Thursday, May 5, 2022. Day 17 of the trip, day 6 in Corfu
今天也野心比较小,只计划去一个地方- Mirtiotissa,也就是上次提到的那个,驾驶过崎岖,狭窄,陡峭的山路才能到达的修道院。因为2天前看到这个修道院后并不确定是否是1969年去过的那个,PJG给修道院的人发了一封邮件询问,意外的是修道院的人回复并确认了老照片里的就是他的修道院。所以今天再次历经艰险前往。
Today is a less ambitious day and we only planned to visit one place – going back to the Mirtiotissa Monastery: only be accessible by driving the rough, narrow, and steep mountain roads. Why are we going back?
Was it to torture me some more? No, because after seeing this monastery two days ago, we could not identify some of the photos and so PJG wasn’t sure whether it was the same one from 1969. But yesterday, PJG sent an email to the monastery to ask, and the monastery replied and confirmed that the old photo was indeed the monastery. So today I will suffer the hardships of PJGs mountain driving again!

When we arrived at the monastery, it was still very quiet, no one seemed to be there and occasionally we could hear the peacock’s calling. This time I saw three males and two females at a closer distance. After searching around, we couldn’t find the elusive gate from 1969 that we were looking for. Finally, I pushed the front doorbell and Father Daniel appeared. He seemed a bit annoyed at first but grew more friendly as we spoke. He said that during the renovation of the monastery in 2004, the previous gate was replaced and a new wall was rebuilt, so no wonder it looked different (so much for that mystery.) The Father also brought peacocks here 17 years ago. He said doesn’t know how many peacocks there are today, because these peacocks roam freely. Well, the mystery is finally revealed.

第一个目标实现了,时间还早,我俩去了另外一个目的地 – Nasaki,PJG的父亲在1969年拍了一张海滩边建在岩石上的饭店。 因为记忆的褪去,他推测他们家人应该在那里曾经进过餐。当然我俩也就在那里解决了午餐。给店主人看了50多年前的照片,店主人说这个店是他祖父在50年代是开的,现在还是他的家人在经营这个饭店。
So today’s first goal was achieved and it was still early, so we went to another destination – Nasaki. PJG’s father took a photo of a restaurant built on the rocks by the beach in 1969. Because of the fading memory, he speculated that their family had lunch and swam there – so of course we had lunch there too. I showed the owner the old photo from 50 years ago. He told us that the restaurant was opened by his grandfather in the 1950s, and his family is still running the restaurant today.

After returning to the hotel in the afternoon, we both fell asleep. When we woke up it was already past 5 o’clock. We sat on the balcony watching the waves for a while and wrote the blog and then, of course, we returned to that restaurant again. Nicholas, the owner, said he couldn’t find a good rabbit for my promised dish! We hope to have an easy night tomorrow, so this would be our last visit to that restaurant. So, unfortunately no rabbit for me!

Today PJG felt very tired. I guess after five days of driving on the mountain roads in Corfu, it finally caught up to him. But thanks to his amazing driving skills we saw many hidden places of Corfu! Tomorrow is our last day in Corfu and we have started to look forward to our next stop, Athens!
The Mirtiotissa monastery steeple with the bells looks familiar. I see we were in swimsuits next to the restaurant and I vaguely remember being there. I wonder what caused the beach beneath the monastery to disappear. Mum and Dad liked deserted beaches.
I’ve enjoyed your trip down memory lane. I guess Dad rented a car for all these visits.
Perhaps Brian will remember more …
Which person do you think is you in a swimsuit?
On the right in bathing suit holding a towel? In my right hand, standing next to mother? with yellow bathing suit.
On the right with the long hair, holding a maybe a towel in my right hand. Standing next to Mum in yellow swimsuit. And if Brian is correct and this is 1969 then the man walking towards us is John Hodges.
Yes it’s 1969 … but you are in another photo from Corfu in a different swimsuit. I don’t you had two. John Hodges was with us in 68 (not Corfu)
Ok so maybe not me but I might have had 2 suits. Weird how people look alike. My memory is obviously fading, sad.
(It obviously takes more than 1/2 hour for posts from my iphone to reach my desktop!)
Well it is a free service … lol
I believe the Nasaki restaurant visit was from 1969, but your photo stamps can confirm. One memory was we could see Albania from that restaurant. A map can confirm.(Albania at the time was a closed country.)
Lots of memories but nothing to help illuminate our trip any further.
What a great trip. Zhaoyang is a trooper for putting up with all of it!
Yes it was 69 … I’ll need to recheck the other parts of the blogs … hard to get good help anymore.