Monday, May 2, 2022 – It rained almost all day today, finally stopping at 4pm. So today we went to wash our clothes and just hang around the hotel.
The laundry here is way cheaper than the self-service laundry in France. We only paid 9 euros for a bag of clothes, and it was washed by the laundromat. Unfortunately, it was raining and I forgot to take a photo of the laundry place.
两个工人一早上都在冒着雨修理着什么. Our excitement for the day: Two workers were repairing the pier in the rain all morning.去洗衣店. Heading to the laundry
After dropping off the laundry we headed into another town for lunch under a big umbrella. The rain really picked up here!
午饭-土豆大蒜蘸酱,希腊沙拉和希腊旋转烤肉. Lunch – Potato Garlic Dip, Greek Salad and pork gyros这只猫咪就一直坐在那里看我俩吃饭,PJG时不时地给了它烤肉和芝士. This cat just sat there staring at us while we ate. Finally PJG gave him some roast meat and cheese every now and then雨过天晴. Rainy turned to sunny科孚岛的橄榄油可以称为闻名世界,全球大约3%的橄榄油都来自于这里,岛上有3-6 百万棵橄榄树,其中一些树龄超过 400 年。酒店员工还告诉我俩,酒店是不允许砍伐这里的橄榄树的,他们这里的橄榄树有很多有300多年的树龄。 Corfu’s olive oil is world famous, about 3% of the world’s olive oil comes from here. There are 3-6 million olive trees on the island, some of which are over 400 years old. The hotel staff told us that the hotel is not allowed to cut down the olive trees here, many of them here are more than 300 years old.晚饭再一次去了这个“ The village Taverna”, 这个餐巾折纸是我跟饭店老板学的. Went to “The Village Taverna” again for dinner, I was taught this napkin origami by the restaurant owner.老板推荐的青口汤,我不是很喜欢青口,但这个汤比那个大名鼎鼎的马赛鱼汤好吃多了. The mussel soup was recommended by the owner. I normally don’t like mussels very much, but this soup was much better than the “famous” Marseille bouillabaisse.鳀鱼,跟老板确认了不是罐头才点的,哈哈. Anchovies, confirmed with the owner that they are not canned, haha, I think I insulted him.PJG点的希腊木莎卡, 又称茄子肉酱千层批,很好吃,惊艳的是吃起来感觉很多空气. PJG’s Greek moussaka, also known as eggplant bolognese, was delicious, and the amazing thing is that it was light as air, very soft. 我的大虾,这个没有我期待的新鲜. My prawns, this dish was not as fresh as I had hoped.甜点 desert 晚餐后回到酒店,发现他们又给了我俩一瓶香槟和一些甜点!! 看来昨晚那瓶香槟不是因为10周年纪念日!(请原谅这个难看的照片背景). When we arrived back at the hotel after dinner we found they gave us another bottle of champagne and desserts! ! Maybe that bottle of champagne last night wasn’t for the 10th anniversary! (excuse the ugly photo background)
A rainy day was also for a day of rest, but we’re ready to continue to relive the memories tomorrow.
My comment from iphone is not here. I am looking at the posts on my desktop and the photos are so much better here! I remember seeing many olive grove trees. The Siamese cat knew to wait patiently for food!
Rainy laundry day. Seems you relaxed and ate a lot of food! The Siamese cat knew to wait patiently and you would eventually feed it.
My comment from iphone is not here. I am looking at the posts on my desktop and the photos are so much better here! I remember seeing many olive grove trees. The Siamese cat knew to wait patiently for food!