雅典第三天 Athens Day 3

2022年5月9日 星期一 此次旅行的第21天

Monday, May 9, 2022. Day 21 of the trip.


Waking up on a sunny morning, making a cup of hot tea, sitting on the balcony and watching the greatest immortal work of ancient Greece, the “Acropolis” on the mountain not far away, always triggers the impulse to recall, to think, and ponder life. Today is another day of relaxation.

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去雅典 Heading to Athens


Saturday, May 7, 2022. Day 19 of our trip


We got up bright and early this morning at 5am, the sun still hadn’t risen, to get ready to check out and head to the airport. I went to the hotel’s buffet breakfast to pick up four croissants for breakfast then we went to the airport to return the car and check-in for our 9am short flight to Athens. Very easy.

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科孚岛最后一天 Our Last Day In Corfu

2022年5月6日,星期五,此次旅行第18天, 在科孚岛的第7天

Friday, May 6, 2022. Day 18 of the trip, day 7 in Corfu.

时间过的真快,已经是在科孚岛的最后一天了,今天天气阴沉沉的,本打算就在酒店放松地度过这最后一天,但我俩还是经不过诱惑,去了科孚岛的最南端 Kavos,碰碰运气,试图寻找一下1967年的一张照片。结果去了那里才发现,如果能找到老照片里的那个房子才真是运气。逛了一会儿Kavos小镇,镇上有很多小店,饭店等,可是因为不是旅游旺季,几乎都没有开门。

Time flies, the last day in Corfu has already arrived! The weather is gloomy today, we planned to spend this last day relaxing at the hotel, but we still couldn’t resist the temptation to explore Corfu one last time.

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科孚岛第六天, Day 6 in Corfu


Thursday, May 5, 2022. Day 17 of the trip, day 6 in Corfu

今天也野心比较小,只计划去一个地方- Mirtiotissa,也就是上次提到的那个,驾驶过崎岖,狭窄,陡峭的山路才能到达的修道院。因为2天前看到这个修道院后并不确定是否是1969年去过的那个,PJG给修道院的人发了一封邮件询问,意外的是修道院的人回复并确认了老照片里的就是他的修道院。所以今天再次历经艰险前往。

Today is a less ambitious day and we only planned to visit one place – going back to the Mirtiotissa Monastery: only be accessible by driving the rough, narrow, and steep mountain roads. Why are we going back?

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科孚岛第五天 , Corfu Day 5


Wednesday, May 4, 2022, Day 16 of this trip, Day 5 in Corfu

早上醒来,又是阳光明媚的一天。今天又是行程满满,原本以为在科孚岛是最放松的一段旅程,每天看着蔚蓝的大海,听着海浪,发呆着思考人生,没想到,每天竟然这样排满了节目。今天去的第一个地方是一个叫做Lucciola的饭店,PJG的家人在1967年来过这里,PJG说他隐约记得饭店院子里的萤火虫。 找到了那家饭店,饭店没有营业,我俩开门进去了,店主先是惊讶地看到两个闯入者,但是PJG给她看了这个饭店的50多年前的照片以后,她也是非常感兴趣,虽然她只是6年前才接手这个饭店,她说她从来没有看到过饭店正面的老照片,并且索要了照片。

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重温记忆 II Chasing Memories II

2022年5月3日,星期二, 今天也是一场重温记忆的痛并快乐的一天,痛是我的痛,因为坐在开在蜿蜒曲折的山道车里,还好经过这么多年的磨练,我已经还算适应了;痛也是某人的痛,因为第三个地点的寻找失败了,哈哈。快乐是我俩的快乐,因为今天还是成功地追足了PJG的某些五十多年前的记忆。

Tuesday, May 3, 2022. Today is a painful and happy day to relive memories. The pain is my pain, because I am riding in a car on a winding mountain road.

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下雨的一天 One Rainy Day


Monday, May 2, 2022 – It rained almost all day today, finally stopping at 4pm. So today we went to wash our clothes and just hang around the hotel.

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重温记忆 Chasing Memories


On May 1, 2022, our first full day in Corfu, we had the hotel’s delicious free buffet breakfast in the morning, and then embarked on an interesting trip to relive some of PJG’s memories. PJG’s family came here in 1967 (and 1969) with their four children and they took some photos for memories.

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去希腊科孚岛 Heading to Corfu Greece


On the last day of April 2022, we ended our visit in France and flew to Greece! We had not expected to return to Greece after 6 months, a place I had fallen in love with. This time we are on a new island (new to me), PJG and his family had visited this island twice more than 50 years ago!

