Week 11 in Penang 槟城第十一周


Week 11 in Penang: May 6 to May 12, 2024


As the week passed quietly and our departure date gradually approached, a sense of melancholy inevitably arose in my heart. We made a list of things we wanted to accomplish before leaving. On Wednesday, before dawn, PJG went alone to Penang Hill to find the first ray of morning light. The moment he stood on the top of the hill to greet the sunrise seemed to light up every memory of this journey.

On Friday night, we returned to the seafood restaurant under the big tree, to finish satisfying my craving for mantis shrimp. It felt as though every bite was a nostalgic tribute to the beautiful memories of this trip.

The morning sun glistening on the bay at George Town.

周六,坐Grab去了槟城岛最南端的Dermaga Teluk Kumbar,这里是一个没有被打扰的本地居民区,看起来很像一个小渔村。应该没有什么游客,看到一些破旧被遗弃的房屋和一些散养的鸡鸭,还有几位本地居民在大树下享受着阴凉。周六晚上,我们又去了那家意大利餐厅享用晚餐,满足了PJG对西餐的渴望。

On Saturday, we took a Grab to Dermaga Teluk Kumbar at the southernmost tip of Penang Island. This place is an undisturbed local residential area, looking much like a small fishing village. There didn’t seem to be any tourists; we saw some dilapidated and abandoned houses, a few free-range chickens and ducks, and several local residents enjoying the shade under a big tree.

After returning to George Town, on Saturday night, we went back to the Italian restaurant (Bottega Penang) again for dinner, satisfying PJG’s craving for more familiar food.

很多停靠着的渔船和这家没开始营业的小餐厅 – There were many fishing boats docked and a small restaurant that hadn’t opened yet.
伸向了大海的一个码头 – We walked out on the pier that extends far into the sea.
看到了很多被海浪抛弃在码头上的小鱼 – We saw many small fish that had been stranded on the pier by the waves.
码头的尽头 – At the far end of the pier.
在码头尽头看岸边 – Looking towards the shore from the end of the pier.
远处的那个亭子就是那个码头 – The pavilion in the distance is the end of that pier.
一个人家的芒果树 – A mango tree in someone’s yard.
这几位乘凉的老哥,还跟我俩打招呼,问我俩是哪里来的 – These elderly gentlemen who were enjoying the shade greeted us and asked where we were from.

这只公鸡很警觉地看着我俩 – This rooster watched us warily.


On Sunday, under the scorching sun, we explored several clan jetties and unexpectedly discovered a seaside temple named Xuan Mu Temple. This temple was originally built in 1972. As described on its Facebook page, “From a distance, it looks like a giant lotus blooming on the coastline. The temple has two floors; the ground floor is dedicated to various Taoist deities, while the second floor is mainly dedicated to Guanyin Bodhisattva.”

Tan姓桥,有些破旧不堪 – The Tan Jetty was somewhat dilapidated.

在姓李桥上可以看到玄母殿 – From the Lee Jetty, you can see the Xuan Mu Temple on the right
玄母殿的入口 – The entrance to Xuan Mu Temple.

在玄母殿看到的姓杨桥和远处的光大大厦 – From Xuan Mu Temple, you can see the Yeoh Jetty and the Komtar Tower hovering over George Town.

乔治城里的日落 – The sunset in George Town on our last Saturday here.

2 thoughts on “Week 11 in Penang 槟城第十一周”

  1. Those are very pretty photos of James’ morning light trek on Penang Hill.

    You will have to return to Georgetown just for your mantis shrimp. I looked and it seems you can order them online but it seems expensive.

    Your trip to Dermaga… was an interesting place to pick for a visit, giving you a sense of a local small village. Did the gentleman under the tree want to talk about anything other than where you were from?

    I liked the look of the Yuan Mu Temple, it is very colorful, what a surprising find!

  2. 我非常喜欢你照的这些照片!
    看到了芒果树 好高大呀!

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