马萨特兰第一周 First Week in Mazatlán


March 17–23, 2025: First Week of the Work Trip in Mazatlán

这是平静而有节奏的工作周。每天早上在海浪声中醒来,一睁眼便是浩瀚无垠的大海,鹈鹕,军舰鸟和海鸥在空中翱翔,不时俯冲入水,捕捉鱼儿。坐在宽敞的阳台上,喝完一杯热茶,吃完早饭后,便开始一天的工作。如此壮阔的海景在眼前展开,连原本枯燥的工作也仿佛变得轻松起来。PJG 每天都会独自外出徒步几个小时,探索这座海滨小城。

It was a calm and rhythmic work week. Each morning began with the sound of waves, waking to the vast expanse of the ocean, with pelicans, frigates and seagulls soaring overhead, occasionally diving into the water to catch fish. Sitting on the spacious balcony, after finishing a cup of hot tea and breakfast, the day’s work begins.

With such a magnificent ocean view unfolding before me, even routine work seemed to feel easier. PJG goes out alone every day for a few hours, hiking and exploring this small seaside town.

两只鹈鹕同时入水抓鱼 – Two pelicans dove into the water at the same time to catch fish.
清晨的阳光洒落在大海上 – The morning sunlight spilled over the sea.

周五 :

我选择休了一天假,我们去了克雷斯通山丘–马萨特兰灯塔,这是马萨特兰最著名的地标之一,位于城市南端的海岬上。它原本是一座孤立的岩石小岛,后来通过填海与陆地相连。从民宿打 Uber 十几分钟便可抵达山脚。从山脚到山顶有一条约 7百多米长的登山步道,还有336 级台阶,虽然略显陡峭,但整体攀登过程并不吃力。站在山顶,原本可以俯瞰整个马萨特兰市区与浩瀚的太平洋,可惜我们到达时正遇上雾气弥漫,视线大受影响。据说山顶的灯塔是世界上海拔最高的天然灯塔之一,因为是建在山坡上。建于 19 世纪,至今仍在运行。


I decided to take the day off, and we visited Cerro del Creston Faro – the Mazatlán Lighthouse, one of the city’s most famous landmarks, located on a headland at the southern end of Mazatlán. It was originally an isolated rocky island, later connected to the mainland through land reclamation. From our AirBnb, it was just a short ten minute Uber ride to the base of the hill.

There’s a hiking trail about 700 meters long leading to the top, along with 336 steps. Although a bit steep, the overall climb wasn’t too strenuous. From the summit, you’re supposed to get a panoramic view of the entire city of Mazatlán and the vast Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, when we arrived, the area was a little foggy, and visibility was limited. The lighthouse at the top is said to be one of the highest natural lighthouses in the world due to its perch on Creston hill. It was built in the 19th century and is still operational today.

入口处,门票免费 – At the entrance, admission was free.
还有人玩高空滑索 – There was even a zipline back down …
山顶还有一处透明玻璃平台,站在上面仿佛悬空于海天之间,是游客打卡的热门地点,票价是每人30比索 – At the top of the hill, there’s also a transparent glass platform that makes you feel as if you’re floating between the sea and sky. It’s a popular photo spot for visitors, and the ticket costs 30 pesos per person.
相比马来西亚槟城的那个玻璃观景台,那种悬空感和高度带来的刺激感,这里要温和许多。- Compared to the glass skywalk in Penang, Malaysia, the sense of height and thrill here is much less.
远处的马萨特兰被雾气笼罩 – In the distance, Mazatlán was shrouded in mist.
这个就是那个灯塔吧 – The lighthouse.


我们的计划是徒步走完马萨特兰的临海的海滨大道,全长约7公里,是世界上最长的滨海步道之一,沿着太平洋一路延展,将历史中心老城区、黄金海岸区与新城区串联在一起。我们坐 Uber 来到海滨大道黄金区域的起点,从标志性的“马萨特兰”大字处出发,一路走走停停。


Our plan was to walk the entire length of Mazatlán’s seaside promenade. The main Malecon, stretching about 7 kilometers (4.3 miles), is one of the longest coastal walkways in the world, running alongside the Pacific Ocean and connecting the historic old town, the Golden Zone, and the newer parts of the city. We took an Uber to the starting point in the Golden Zone, beginning our walk at the iconic “Mazatlán” letters sign, strolling along with plenty of stops along the way.

