返回利马 Returning to Lima


Thursday, December 5, 2024 – Day 7 of the Lima Trip

怎么说呢,这次的南美洲利马之旅,又一次不出意外地经历了意外——PJG 昨晚开始肚子不舒服,今天早上开始泻肚子。还记得上次在布宜诺斯艾利斯那场泻肚子之经历吧?不过,早上的他还没觉得严重,能够完成今天的行程。我们上午 11 点半的大巴返回利马,出发前在绿洲的小湖边散步了一圈。

Well, this South American trip to Lima has once again, somewhat predictably, been met with an unpleasant hiccup – PJG started feeling unwell last night, and by this morning, he was dealing with the dreaded South American diarrhea. Recall that similar experience in Buenos Aires? Fortunately, it didn’t seem too serious in the morning, and he was still able to manage today’s itinerary. After breakfast, we strolled around the small lake at the oasis killing time before our 11:30 am bus back to Lima.

清晨 9 点多的气温已经显得干燥而炽热,阳光洒在湖面上,四周安静得有些沉闷,几乎没有人影的绿洲透着一股死寂的气息。我们短暂地回到旅店休息了一会儿,我趁机写了点游记。十点半的时候,我们叫了一辆小三轮车,赶往伊卡市的 Cruz del Sur 大巴站。到了车站,随便买了些零食,11 点半的大巴准时出发,驶向利马,结束了这段短暂的沙漠绿洲之旅。

By 9 a.m., the air was already dry and hot, with the sun blazing over the lake’s surface. The surrounding quietness, coupled with the lack of people, gave the oasis an eerie, desolate feel. We returned to the hotel for a short break, during which I managed to write a bit of the travel journal. At 10:30, we took a small tuk-tuk to the Cruz del Sur bus station in Ica. After grabbing some snacks at the station, we boarded the 11:30 bus, which departed punctually. Thus ending our brief yet memorable desert oasis adventure.

太阳洒在金黄的沙丘上显得格外炙热,沙丘上有两个人在爬坡了 – The sun blazed down on the golden sand dunes, making them appear even more scorching. Two figures can be seen climbing up the slope of the dunes.
小熊在享受我们旅店房间外的挂床 – The little bear is enjoying the hammock outside our hotel room.
免费的早餐,这时PJG对自己的腹泻还没有提高重视 – Our breakfast—at this point, PJG still wasn’t taking his stomach seriously.
这个三轮车竟然没有一个把手 – This three-wheeler surprisingly doesn’t have a single handlebar!
花费8秘鲁新索尔到达了了汽车站 – It cost 8 Peruvian Soles to reach the bus station.

5点多我们终于回到了民宿,稍作休息后,前往一家秘鲁菜餐厅享用晚餐。我点了一道颇具争议的菜肴——豚鼠。在家的时候,Matthew 曾给我们看过一张豚鼠菜的照片,照片上的豚鼠完整地保留着头和爪子。我当时心想,这怎么能吃得下去呢?然而,到了利马才发现,这竟是一道拥有悠久历史的秘鲁传统美食。

Around 5 p.m., we finally returned to the apartment. After a short rest, we headed to a Peruvian restaurant for dinner. I ordered a rather controversial dish—guinea pig. Back home, Matthew had shown us a photo of a guinea pig dish, with its head and paws intact. At the time, I thought, how could anyone eat that? However, upon arriving in Lima, I discovered that this is a traditional Peruvian delicacy with a long history.


The consumption of guinea pigs dates back thousands of years to the Andean civilizations, where they were a vital source of protein in the region. Today, it has become an important symbol of Peruvian culinary culture. However, for many visitors, this dish requires some mental preparation, as it is often served whole, with its head and paws intact, preserving its original appearance. Before ordering, I specifically asked the waiter for details and confirmed that this particular guinea pig dish was served without the head. With that assurance, and PJGs disappointment, I bravely ventured to try this unique Andean flavor.

利马的汽车站,这个汽车站要比昨天离开的那个豪华了一些 – This bus station in Lima is somewhat more luxurious than the one we departed from yesterday.
又一款土豆鸡肉沙拉 – Another chicken Causa
PJG只喝了一点儿汤 – PJG only had some soup
我的油炸豚鼠,肉质细腻,介于鸡肉和兔肉之间,鼠皮酥脆,下配有土豆和紫洋葱丝。- My fried guinea pig had tender meat, somewhere between chicken and rabbit, with crispy skin. It was served with potatoes and thinly sliced red onions.

晚饭后,我们步行回到了民宿。PJG 吃了 Kaiser 医院在我们去马来西亚前开给我们开的治疗腹泻的抗生素,便早早入睡了。而我,则坐在阳台上,借着夜晚的微风,开始整理这两天的游记,回味旅途中的点点滴滴。

After dinner, we walked back to the apartment. PJG, feeling worse and with a fever, went to bed early and started the antibiotics that we had originally been prescribed for our trip to Malaysia. As for me, I sat on the balcony, enjoying the evening breeze, and began organizing the travel notes from the past two days, savoring the moments of the journey.

回民宿的路上看到的人们下棋的地方 – On the way back to the apartment, we saw a place where people were playing chess.

希望明天能看到 PJG 的情况有所好转!

It remains to be seen how PJG does tomorrow! Fingers crossed!

2 thoughts on “返回利马 Returning to Lima”

  1. 你的胆子大了,还敢尝豚鼠,看着倒没那么吓人。

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