安顿 Settled In


On February 23, 2024, Friday, and February 24, 2024, Saturday,


I decided to take a few vacation days to first settle down in Georgetown; PJG set up my workstation perfectly, with the two computer screens I brought from home undamaged. We carefully inventoried the supplies already in the apartment and made a shopping list. We went to the nearby Lotus Supermarket, about a seven-minute walk away.

The supermarket (Lotus’s) is quite large, with reasonable prices. We bought some kitchen supplies, power strips, adapters, and other necessities there. A small stall on the first floor of the supermarket sells phone cards. We bought a 30 day, 250GB Celcom card for 100 Malaysian ringgits. The young man selling the cards could speak Chinese!

我的工作站 – My workstation
莲花超市里的一家叫做DIY的店,经营各种小商品,有些价格会比莲花超市贵一些 – Inside Lotus Supermarket, there is a store called Mr. DIY that sells a variety of small items, some of which may be more expensive than those in Lotus Supermarket.
莲花超市的购物车是需要投50分的硬币使用,购物完成后,把车归还到原位后可以把硬币取回,很好的一种防止顾客乱停车的方法 – The shopping carts at Lotus Supermarket require a deposit of 50 cents to use. After shopping, when you return the cart to its original place, you can retrieve your coin. It’s a good method to prevent customers from leaving carts scattered around.
卖电话卡的小摊,买卡需要护照或是发给他们一张护照照片,星期五买的卡,小哥说要等24小时激活,到了星期六24小时后,电话卡竟然没有信号,我俩又冒着酷热去找卖卡的小哥,他说他没想到昨天卖的那种卡竟然过期了,但是他已经准备了另一张。- At the stall selling phone cards, buying a card requires a passport or sending them a photo of the passport. The card bought on Friday was said to require 24 hours to activate. However, after 24 hours on Saturday, the phone card had no signal. Braving the intense heat, we went back to the young man who sold us the card. He said he hadn’t realized that the type of card sold the previous day had actually expired, but he had already prepared another one for us.



On that Friday evening, we took a Grab to the old town area of Georgetown, aiming for the legendary Love Lane. Along the lane, a series of ancient shophouses and colonial-era buildings lined up, quietly telling the stories of time with their deep historical significance to Penang. We initially planned to sit in one of the bars, enjoying the slowly flowing crowd, but at 5 o’clock, Love Lane was still in its quiet moment of the day, with most shops in the alley yet to see any visitors. Thus, we turned to the bar area outside the alley, where we found a perfect corner, fulfilling our small wish at the Original Reggae Club.

Malaysia, a melting pot of diverse cultures, is like a miniature version of Asia, effortlessly revealing its unique charm. Sitting by the street in the old town, watching the passing crowd and traffic, Indians, Indonesians, Chinese, Muslims, and people of various skin colors and languages coexist harmoniously, showcasing the unique multicultural aspect of Georgetown’s old town. Each person passing by, despite their different racial and cultural backgrounds, blends into the tapestry of life in this ancient town at this moment. Such scenes evoke reflection, not only highlighting the vibrant diversity of life but also deepening the understanding and anticipation of the possibilities for harmonious coexistence.

The Original Reggae Club


We had dinner at a nearby Chinese restaurant, Teksen, which was very crowded. We shared a table with another couple, newlyweds from Hangzhou, who were in Malaysia and Singapore for their honeymoon.

从左到右依次是大虾,豆腐,空心菜和酱猪肉,都很好吃 – From left to right, the dishes are prawns, tofu, water spinach, and pork in sauce, all of which are very delicious.


On Saturday, we found a small furniture shop (KC Home) near the apartment where we bought an office chair for 290 ringgits. It was worth spending the money for three months of comfort. The shop owner, a local Chinese woman, was very friendly. Not only did she offer free delivery, but she also personally drove us back to our apartment. Walking in the afternoon with temperatures close to 30 degrees C was indeed a test of will, so we were very thankful for her kind gesture.

我的工作站终于完美了 – My workstation is finally perfect.