黄金区域著名的马萨特兰标志 – The famous Mazatlán sign in the Golden Zone.
加利福尼亚湾的岛屿及保护区在2005年被列入世界遗产名录,涵盖加利福尼亚湾内的二百多个岛屿、海湾和自然保护区。- The Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California were inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 2005, encompassing over 200 islands, bays, and nature reserves within the Gulf.


Beneath our feet was a clean, well-paved path; ahead, the shimmering sea stretched out before us. The sea breeze carried a hint of salt and gently brushed our faces. Along the way, we passed many high-rises under construction, as well as abandoned old buildings. Seaside restaurants dotted the route, and from time to time, armed police officers patrolled on foot or passed by in vehicles. Frigates and pelicans frequently swooped overhead and alongside us, adding a touch of nature’s charm to the walk.

在这个滨海大道上无论白天还是夜晚,总是能看到一些带着冲锋枪的警察们 – Along this seaside promenade, whether day or night, you can always spot police officers carrying assault rifles.
马萨特兰特有的一种交通工具,介于吉普车和高尔夫球车之间,可以像出租车一样随招随停。它们常常一边载客,一边放着震耳欲聋、节奏烦躁的音乐,成了街头一道独特并恼人的风景线。 A unique form of transportation in Mazatlán called Pulmonia—somewhere between a jeep and a golf cart—can be hailed just like a taxi. These vehicles often cruise around blasting loud, thumping music, creating a chaotic, annoying but distinctly local vibe on the streets.
遇到了一个政府福利登记的大集会,有一个长长的队伍 – We came across a large gathering of people waiting for government benefit handouts.
大量的军舰鸟与鹈鹕在海岸线上盘旋飞翔 – A large number of frigates and pelicans were soaring and circling along the coastline.
这个画面很像一幅画 This picture feels like a painting.


At a relaxed pace, we spent over two hours walking from the Golden Zone all the way to the far end of the old town, successfully completing our goal of walking the entire seaside Malecon. Though a bit tired upon reaching the end, we felt mostly a sense of fulfillment. We had a simple lunch at a modest little restaurant by the sea—a perfect ending to our walk.

虽然午餐是吃了,但可惜我点的炸鸡夹饼又干又硬,毫无汁水,实在令人失望。- However, the perfect ending was spoiled by my fried chicken taco that was dry and tough, completely lacking any sauce.

吃完午饭,排队过马路,坐车回民宿 – After lunch, someome waited in line to cross the street, then caught a Uber back to home.




Today was a relatively easy day. In the morning, we headed to a small hill on the west side of the old town, also known as the Mirador Mazatlán viewpoint. It took about 30 minutes to hike up, with a peaceful and quiet atmosphere along the way. The hillside is a residential area, scattered with a few brightly colored and uniquely styled houses, adding charm and a sense of life to the walk.

从我们的民宿可以看到远处的山坡,那里就是上午的目的地 – From our AirBNB, we could see the distant hillside—that was our destination for the morning.
民宿楼下不远处也有一个马萨特兰的标志 – Just a short distance from our place, there is another Mazatlán sign.
沿途看到了一个小的露天教堂 – Along the way, we came across a small open-air Shrine (Capilla ermita de Guadalupe)

我们本来打算在晚餐前去“大虾夫人”那里吃点大虾,但我们的腿实在不听使唤。最后选择在民宿的阳台上看了一场美丽的日落,接着去了 Panama Pasteria 吃晚饭,可惜又是一顿令人失望的晚餐。

We had hoped to stop at the Shrimp Ladies for a before dinner snack, but our legs refused to allow it. We ended up staying home, watching and taking videos of a dramatic pastel colored sunset, followed by another disappointing dinner at Panama Pasteria.

2 thoughts on “马萨特兰第一周 First Week in Mazatlán”

  1. Your mornings sound so peaceful. What a good idea to take a day off, you deserve it with all your hard work and being in a foreign country!

    The Creston Lighthouse trail sounds a little strenuous but good exercise. Your photos show wonderful picturesque views.

    What an ambitious goal to walk the seaside promenade but rewarding.
    Why are there police carrying assault rifles ? Would the area be crime ridden without their presence?

    Yes your coastline photo does look like a painting.

    What a colorful little place you found for your Sunday walk.

    Zhaoyang, your sister has not made any comments, is everything all well with her?

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