到达马拉西亚槟城 Arriving Penang Malaysia

2024年2月22日 星期四 Thursday 2/22/2024


Thursday 2/22/2024

After three years of pursuit, a long-cherished wish has finally been fulfilled. The process of realization is like a cup of hot tea gradually spreading warmth on a cold day, warming my whole heart and soul. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a silver lining, fundamentally changing people’s concept of “going to work,” with more and more people starting to work remotely. This shift laid the foundation for PJG and me to realize our dream.


At the end of 2022, in my new job, two managers expressed great support for me. When I proposed the idea of working in Malaysia for three months, they immediately showed their support. Although I know I am a very valuable employee and they wanted to make me happy, I still feel very fortunate. PJG did a lot of searching, planning, and booking work, and finally, we set off for Penang, Malaysia, on February 18, 2024.

第一次坐新加坡航空的航班,据说服务非常的好 – It was our first time taking a Singapore Airlines flight, which is said to have excellent service.
旧金山-三个月后再见啦 – San Francisco – see you again in three months!

这趟航班有很多空的座位,两杯红酒庆祝这次工作行的开始 – This flight had many empty seats; two glasses of red wine to celebrate the start of this work trip.

我的晚饭,叉烧面条,不是很好吃,几乎没有什么味道,有些失望 – My dinner, char siu noodles, was not very tasty, almost flavorless, which was somewhat disappointing.


Flying from San Francisco to Singapore takes about 17 and a half hours, which sounds like a long journey, but time seems to fly by quickly with a few movies and some rest. After arriving at Singapore airport, we needed to collect our luggage, so we had to go through customs first. The customs process here is very convenient, completely automated, including scanning passports and taking photos, making the whole process efficient and quick. After collecting our luggage, we checked in for our next flight to Penang and went through customs again, which was also machine-operated. We were impressed by the efficiency of Singapore airport, especially when we found out that there was no body or baggage scans. However, unexpectedly, the baggage check was actually one at each boarding gate.

2024年2月22日早上5点多到了新加坡机场 – We arrived at Singapore airport just after 5 a.m. on February 22, 2024, completely missing our Wednesday the 23rd!
入关的地方 – The immigration area.
做机场轻轨去第二航站楼 – Take the airport Sky Train to the second terminal.
轻轨上看到了太阳正在缓缓升起 – On the light rail, I saw the sun slowly rising.
办理去槟城的登记,是马来西亚航空和萤火虫航空分享的一个航班 – We checked in for the flight to Penang, which is a shared flight between Malaysia Airlines and Firefly Airlines.
办理出关的机器 – The machines for clearing customs.

在机场吃了两碗面做早饭 – Had two bowls of noodles at the airport for breakfast.

新加坡的机场很漂亮,有很各种多漂亮设置 – Singapore’s airport is very beautiful, with a variety of stunning designs.

No, my body is not that long.

一个蝴蝶花园,有很多蝴蝶,里面有特意为它们准备的菠萝 – There’s a butterfly garden with many butterflies, with pineapples specially prepared for them.

我在拍照片的时候突然感受到了她们的共鸣 – While taking photos, I suddenly felt a resonance with them.


到达后,PJG的一个朋友的一个本地朋友开车来接了我俩,他是一位非常热情与友好的老哥。槟城的交通拥堵似乎也是一个大问题,从机场到Straits Quay区域,大概花了50多分钟。我俩租的一个公寓就在海边,能在阳台上看海是选择这个公寓的一个主要原因。


After about an hour of flying, we arrived in the lush greenery of Penang from Singapore. Passing through immigration unexpectedly proved very simple; the staff didn’t even ask to check the MDAC form we were supposed to complete within 48 hours before arriving in Malaysia. After fingerprinting and stamping, we entered Malaysia smoothly.

Upon arrival, a local friend of PJG’s came to pick us up. He was a very warm and friendly guy. Traffic congestion in Penang seems to be a major issue; it took us over 50 minutes to reach the Straits Quay area from the airport. The apartment we rented is by the seaside, and the ability to see the sea from the balcony was one of the main reasons for choosing it.

After a quick tidy-up and a short rest, we were awakened from our nap by the alarm clock, determined not to let the fatigue of the journey dominate our night. We went downstairs to an Irish pub and ordered two glasses of ice-cold beer. The refreshing sensation as it passed through our throats straight to our hearts was the perfect end to this journey of over 40 hours.

我俩的公寓是那个塔楼对面的五层的一间 – Our apartment is a five-story unit across from the tower.
两杯冰爽的虎牌啤酒 – Two glasses of ice-cold Tiger beer.
公寓阳台的景色 – The view from the apartment balcony.


On February 22, 2024, we finally set foot in the land of Penang, Malaysia, embarking on a three-month journey of work and life here. I look forward to exploring every corner of Penang, tasting its rich cuisine, and experiencing its unique culture and way of life.

In short, I’m looking forward to enjoying life.

3 thoughts on “到达马拉西亚槟城 Arriving Penang Malaysia”

  1. 新加坡机场挺漂亮啊!

  2. I’m glad you had an uneventful flight, missing a day going there will mean on the way back, you will have to live through one day for 48 hours!

    Singapore airport was designed to make the travelers feel welcome while you waited for connecting flights.

    James, where did you meet this local friend that met you at the airport?

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