我俩在家具店附近发现了一个大排档中心(Hawer Centre),这正是我最期待的体验之一——探索和品尝当地的特色美食。在那里,我们尝试了一碗味道鲜美的福建面、一盘香辣可口的印度炒面,以及一盘色香味俱佳的烧肉和叉烧盖饭,每一口都是对味蕾的极致诱惑,彻底满足了我对本地美食的渴望。在马来西亚的街头,这样的大排档中心不仅仅是食物的集散地,更是文化交流的平台,让人在品尝美食的同时,也能感受到这个国家独特的文化氛围。

Near the furniture store, we discovered a large food stall center (here referred to as a Hawker Center), which was one of the experiences I was most looking forward to—exploring and tasting local specialties. There, we tried a bowl of delicious Hokkian Mee noodles, a plate of spicy and tasty Indian fried noodles, and a plate of flavorful roasted pork and char siu rice. Each bite was a supreme temptation for the taste buds, fully satisfying my craving for local cuisine. In Malaysia, such hawker centers are not just food hubs but also platforms for cultural exchange, allowing one to experience the country’s unique cultural atmosphere while enjoying the food.

周六刚好是正月十五,龙年新年的最后一天,我俩公寓的所在的Straits Quey商场举办一个庆祝活动,唱歌的,打鼓的,舞龙的,最后还有观众参与的发橘子抽奖活动,甚是热闹,好多年没有这种过年的感觉了。

Saturday happened to be the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the last day of the Year of the Dragon New Year. The Straits Quay mall near our apartment held a celebration event, featuring singing, drumming, dragon dancing, and even a lucky draw event with oranges for the audience to participate in. It was very lively, and it’s been many years since I’ve experienced such a feeling of celebrating the New Year.

我俩坐在一个墨西哥饭店,来了两扎饮料,听着那些很熟悉的中国歌曲 – We sat in a Mexican restaurant (La Chica Mexican Grill), ordered two jugs of drinks, and listened to those very familiar Chinese songs.


For dinner, we went to a nearby Nyonya cuisine restaurant (Nyonya Breeze). Nyonya cuisine is a unique type of food in Malaysia and Singapore, originating from the 15th century during the Malacca Sultanate era, formed through the cultural integration between local Malays and Chinese immigrants. This distinctive cuisine blends Chinese cooking techniques with Southeast Asian ingredients and spices, creating a rich and uniquely flavored culinary experience. It was our first time trying it, and we both really liked it.

这道菜叫做鱿鱼香菇炒沙葛,配上源自于印尼的叁巴酱,美味指数就更上一层楼 – This dish is called stir-fried squid with mushrooms and sengkuang, served with sambal sauce originating from Indonesia, which elevates the deliciousness to a much higher level.
这道菜叫做仁当猪肉,是一道起源于印尼的米南佳保人的辛辣的肉类美食。这道应该是我俩的最爱。 – This dish is called Rendang Pork, a spicy meat dish originating from the Minangkabau people of Indonesia. It was our favorite dish.

这是一道咖喱鱼汤,也是一道传统的娘惹菜,和另外两道菜比起来,这道稍显逊色。- This is a Curry Fish Soup, also a traditional Nyonya dish. Compared to the other two dishes, this one was somewhat less impressive.
有电筒善良的那个阳台和右边的两个阳台就是我俩的房间 – The balcony with the flashlight on and the two balconies to its right are our rooms.
楼下商场入口处的大金龙,很有农历年的感觉 – The large golden dragon at the entrance of the shopping mall downstairs gives a strong Lunar New Year vibe.

3 thoughts on “安顿 Settled In”

  1. 你的椅子看起来很舒服,完全值得!

  2. It is nice that you were able to have a great experience celebrating the Lunar New Year. Back in the early 70’s my boyfriend’s parents would take us to see the parade in Chinatown in San Francisco and a meal afterwards. I always enjoyed that outing.

    I’m glad you bought a comfortable chair to use for work, so important. What will you do with it when you leave?

    You must have known Malaysia would be a great place to live for 3 months. You make it sound wonderful and you both get to eat food you find delicious.

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