We bought 24-hour public transportation cards giving us unlimited transportation for the day. Like in Berlin, on the first use, you need to use the time puncher before entering the station to start the 24-hour clock. Also, like Berlin, this system relies on good faith. No one checks the ticket, nor are there any check-in facilities or personnel when entering the station.

On arriving we found a very peaceful bridge, free from tourists and the music of the street performers. Although the bridge was much quieter in the early morning, it was not empty, as we came across couples taking wedding photos on the bridge; and most of them were Chinese.

第一次见到没有被游客占满的查理大桥 . Our first view of the Charles Bridge, without the mobs of tourists.
远处的城堡和红瓦屋顶比傍晚时分更瞩目 . The red tile roofs and the castle in the distance are even more eye-catching in the morning sun.

大桥上的雕塑基本是黑色的,应该是因为雕塑的某个材料因为氧化造成的。 The sculptures on the bridge are basically black due to oxidation of the type of stone that is used for the sculptures.

从这个这个雕塑的颜色看来,应该是被修缮过的  Due to the color, we assume this is a renovated statue
通往布拉格小城的两个桥塔,可以和昨晚夕阳下的桥塔照片比较的看一下,有不同的感觉   The two bridge towers leading to Lesser Town of Prague have a different feeling as compared with the orange glow of the sunset from last night.
从老城进入查理大桥的桥塔 Entering Charles Bridge from the bridge tower of the Old Town.



The famous writer Franz Kafka, who was born in Prague, said something like this to his good friend before his death. “My life and inspiration are all from the great Charles Bridge.” I had not read any of Kafka’s books before coming here but now I will to gain an understanding of how and why the bridge inspired him.

Making our way across the Charles Bridge, we walked through the Old Town Square again – the square was very quiet, and we could better appreciate the various surrounding buildings.

“一分钟之屋”,初建于15世纪初,是一座晚期哥特式建筑,屋子外墙的壁画为切刮艺术,图案描述圣经故事和古典神话传说。  The “One Minute House”, originally built in the early 15th century, is a late period Gothic building. The murals on the exterior walls are called “cut-and-scratch art”, depicting biblical stories and classical myths.
不知道这座房子有什么历史 . Interesting building, but I have no idea what its history is.


The medieval era Prague Astronomical Clock is located on the south wall of the Old Town City Hall and has endured more than 600 years of history. The astronomical clock is a mechanical device capable of tracking the positions of the moon and stars and  astronomy in the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, the astronomical clock was undergoing maintenance so we didn’t have a chance to see it in operation. They put a large monitor in front that shows a video of the clock instead.

维修墙外面挂着天文钟的照片,不过似乎是电子投影仪版的。 A video screen depicting the astronomical clock hangs outside to show what it looked like.
清晨阳光下的老市政厅,在塔楼上可以俯瞰美丽的老城,我俩晚上就会上去 The old town hall in the morning sun, overlooking the beautiful old city. We will go up this tower tonight.
晨光下的圣尼古拉教堂 . St. Nicholas Church in the morning light
晨光下的泰恩教堂 . Tyne Church against the sun rise.
胡斯雕像-在阴影下,照片里有些看不清楚 . Jan Hus Statue – in the shadow of the buildings…

清晨在查理大桥和老城广场间穿梭完,拍完照片后,我俩就回到民宿休息了一下,中午出发先去了布拉格小城那边的山上,希望能看一下布拉格的全景。路过卡夫卡博物馆,门前的两个雕像喷泉很有个性 😅  是两个男人站着对着尿尿,而且身体的臀部还会旋转 ,这个喷泉雕塑叫“ Proudy”,是捷克艺术家 David Černý的作品。 水池的外形是捷克的国家地图的形状。

In our morning walk, we shuttled between the Charles Bridge and the Old Town Square. After taking photos, we went back to the apartment and took a break. Before lunch we walked up the hill where the Prague Castle stands hoping to see a panorama of Prague. Passing through the Kafka Museum, we found these two statue fountains in the courtyard of the museum. The two men stand facing each other peeing, and the hips of their bodies rotate. The fountain sculpture is called, “Proudy” and is the work of Czech artist David Černý. The pool is in the shape of the map of the Czech Republic.

去山上也就是通往城堡的路上,还要走一段新城堡阶梯,再向上走一段就看到靠墙边排的很长的队伍,我俩以为是去城堡买票的队伍,没想到竟然是过安检的队伍,不知道城堡还有多远,但是我俩可真没兴趣站在大太阳下排队过安检。而且我俩上去只是去看全景, 并不是要参观城堡,所以在旁边的一个平台上就可以完全欣赏到一部分美丽的布拉格全景。

We climbed the steps up the side of the mountain leading to the castle. As we reached the top we see a long queue of people standing against the wall for, what we thought was the ticket line. It turns out, this was just the security check and we were really not interested in standing in the hot sun probably to find another line inside to buy tickets. And, as we had gone up to see the panorama and not to visit the castle we found a perfectly good viewing area outside of the castle.

爬新城堡阶梯 Climbing the stairs to the castle
过安检的长队伍 Long line for the security inspection
布拉格非常具有代表性的红砖屋顶全景 . Prague’s iconic red brick roof panorama
在这个平台上还可以买饮料酒水 . You can also buy drinks here …
他应该是世界上少数的被这种美景包围的调酒师了吧 . With a full bar …  I bet very few bartenders in the world are surrounded by this beauty.
她的画也很好看,都是画布拉格的 .  This woman was selling original paintings she did of Prague.


Back down the mountain, we returned to the Charles Bridge to again see a different version during the day.

大桥上又充满了很多的游客,很多画家也出来摆摊作画 .  The bridge is full of tourists, and many painters have also come out to paint


The sculptures under the strong afternoon sun are more clearly defined, solemn, against the blue sky, and they let people listen to the stories they represent.



Street performers with all kinds of musical instruments add a romantic atmosphere to the bridge.

A blind man playing accordian
A marionette “playing” guitar


The Old Town Square was also full of tourists and had began to get noisy again.


PJG bought two tickets for the tower city hall on the Internet, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the Old Town Square. Today’s sunset time is at 9:01pm. We went to the top of the tower at 8:40, and the beautiful Old Town Square and the iconic red tile roofs are really beautiful!

落日余晖下的泰恩教堂 . The Tyne Church under the glory of the setting sun
广场里看街头艺人表演的人群竟然围成了心形 . The crowd watching a street performer gathered around in the shape of a heart.

我俩在这次旅行中登上过伦敦的碎片大厦,巴黎的埃菲尔塔,柏林的电视塔,  我觉得这应该是看到的城市全景最美的地方,红红的屋顶在夕阳温暖余晖的映照下,显得更加强烈和浓郁,为布拉格增添了一绪更加迷人的色彩。

So far on this trip, we have taken in the views from the Shard Building in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and the TV Tower in Berlin. Without a doubt, I think this is the most beautiful panorama we have seen yet. The red roofs reflecting the warmth of the setting sun. The roof colors appear more intense and rich, adding a more fascinating feeling to Prague.

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