Just after 7am someone excitedly urged me to get up so we could continue riding the electric scooters! We had paid for 24 hours and there were more than 6 hours left. So after quickly washing up, eating our croissants for breakfast, and not finishing yesterday’s blogging, we left at 8 o’clock, the first time to get going so early!
Although there was a light rain in the beginning, the advantage of getting out early was that there are very few tourists – and riding an electric scooter is almost unobstructed. After riding all morning, we rode to some places on the scooters that we wouldn’t have gone to otherwise.
奥古斯塔街凯旋门, 纪念1755年里斯本大地震后的灾后重建。The Arc de Triomphe on Rua Augusta, commemorating the reconstruction after the great earthquake of Lisbon in 1755.这张照片是几天前拍的,所以光线不一样,凯旋门上的雕塑都非常巨大,中间的女性高达7米. This photo was taken a few days ago, so the weather is different, the sculptures on the Arc de Triomphe are all very huge, the woman in the middle is more than 20 feet tall.凯旋门前的国王何塞一世骑马雕像. An equestrian statue of King Jose the 1st, in front of the Arc de Triomphe电动踏板车停车场. An electric scooter parking lot.骑这个拍照片非常不方便,必须停下来,不能一只手把把. It’s very inconvenient to take pictures while riding a scooter, you have to stop, otherwise you’ll crash.帅哥经过. A handsome guy passing by.一开始下雨的时候,我俩找了个一个安静没雨的地方自拍. When it started to rain, we found a quiet place out of the rain to take some video selfies.在这种小巷里骑就比较困难,尤其是这种石头拼的路. It is difficult to ride in this kind of alley, especially with the road made of small stones.骑不了就推着走了. If you can’t ride it, just push it up the hill.突然发现这个是那天晚上有葡萄牙歌剧演出的饭店. We suddenly realized that this is the same sloped restaurant where there was a Portuguese Fado singer the other night.
We originally had planned to ride our scooters to the Puerta del Sol viewing platform up the hill to see the iconic Lisbon postcard scenery, but we were defeated by the steep hills and stone alleys. We returned the scooters and hiked the rest of the way up the hill on foot to see the scenery.
挂着世界各种语言的牌子的一面墙. A wall with plates inscribed in various languages.中文写的是:如果我把硬币扔到雕像并击中书,未来有保障:没错,我要结婚了. The plate in Chinese says: “If I throw a coin at the statue and hit the book, the future is secure: Yes, I’m getting married.”看到有人向这尊雕像手上的书扔硬币. We saw someone tossing a coin on to the book in the statue’s hand.里斯本主教座堂, 是里斯本最古老的一座教堂,建于1147年,历经了多次地震而幸存,也被改建过数次,站在前面感觉非常宏伟。The Lisbon Cathedral, the oldest church in Lisbon, was built in 1147. It has survived many earthquakes and has been rebuilt several times. Standing in front of it feels very grand.教堂内部. The church interior.今日份的蛋挞和咖啡. Today’s Pastel De Nata and Coffee.Tuk Tuk的停车场. A Tuk Tuk car park.著名的Tram28. The famous Route 28 Tram.美丽的里斯本景色. A beautiful iconic Lisbon view.一个弹吉他的人,音乐总是能给任何地方增添魅力. A guy playing guitar always adds charm to any place.发现了路旁的一个巨大的树,它应该是有千年的寿命了吧, 某人藏在树后面 Found a very old huge tree beside the road – someone is hiding behind it.从太阳门观景台步行不到10分钟到了Caracol da Graça观景点. Less than 10 minutes walk from the Puerta del Sol observation deck is the Caracol da Graça viewpoint.
We rode our scooters down the hill and to a seafood restaurant called Cervejaria Ramiro for lunch. We had been there on Friday night, but the queue was too long to bother with. The staff had told us that it is easier to get a table at lunch. Why, among the thousands of restaurants in Lisbon, does a restaurant with a bland appearance and a not-so-central location stand out? Well, of course, it’s unique food! Also, we’ve seen a lot of people on YouTube recommend this place, and what was more important to us was that Anthony Bourdain had been here too.
The restaurant just opened at noon, and there were about a dozen people in line, including us. We were seated very quickly. I am so excited as a foodie! The variety of seafood here is much more than any other restaurant we’ve been to, and the taste really lived up to its reputation, definitely not just because of the celebrity effect!