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马赛的一天 Full Day in Marseille

今天是待在马赛的唯一一天,去了两个标志性的景点。第一个是一座雄伟的建筑-隆尚宫。它建造于1862 年,是用来庆祝杜兰斯河的水域通过马赛运河抵达马赛市。建筑的中央部分表现了杜兰斯水的荣耀,以正中间的年轻女子为标志,她的同伴象征着肥沃:小麦和葡萄藤。身后,胖乎乎的孩子们带着一捆小麦和一串葡萄。建筑物非常丰富的装饰隐喻着运河水域带来的丰富和肥沃。在欧洲的旅游的特点就是经常可以看到这种或雄伟或精美或浪漫的具有历史感的建筑。

Today was the only full day in Marseille and we visited two iconic sites. The first is a majestic building – the Palais Longchamp. It was built in 1862 to celebrate the arrival of the waters of the Durance River to the city of Marseille through the Marseille Canal.

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去马赛 Heading to Marseille


After finishing our wonderful trip in Nice, we took the train to Marseille today, a short stopover on our way to Corfu. The train journey took 2 hours and 40 minutes.

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戛纳 A trip to Cannes


Today, we went to Cannes for a brief visit taking a very convenient direct train. The journey took about 45 minutes and costs 13 euros. Cannes is an important conference and exhibition center in France, especially famous for the Cannes Film Festival, so of course Cannes is very familiar to Chinese people.

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尼斯放松的一天 A Relaxing Day in Nice


Our main task today is to do the laundry, so we went out to a nearby laundromat just after 10am. There are three washing machines that can wash different quantities of clothes, we used the 20kg, the cost is 11.9 euros, and the drying is 1 euro per 10 minutes.

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滨海自由城 Villefranche-sur-Mer

4月25日,星期日 April 25th, Sunday

离开了摩纳哥,坐火车来到了海滨自由城,坐落在摩纳哥和尼斯之间,坐火车只有4站地。滨海自由城的天然海湾是地中海所有港口之中最深的海港,可供各种船只包括大型船只安全停泊。这里也有尼斯的五颜六色的建筑,蔚蓝的地中海,但是又比尼斯安静了一些。小镇很小,逛了一会儿我俩决定不坐火车,步行回尼斯, 一共用时1个半小时左右,开始的一段时爬山,一共有大概四百多个阶梯,让我俩回想起了在意大利阿马尔菲海岸那次的攀山。 但是今天的天气要凉快很多,看不到某人大汗淋漓的场景啦, 哈哈。

After leaving Monaco, we took the train to Villefranche Sur-Mer, which is located between Monaco and Nice. It was four stops from Monaco. The natural bay of Villefranche-sur-Mer is the deepest of all the ports in the Mediterranean, where all kinds of ships, including large ones, can be safely moored. Although we never saw any really large ships.

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在尼斯的第一个整天 Nice, First Full Day

早上一直在下雨,直到10点多雨突然就停了,然后就是阳光明媚,碧蓝的蓝天。 先沿着盎格鲁街漫步了一个小时,这条街道是一条沿着地中海蔚蓝海岸的著名的海滨步行道。这里的浪潮很高,海浪拍打岸边石头的声音格外沸反盈天。这条街本来是英国人建的,1860年,尼斯才被并入法国。

It had been raining all morning until at 10am when the rain suddenly stopped, replaced by a sunny blue sky. We took a long stroll along the Promenade des Anglais, Nice’s famous seaside promenade on the Mediterranean Riviera. The tide was high here, and the sound of the waves dragging the rocks back into the sea is very alluring.

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去法国尼斯 Heading to Nice, France


Today we are going to our next destination, Nice, France. Our easyJet flight is at 2:50 pm so we checked-out of the hotel at 11 am. I bought a new hat for PJG near Las Ramblas. Why? Because somehow at dinner last night, the hat went missing!

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阳光明媚的第二天 The Sunny, Second Day


It’s finally sunny today. We didn’t leave until after 11 when we headed up to the roof of our hotel to take a look around. From there we could see the world-famous Sagrada Familia in the distance. Unfortunately, given our shortened visit, we don’t plan to go there this time, we’ll wait until we come back in May. Later we strolled around the Gothic Quarter.

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巴塞罗那第一个下午 1st Afternoon in Barcelona


After our long exhausting trip, we slept until after two in the afternoon and had to force ourselves to finally get out of bed and go out for a walk in the Gothic Quarter.

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