徒步游览 The Walking Tour


Friday, May 27, 2022. Day 39 of the trip.


Today, we had originally planned to visit “Park Güell”, another one of Gaudi’s designs, but tickets were only available after 4pm! So we choose to go tomorrow instead.

So we’re going to take it easy today. Matthew and Megan had suggested we follow Rick Steves’ “Barcelona City Walking Tour” for another informative walk. Rick Steves is an American travel writer, author, activist and television personality who has a series of videos and books detailing European travel, including walking tours of many famous cities. This audio tour is about 90 minutes which we listened to while walking into the streets and alleys of Barcelona having him narrate the history and the stories behind various places.


The starting point of the tour is Plaza Catalunya, a large square in the old town of central Barcelona, the size of 10 football fields.

广场上有好多好多的鸽子. There are many, many pigeons in the square.


Barcelona is actually the capital of the autonomous region of Catalonia with about 8 million people who have their own language and culture, and many Catalans believe that they should become independent from Spain and be its own country.

这个纪念碑就是向在1931年大胆宣布脱离西班牙并独立的领导者致敬. This monument is a tribute to the leader who boldly declared independence from Spain in 1931.
这个是在过去一个世纪里被当地人和巴塞罗那足球俱乐部“在那个饮水池处见面”的饮水池. This is the drinking fountain where locals “meet at that drinking fountain” over the past century.
这个建筑上的表是代表巴萨罗那的正式时间的表. This clock on this building represents the official time of Barcelona.
Santa Anna教堂. Santa Anna Church
四只猫,现在是一个饭店,1897年开业,当时是宾馆,夜总会,酒吧和餐厅,这里曾是巴塞罗那现代主义运动的主要中心之一,年轻的毕加索曾经经常来这里。 Four Cats, now a restaurant was opened in 1897 as a hotel, nightclub, bar and restaurant. It was once one of the primary places for the modernist movement in Barcelona, where young Picasso used to frequent.
中世纪风格的装饰还被保留着. The medieval-style decoration still adorns the building.
路上看到了一个大型的乐队. Passed by a big band on the way.
这个公共饮水池曾经在400多年的时间里是附近居民的饮水来源. This public drinking fountain has been the source of drinking water for nearby residents for more than 400 years.
Barcino曾经是巴塞罗那的名字. Barcino used to be the name of Barcelona.
下午一点多了,到了吃饭时间. After one o’clock in the afternoon, it was time for lunch!

副主教之家. At the Taverna De Bisbi house.
圣菲利普内里广场,在圣菲利普内里教堂的旁边就是一个小学校,当时里克·史蒂夫斯解说的时候就说经常会有学校里的孩子在广场里玩耍,我们就刚好赶上了,广场当时被围了起来,同学们在做各种运动,游客不得进入。The Plaza St. Philip Neri and Church contains a small school, when Rick Steves explained that there are often school children playing. Well, as we arrived, the square indeed was closed off for a short time and students were playing various games.
学生们的活动结束了,我们拍了一个照片, 高迪曾经经常来这个教堂. When the activities of the students were over, we took a photo. Gaudí himself used to come to this church very often.
圣若梅广场上的巴塞罗那市政府大楼. Barcelona city hall building on the Plaza de la São Jorme.
对面的是加泰罗尼亚自治区的政府大楼,上面的红黄条的旗子是自治区的旗. Opposite city hall is the government building of the Autonomous Region of Catalonia flying the red and yellow striped flag.
罗马奥古斯都神庙. The Roman temple of Augustus.
这四个科林斯柱可以追溯到第一个世纪末,曾经占领过这里的罗马人在这个地点建过一个堡垒。 These four Corinthian columns date back to the end of the first century, when the Romans who once occupied Barcelona, built a fort on the site.
国王广场,这里是这次徒步游览的终点,这里很好地反映了巴塞罗那的黄金时代,上面的那个五层建筑是大王宫,是加泰罗尼亚国王的王宫。 The Plaza del Rei, which was at the end of our walking tour, reflects Barcelona’s golden age, and the five-story building above is the Grand Palais, the royal palace of the kings of Catalonia.
文艺复兴时期感觉的庭院. A Renaissance courtyard.
返回民宿的路上看到这些小学生在进行什么活动. On the way back to the B&B, we came across elementary school students performing a dance.


We just found out yesterday that many restaurants have a surcharge for outside seating. We normally like to sit outside, but at our Thai restaurant tonight, fortunately, the outside was fully booked! So we saved some euros lol.

所有作为都预订了,我俩只好坐在吧台. All the tables inside and out were fully booked so we had to sit at the counter.
青木瓜沙拉. Our Green Papaya Salad
红咖喱鱼. Our fish with red curry


The last few days of our trips always seem to go by fast. Good night.

2 thoughts on “徒步游览 The Walking Tour”

  1. 今天没少走,徒步比较累,也了解更多的历史。

  2. What a good tip Matthew & Megan had for a nice relaxing walking tour.
    At first I thought James was the man holding the drink at Taverna del Bisbe then I realized his hat was not correct so I spotted him under the umbrella!

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