Some People In Penang 槟城遇到的一些人


Monday, May 27, 2024, the 9th day since returning from Malaysia


During the three months we spent in Penang, we met many interesting people, each face telling its own unique story. Regrettably, it was only in the last few days before our departure that we thought to capture the unforgettable moments through photographs.

As a result, the images we collected are not comprehensive, but each one is precious, a cherished memory of this time in Penang.

Jaya Mohan, 我们在Gurney Ville公寓的管理员,生于马来西亚,已经在这个公寓工作了10年,以前是为现在的公寓主人的父亲工作。上面的猫是他养的其中一只,性格比较温和,还可以抚摸一下,另外一只就没有那么友好了。

Jaya Mohan, our apartment manager at Gurney Ville, was born in Malaysia and has been working at this apartment for 10 years. Previously, he worked for the current apartment owner’s father. The cat in the feature photo is one of the cats he keeps. It has a relatively gentle temperament and can be petted. The other cat, however, is not as friendly.

KaranJeet, Coco Island美食中心的服务员,2018年18岁从印度的旁遮普马来西亚,因为马拉西亚的工资更高,非常阳光爱笑的大男孩,就在我俩要离开槟城的时候,他决定回老家印度,离开生活了6年的槟城 – KaranJeet, a waiter at Coco Island Food Court, came to Malaysia from Punjab, India in 2018 at the age of 18 because the wages in Malaysia are higher. He is a very sunny and cheerful young man who loves to laugh. Just as we were about to leave Penang, he decided to return to his hometown in India, leaving Penang where he had lived for 6 years.
Faruk, Coco Island美食中心的服务员,来自孟加拉人民共和国的库米拉市,和Karan 一样,也是要帮助家庭出来赚钱,当时是去哪里都可以,最后得到了马来西亚的签证,18岁来到了槟城,两个人也是一起租房合住的很好的朋友。他的工作签证明年就会到期。他已经对我俩的习惯了如指掌,每次都会给我俩很多冰块。
Faruk, also a waiter at Coco Island Food Court, is from Comilla, Bangladesh. Like Karan, he came to earn money to support his family. At the time, he was willing to go anywhere and eventually obtained a visa for Malaysia. He arrived in Penang at the age of 18. The two of them are good friends who rented a place together. His work visa will expire next year. He is very familiar with our habits and always gives us plenty of ice cubes.
Aaron, 马来西亚人,这是一位背景复杂的人物,曾经为马拉西亚皇室工作过,曾经在英国因为信用卡诈骗,坐过3年牢,也在马来西亚坐过6个月的牢,在泰国生活过,等等等等,他的经历太丰富了,会说多国语言,是一位滔滔不绝的老哥。- Aaron, a Malaysian, is a person with a complex background. He once worked for the Malaysian royal family and served 2 years in prison in the UK for credit card fraud. He also spent 6 months in jail in Malaysia and lived in Thailand, among many other experiences. His life story is incredibly rich, and he can speak seven languages. He is a talkative fellow who can go on and on.
Janibul Hasan Billy,来自孟加拉人民共和国,在马来西亚生活了7年了,在Tipsy Cow酒吧工作了7个月,曾经在马来西亚学习过一年。是一个看起来很严肃的人,但是每次看到我俩的到来,还是会露出高兴的笑容。- Janibul Hasan Billy is from the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and has been living in Malaysia for 7 years. He has been working at Tipsy Cow bar for 7 months and previously studied in Malaysia for a year. He appears to be a very serious person, but whenever he sees the two of us arriving, he can’t help but reveal a happy smile.

忘了名字了,她是一个很阳光爱笑的女孩,现在在上大学,晚上在Tipsy Cow酒吧打工赚钱 – I forgot her name, but she is a very sunny and cheerful girl who loves to laugh. She is currently attending university and works part-time at Tipsy Cow bar in the evenings to earn money.
Nabeel, Tipsy Cow的老板,来自于巴基斯坦的古吉拉特邦,2014年来槟城拜访他的叔叔,便留了下来,就在新冠大流行之前,开始了他的这间酒吧,幸好坚持了过来;他的妻子是一个第三代的中国人,有一个还不到一岁的男孩儿。非常健谈和友好。- Nabeel, the owner of Tipsy Cow, is from Gujarat, Pakistan. He came to Penang in 2014 to visit his uncle and ended up staying. Just before the COVID-19 pandemic, he started his bar and fortunately managed to persevere through the challenging times. His wife is a third-generation Chinese, and they have a son who is not yet one year old. Nabeel is very talkative and friendly.


Although these photos don’t fully represent all the people we met in Penang, they are still our precious memories. They capture those simple yet genuine encounters and remind us that even brief interactions can leave a profound impression. Looking back at these photos is like meeting those people who crossed paths with us once again, reigniting those warm memories in our hearts.

One thought on “Some People In Penang 槟城遇到的一些人”

  1. 这篇文章我很喜欢,有创意、有温度,他们手拿小熊的照片很有趣。美食美景风俗习惯政治历史,加上这些生动的身边人,使博客更加完整!👏

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