2022年5月28日 星期六 此次旅行的第40天
Saturday, May 28, 2022. Day 40 of the trip.
Originally, someone called this trip “40 days and 40 nights.” There is a biblical reference in English, but I have no related story in Chinese. But in any case, the 40th day inevitably came, and today is the last day of our trip.
今天去了桂尔公园, 当然是因为高迪的建筑。在网上买的门票加手续费两张25欧元,坐地铁来回四张车票费用9.6欧元。总结就是太热了,人太多了!今天应该是来到巴塞罗那最热辣辣的一天,站在太阳下几分钟就没心情了,所以今天的游记就反应了我的烦躁的心情,不想多写了,看几张照片吧。
We went to Park Güell today that has other examples of Gaudí’s architecture. We bought tickets online for 25 euros, and the two round-trip tickets by subway cost 9.6 euros. My conclusion is that it was way too hot and way too many people! I think today was the hottest day in Barcelona for us. So I was in no mood to stand in the sun sightseeing, and so today’s blog reflects my irritable mood. I don’t really want to write any more, so just take a look at a few photos.
We’re going home tomorrow! Although it’s not a bad thing to go home and take a rest, we’re both a little sad about it. So to use what someone said last time, to heal the sadness of ending a trip is to start planning for the next one!
Because of the time change, we will arrive back in the US to replay Day 40 🙂
I enjoyed the Gaudi mosaics, very pretty, not gaudy at all.
Your trip was fantastic and your blog posts let me enjoy it all with you. Looking forward to your next trip!