雅典第二天的两个山峰 Day 2 of 2 Hills

雅典有7个有名的小山,除了昨天去的卫城,今天又攻克了两个。 早上步行去了第一个山-吕卡维多斯山,位于卫城的东侧,海拔只有277米,应该是雅典的最高点。从旅店步行40多分钟比较轻松地到达了山顶。从山顶上可以看到昨天去的卫城,可惜今天有些雾蒙蒙的, 远处看的并不是很清晰。

There are seven famous hills in Athens, counting the Acropolis that we went to yesterday, we have conquered two more of the hills today.

In the morning, we walked to the first hill, called Mount Lycabettus. It is located on the east side of the Acropolis and is 277 meters above sea level. It is the highest hill in Athens. It was relatively easy to reach the top taking about 40-minutes from the hotel. From the top of the mountain, you can see the Acropolis, where we were yesterday. Unfortunately, it was a little hazy today so couldn’t see too much in the distance.

去吕卡维多斯山路上看到的雕像 (Statue seen on the road to Mount Lycabettus)
雅典科学院 (Academy of Athens)
很大一副涂鸦 (graffiti)
爬山从这里开始 (Mountain climbing starts here)
山上有很多仙人掌 (There are a lot of cactus on the mountain)
很多人在仙人掌上刻下了名字 (Many people have carved their names on the cactus)
远处雾蒙蒙的 (Hazy in the distance)
远处的卫城 (The Acropolis in the distance)
山顶的钟 (Bell on the top of the hill)
山顶上建于19世纪的圣乔治教堂 (St. George’s Church built in the 19th century on the top of the hill)
下山看到的另一侧 (We hiked down the other side)
下山时看到的一只乌龟,这个山上好像有很多乌龟,走了几步我俩又看到了一只 (We saw a tortoise as we descended down the mountain. There seemed to be a lot of tortoises on this mountain. After a few steps, we saw another)

吃过午饭,步行30多分钟到了缪斯山,位于卫城的西侧,海拔比吕卡维多斯山要低,只有147米。缪斯山也叫菲洛帕波斯山,因为山上有菲洛帕普纪念碑,用来纪念菲洛帕斯领事(名字太长,不翻译了),该领事于公元 75-76 年至 87-88 年间流放到雅典。在山顶上可以看到与该山遥相呼应的卫城和上午攻克的吕卡维多斯山。因为这个山和卫城非常近,所以也是游客聚集的地方,游客聚集的地方,也是各种小商贩/小骗局发生的地方。有几个卖手工毯子的老太太总是在山脚下出没,我俩昨天就看到过她们。另外一个专门骗游客的一伙儿人是卖手链的黑人,去缪斯山的路上碰到了两个,基本上是他们会设法把手链套到你的手脖上,然后非常难取下来,这时他们会要20欧元(从网上读到的,因为我俩还没被骗过)。 像这种著名的旅游城市,难免有各种骗局,出门在外一定要小心就好了。

After lunch, we walked for more than 30 minutes to The Hill of the Muses, which is located on the west side of the Acropolis and is not as high as Lycabettus Mountain – only 147 meters above sea level. The Hill of the Muses is more formally called Filopappos Hill, because there is a monument for Philopappos, an Athenian Consul. On the top of the mountain, you can see the Acropolis and Mount Lycabettus that we conquered in the morning. Because this mountain is very close to the Acropolis, it is also a place where tourists gather. Therefore, the place where tourists gather is also a place where various small vendors/small scams occur. There are a few old ladies who sell handmade blankets always haunting on the foot of the mountain. We saw them yesterday as well. Another group of people who specialize in cheating tourists are the black bracelets sellers. We met two on the way to The Hill of Muses. Basically, they will try to put a bracelet on your hand and then, being difficult to take it off, they ask you for 20 Euros. (We read this from the Internet, because we have not been scammed). In such a famous tourist city, it is inevitable that there are various scams. Just be careful when you go out.

去缪斯山的路上 (On the way to Muse Mountain)
一个很有情调的小饭店 (A very romantic little restaurant)
苏格拉底监狱-这里虽然叫苏格拉底监狱,但是这里并不是即所谓的苏格拉底监狱,并不是这位伟大哲学家被关押和最终被处决的地方。(Socrates Prison-Although it is called Socrates Prison, it is not the so-called Socrates Prison. It is not the place where this great philosopher was imprisoned and eventually executed.)
很有历史感的爬山路 (A mountain climbing trail with a sense of history)
可以看到远处的卫城 (You can see the Acropolis in the distance)
菲洛帕普纪念碑 (Philopao) Monument
在山顶看到的卫城和远处的吕卡维多斯山 (The Acropolis seen from the top and Mount Lycabettus in the distance)
偷拍的卖手工毯子的老太太 (Scamming old lady selling handmade blankets)


On the way back from Muse Mountain to the hotel, we passed another hill next to the Acropolis, called Mount Areopagos, on the right side of the Acropolis. It is also called “Mount Ares”. In the classical period, it was the seat of the nobility committee and the judicial court, mainly dealing with homicides.

阿里奥帕格斯山上 (On AreoPagos)
背景是卫城 (The background is the Acropolis)
远处的吕卡维多斯山 (Mount Lycabettus in the distance)
远处的缪斯山和山上的菲洛帕普纪念碑 (Mount Muse in the distance and Philopapp monument on the mountain)

据希腊神话,吕卡维多斯山是雅典女神扔下的石头,今天竟然又在神话中游走了一圈 😅

According to Greek mythology, Mount Lycabettus was a stone thrown by the goddess of Athens, and today we wandered around in mythology again 😅

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