升旗山 Penang Hill



February 25, 2024, Sunday

We finally settled in to the apartment. This morning, embraced by the gentle morning light, PJG and I took a Grab to the famous Penang Hill, passing through the hustle and bustle of the city. About 30 minutes later, we arrived at this highly esteemed natural landscape.

With an elevation of 833 meters, Penang Hill is not only one of Penang’s most prominent landmarks but also a sanctuary for spiritual cleansing. From its summit, one can capture an unobstructed view of George Town’s bustle, the sparkling waters of the Penang Strait, and the rolling scenery in the distance.


While purchasing the funicular tickets, we were pleasantly surprised to find a express lane option. Despite the additional cost of 50 Ringgit, considering the regular lane required a wait of over an hour, we did not hesitate to choose this efficient alternative. Upon entering the waiting area, we immediately appreciated the value of this extra expense.

售票处,只允许一个人进入排队区域买票,普通票30马币,快速通道80马币 – At the ticket office, only one person is allowed to enter the queue area to purchase tickets. The standard ticket is 30 Malaysian Ringgit, and the fast lane ticket is 80 Malaysian Ringgit.
快速通道的好处!哈哈,左边的普通通道的队伍要比照片上的还要长很多 – The advantage of the fast lane! Haha, the queue for the regular lane on the left is much longer than what’s shown in the photo.
上山的缆车,感觉有些地段要有45度的倾斜度了,PJG不禁问道,“你姐来的时候坐这个,会不会晕车?” 哈哈 – The funicular car going up the hill feels like it has a 45-degree incline in some sections. PJG couldn’t help but ask, “If your sister came here, would she get motion sickness riding this?” Haha.


In the morning, when the sun was still hidden behind thick clouds, the summit felt very cool and pleasant. The cool breeze gently caressed our cheeks, naturally calming our mood. The outline of George Town unfolded beneath our feet, with the sparkling waters of the strait and the distant mountains forming a vivid contrast. The fatigue of the past few days seemed to vanish in an instant.

PJG旁边的牌子上写到 “除非你去过升旗山,否则你就从未去过槟城” – The sign next to PJG reads, “Unless you’ve been to Penang Hill, you’ve never been to Penang.”

Sri Aruloli Thirumurugan是槟城最古老的兴都庙之一,它建于18世纪,这座兴都庙是供奉战神,由当时印度兵士用轿子将神像抬上山而设的兴都庙。- Sri Aruloli Thirumurugan is one of the oldest Hindu temples in Penang, built in the 18th century. This Hindu temple, dedicated to the god of war, was established by Indian soldiers who carried the deity’s statue up the hill in a palanquin.

升旗山清真寺是山上唯一的清真寺,与兴都庙毗邻。此清真寺是让在升旗山缆车站附近工作的穆斯林使用,也包括在山上工作的公务员。这座清真寺为山上带来伊斯兰教建筑风格,其耸立的箭塔和穹顶鲜明夺目。- The Penang Hill Mosque is the only mosque on the hill, located next to the Hindu temple. This mosque serves Muslims working near the Penang Hill funicular station, including civil servants working on the hill. The mosque introduces Islamic architectural style to the hill, with its prominent minaret and dome standing out vividly.

据说升旗山还是许多珍稀动植物的栖息地,包括一些仅在这一地区才能发现的物种,今天幸运地看到了两只猕猴。- It is said that Penang Hill is also a habitat for many rare animals and plants, including some species that can only be found in this region. Today, we were lucky to see two macaques.
还有一棵大树上的四只,郁乌叶猴 – And four Dusky Leaf Monkeys in a big tree.


After having lunch at the top of the hill, we took a Grab to the Chowrista market for a stroll. This market turned out to be much smaller than I had imagined, with not many stalls around. There were quite a few selling inexpensive traditional Chinese, Indian, and Vietnamese clothing. Despite the wide array of items, there wasn’t anything worth purchasing. As the afternoon sun became increasingly intense, wandering around the market gradually turned into a challenge. The heatwave and fatigue eventually forced us to admit that this exploration wasn’t as exciting as we had anticipated. In the end, we decided to make a sensible retreat, called for a Grab again, and returned to the cool and comfortable apartment, putting an end to this sweltering afternoon.

在等Grab的时候,看到旁边的一个公墓里的一个墓碑,碑文写着逝去的人是在1875年被一伙中国强盗谋杀了 – While waiting for the Grab, we saw a tombstone in a nearby cemetery (Western Cemetery). The inscription mentioned that the deceased was murdered by a group of Chinese robbers in 1875.
晚饭就在这个大排档中心进行了,尝试了两道著名的地方小吃,一个是炒粿条(左上图片),另一个是Pasembor (右上图片),算是沙拉菜吧,里面有黄瓜,西红柿,豆腐,土豆,油炸品,等等一些东西,撒上了一层红色的酱,我觉得味道一般,也许是这家小摊做的不好。- Dinner was at this Hawker Center (Shen Fu Cafe), where we tried two famous local snacks. One is Char Kway Teow (top left picture), and the other is Pasembor (top right picture), which is somewhat like a salad containing cucumber, tomato, tofu, potato, fried snacks, among other things, topped with a layer of red sauce. I found the taste to be average; perhaps this particular stall didn’t prepare it well.


All in all it was a great first Sunday exploring George Town.

4 thoughts on “升旗山 Penang Hill”

  1. What fun to see animals, that you would never see in San Jose, on your walks in Penang.

    I made a comment on “Arriving in Penang” but it hasn’t shown up yet. I will wait and hope it does because I already can remember what I wrote!

  2. How much in dollars is a ringgit?

    I don’t know about your sister Zhaoyang but James’ sister would have fear that the funicular would fall back down the tracks!

    I like the photo of James at the top of the lily pad pond.

    Thinking about the Chowrista market made me wonder if you brought a larger suitcase to bring home any purchases?

    Grab is a good name for a taxi!

    1. agreed! Grab sounds better than Uber

      I am not planning to buy anything unless i see something that is really interesting to buy.

  3. 今天的升旗山也是我向往的地方,哈哈,已经做好了大胆尝试的准备啦!

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