Goose Barnacle,google翻译的中文名“鹅颈藤壶”, 从来没见过的一种海鲜, 据Wiki,“鹅颈藤壶数量并不多而且产量在不断减少,所以主要靠人工捕捞,其价格也十分高昂,每公斤可达90欧元。有考古证据显示人类在一万年前就开始食用这种藤壶了。” 真的非常新鲜好吃,有点像螺类蛤蜊肉的混合品,又软嫩又有嚼劲。 Goose Barnacle, the Chinese name “goose barnacle” translated by google, is a kind of seafood that I’ve never been seen before. According to Wiki the number of goose barnacles is decreasing, so it is mainly harvested on farms, and the price can be very expensive, up to 90 euros per kilogram. There is archaeological evidence that humans began to eat this barnacle 10,000 years ago.” Really very fresh and delicious, a bit like a mix of snail and clam meat, soft tender and chewy.Spiny Dye-murex,谷歌翻译“多刺染料骨螺”,这个也从来没吃过,和其他螺类的味道和口感很相似. Spiny Dye-murex, Google translates to “spiky dye bone snail”, this one i’ve also never eaten, and has a similar taste and texture of other snails.大蒜蛤蜊,这个太好吃了,蛤蜊非常新鲜,加上大蒜香菜的清香,太完美了,我把汤喝的一滴不剩. Clams in a garlic broth – this was so delicious, the clams are very fresh, with the fragrance of garlic and cilantro, so perfect, we drank the soup to the last drop.烤老虎虾,这个也超级美味,尤其是虾头,黄油,柠檬加上一点点烤糊的虾脑的味道,真是意犹未尽啊. Grilled tiger prawns, these were also super delicious, especially the shrimp head! Butter, lemon and a little bit of roasted shrimp brain! Irresistible!
It was a very satisfying lunch! We rode our scooters back to the B&B with just 4 minutes left on our 24 hour pass. Perfect!
我俩吃完饭出来,发现已经排起了队伍. After lunch, we saw a big queue had formed in front of the restaurant.在畅通无阻的自行车道上骑着骑着看到一个大型的喷泉. We rode on very smooth bike path and past a large fountain.为了看一下里斯本的夜景,晚饭在太阳门观景台附近找了一家. We decided to eat up on the hill so we could see the night view of Lisbon after dinner. We found a restaurant called Santo André, near the Puerta del Sol observation deck for dinner.烤香肠,熏的味道很好. Grilled sausages, the smoked taste was delicious.PJG的烤肉串. PJG’s hanging Kebab.我的海鲜烩饭,火候还没到,米饭有些生. My seafood risotto, the rice was a little al dente.这里也有法朵表演,法朵也叫葡萄牙怨曲,难怪这些歌听起来都很哀伤;和那天晚上一样,他们表演完了,会向顾客卖他们的CD. Like the restaurant the other night, there was also a Fado show here. Fado is a form of singing characterized by mournful tunes and lyrics. They would also try to hock their CD’s after the show.夜幕下的里斯本. The eerie Lisbon night view.Tram28还在孜孜不倦地工作. its after 10pm and the Route 28 Tram is still tirelessly working.
Good night!
3 thoughts on “里斯本第五天 Lisbon Day 5”
Sounds like a wonderful morning on your scooters and I like the selfie of you two with bear.
The sculptures on the Arc de Triomphe are magnificent.
I thought the colorful streamers looked familiar, and the table legs are different sizes for the sloped street.
The wall of plates is fantastic, I wonder how none are broken!
Why is Route 28 famous?
I like the blue tiled walkway and the old tree with a head barely visible!
The red roof views are sensational!
The goose barnacles are picturesque but I’m not sure I would try one, and the Spiny Dye-murex shells are very pretty.
I don’t know how you two had room for dinner too!
Your photo of eerie night Lisbon is very picturesque.
I think this is my favorite day of your whole trip so far!
Route 28, which we’re hoping to ride, is a old tram that goes all over the city to many tourist spots and up through narrow streets and hills. It has become a tourist tram and so every car is usually packed with people. We are thinking tomorrow early we will have a chance!
Sounds like a wonderful morning on your scooters and I like the selfie of you two with bear.
The sculptures on the Arc de Triomphe are magnificent.
I thought the colorful streamers looked familiar, and the table legs are different sizes for the sloped street.
The wall of plates is fantastic, I wonder how none are broken!
Why is Route 28 famous?
I like the blue tiled walkway and the old tree with a head barely visible!
The red roof views are sensational!
The goose barnacles are picturesque but I’m not sure I would try one, and the Spiny Dye-murex shells are very pretty.
I don’t know how you two had room for dinner too!
Your photo of eerie night Lisbon is very picturesque.
I think this is my favorite day of your whole trip so far!
Route 28, which we’re hoping to ride, is a old tram that goes all over the city to many tourist spots and up through narrow streets and hills. It has become a tourist tram and so every car is usually packed with people. We are thinking tomorrow early we will have a chance!
好快呀 这都三十四天了。