里斯本第三天 Lisbon Day 3


Friday, May 30, 2022. Day 32 of the trip.

有时候我们都会感觉,我们注定要去做或经历一些事情,有时候那些经历或做过的事情,却也并不是我们曾经感觉到的。今天大半天的行程竟然是围绕着一个饭店进行的!可见我这个吃货的本事,哈哈。 每次出来旅行都会在行程之前做很多功课,看很多视频,尤其是关于美食的。看“Somebody Feed Phil”的时候,主持人Phil来到了一个有着美丽景色的独特的饭店 – Ponto Final, 桌椅似乎就要掉进海里的感觉,那浩瀚的大海和背景中的里斯本和4月25日大桥,这个饭店马上就上了我的待做事情清单。

Sometimes we feel we are destined to do or experience things, and sometimes those things that we experience or do are not what we expected. Today, most of the day’s itinerary revolved around a restaurant!

Because I’m a foodie, every time we travel, I do a lot of homework and watch a lot of videos about the locations, especially about the food. When watching “Somebody Feed Phil”, a travel experience TV series, the host Phil came to a unique restaurant across from Lisbon with a beautiful view – Restaurante Ponto Final, where the tables and chairs seemed to fall into the sea. With the vast bay of Lisbon in the background and a gorgeous view of the April 25th Bridge, this restaurant was immediately added to our to-do list.

从民宿步行16分钟到了Cais do Sodré 渡轮码头,坐10分钟渡轮,横跨塔霍河,到了阿尔马达市,往返船票每人3.1欧元,下了船,沿着河滨的一条步行道,十几分钟就到了Fonto Final。当时只有11点多,饭店12:30开门,服务员说今天中午都预订满了,但是鼓励我俩12:30来这里排队等着,因为会有人预定而不来。

We walked 16 minutes from our B&B to the Cais do Sodré ferry terminal, and took a 10-minute ferry across the Tagus River to the city of Almada, (round-trip 3.1 euros each), then followed a walking path along the riverside for a short walk to the Ponto Final restaurant. It was still early and the restaurant didn’t open until 12:30. We asked the staff about making a reservation and they said that it was fully booked, in fact fully booked for the next few weeks! Even so, they encouraged us to come back at 12:30 and wait in line on the steps, because often people would not show up for their reservations.

Cais do Sodré码头买船票. Buying a ferry ticket at the Cais do Sodré pier.
渡轮上要求戴口罩. Masks are still required on the ferry.
这条沿着塔霍河的河滨小道上有一排的似乎是被遗弃的旧港口的建筑,墙上都是涂鸦. This riverside path along the Tagus River features what appeared to be a row of old warehouses on an abandoned port, now with graffiti on the walls.
也有很多人在这里钓鱼. There are also many people fishing here.
某人想变成涂鸦的一部分. Someone became part of the graffiti. The graffiti text box is saying, “danger of landslide”


We walked around a nearby neighborhood for a bit and then returned to wait in line just after noon. There were already some people with reservations milling about, but it seemed there would be seats. The line of people without reservations grew long, but all that stood in line on the steps got their wish for a table.

这里可以看到山脚下的那个饭店. Here you can see the restaurant at the base of the cliffs.
可以看到远处的里斯本大耶稣像. The statue of Christ towers over us.
对面的里斯本. The view of Lisbon across the bay.
今日份的蛋挞,就是个好吃,不过这个小镇似的地方竟然比里斯本还贵了0.2欧元!Today’s Pastel de Nata was delicious, but in this tiny town they are 0.2 euros more expensive than Lisbon!
下山回到饭店等位. The steps descending back down to the restaurant to wait for a seat.
饭店正门. Restaurante Ponto Final main entrance.
看了照片有没有想来的冲动?Do you feel the same urge to eat here when you see this photo?
鳕鱼和鹰嘴豆前餐. Our Cod and chickpea appetizer.
我的炸鯖魚和西红柿烩饭,今天的菜量太大了,只点一个菜分享就够了. My fried mackerel and tomato risotto, today’s dish was too big to finish. We should have just ordered one dish to share.
这个西红柿烩饭真好吃. The tomato risotto was delicious.
PJG的烤鲈鱼. PJG’s Grilled Sea Bass.
渡轮港口旁边的一个小教堂. A small church next to the ferry port.
我今天的作品,感觉很有里斯本的味道. My artwork for today, it feels very Lisbon.


After eating and drinking for more than two hours, we took the ferry back to the B&B to rest.

For dinner, I wanted to find a restaurant with music, but after finding the place we chose was closed, we walked around and randomly ended up at this place with tables on the slope of the sidewalk. But to my surprise there was a live band and singers to entertain us – and it was Portuguese opera style!

我们的桌椅都是倾斜的. Restaurante e Fado – São Rafael – Our tables and chairs are on a steep slant.
客人还是络绎不绝. The place was full.
葡式土豆甘蓝汤,是一道本土风味菜,我觉得也就一般吧. Portuguese Calde Verde soup is a local dish – it was sort of bland. You can see the tilt of the table in the soup..
PJG的烤鸡. PJG’s Roast half-Chicken – note the rice and fries again…
我的鳕鱼炖大虾,里面还有蛤蜊,青口和土豆,发现这里的炖菜都很好吃. My cod stew with prawns also had clams, mussels and potatoes – the stew was delicious.
今晚4位演出歌手的其中一位,也是我觉得唱的最好听的. One of the four singers who performed tonight. I think she sang the best.
夜幕下的奥古斯塔街凯旋门的背面,明天去拍正面. On our way back to the B&B … The back view of the Arc de Triomphe on Augusta Street at night. I will take the front view tomorrow.


Today was really a day for foodies. I won’t need breakfast tomorrow! Good night.

4 thoughts on “里斯本第三天 Lisbon Day 3”

  1. How fortunate that most people do not show for their Ponto Final reservations, perhaps they should stop taking reservations. That view of the bridge was very beautiful, but I would worry that the seats and sitter would fall into the sea! The grilled bass looked like a very delicious meal.
    The small church you passed was very pretty, I love the sky blue color.
    I like your artwork photograph, very interesting with things to hunt for. The dining table with wine glasses inside James’ stomach made me laugh!
    The Fado restaurant looks very lively and gives you a taste of Portuguese night life!

  2. 今天太值得了!

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