马萨特兰历史中心古城 Mazatlan Historic Center


Sunday, March 16, 2025 – Day Two of our Mazatlán Working Trip


Last night, the loud crashing of waves mixed with deafening music from passing cars intermittently persisted until around three or four in the morning. Eventually, I managed to fall asleep only after putting on my Apple noise-canceling headphones.

Woken by the sound of waves at around six, we saw seabirds outside our window gliding and circling gracefully over the ocean, playing among the waves. We brewed a cup of coffee and a cup of tea, sat on the balcony, and quietly admired the morning light along the beachfront avenue and the beautiful merging of sea and sky.

M是民宿大楼的标志 – “M” is the branding of our Airbnb building.
这个房间被我用作了工作间,所以这张床是没有用武之地的 – I use this room as my workspace, so this bed is unused.

上午先把我的工作台安置好,整理行李,让房间归于井然。随后,我们去超市买了些必需品,收拾妥当后,叫了一辆 Uber,前往马萨特兰的历史中心古城,开启正式的探索之旅。

In the morning, we first set up my workstation, unpacked our luggage, and organized the room neatly. Afterward, we went to the supermarket to pick up some essentials. Once everything was settled, we called an Uber and headed to Mazatlán’s historic city center, officially kicking off our exploration of Mazatlan!

我们向民宿主人申请了一张桌子和椅子,毕竟我们待的时间够长,她毫不犹豫地答应了。至于我的工作台景色,自然是无与伦比的。- We asked our Airbnb host for a desk and chair—given our extended stay—and she agreed without hesitation. As for the view from my workspace, it’s naturally unbeatable.
民宿的大楼正面 – The front view of our Airbnb building.

一家很小的超市,距离民宿不到10分钟的步行距离 – A tiny supermarket, less than a 10-minute walk from our Airbnb.

马萨特兰(Mazatlán)的名字源自纳瓦特尔语(Nāhuatl),意思是 “鹿的地方”(Place of Deer)。这个词来自 mazatl(鹿)和 tlan(地方、土地),因此直译为“鹿之地”。马萨特兰的历史中心是一片充满殖民风情的古城区,融合了墨西哥、欧洲和海港文化的独特魅力。这片区域可追溯至19世纪,曾是重要的贸易港口,如今则以色彩斑斓的殖民建筑、鹅卵石街道、热闹的广场和浓厚的艺术氛围吸引游客。

Mazatlán derives its name from the Nahuatl language, meaning “Place of Deer.” The word combines mazatl (deer) and tlan (place or land), thus translating literally as “Land of Deer.” Mazatlán’s historic center is a charming old quarter steeped in colonial character, blending Mexican, European, and maritime influences. Dating back to the 19th century, this area was once an important trading port and now attracts visitors with its colorful colonial buildings, cobblestone streets, lively plazas, and vibrant artistic atmosphere.

著名的披头士的雕塑 – The famous Beatles statues.


Around noon, there weren’t many tourists, lending the historic center a quiet, peaceful atmosphere. We enjoyed a simple lunch at a restaurant near the plaza at the heart of the old town, then strolled through its charming streets. Along the way, we passed the majestic Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, its impressive twin towers sparkling in the sunlight. The colorful colonial buildings, meticulously restored as if untouched by time, exuded a strong Spanish colonial charm. Today, many have been converted into galleries, boutique hotels, and cafés, continuing to tell Mazatlán’s story at the intersection of old and new.

左边:安吉拉卷,右边:猪肉和鱼肉夹饼 – Left: Enchiladas; Right: Pork and Fish tacos.

圣母无原罪大教堂(Catedral Basílica de la Inmaculada Concepción)是马萨特兰最重要的宗教建筑,始建于1856年,并在1899年正式完工,是墨西哥西海岸最宏伟的天主教堂之一。教堂最显眼的标志是两座黄色尖塔,从我们的民宿都可望见。- The Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception is Mazatlán’s most significant religious landmark. Construction began in 1856 and was completed in 1899, making it one of the grandest Catholic cathedrals on Mexico’s west coast. Its most distinctive feature is the pair of yellow towers, easily visible even from our Airbnb.
华丽的内部装饰,呈现出独特的殖民时期风格。- The ornate interior decoration showcases a distinctive colonial-era style.
这些色彩斑斓的殖民建筑无疑是今天所见最美的风景,但它们并不完全代表马萨特兰的整体风貌。事实上,除了历史中心,这座城市的大部分区域并不像这里一样光鲜亮丽,更多的是普通居民区和较为朴实的街道。- These colorful colonial buildings were undoubtedly the most beautiful sights of the day, but they don’t fully represent Mazatlán as a whole. In fact, beyond the historic center, it seems much of the city isn’t nearly as glamorous, consisting mostly of ordinary residential areas and simpler streets.


Before coming, I’d seen some YouTubers recommend “Shrimp Lady,” a place where you can buy fresh shrimp and then take them to a restaurant across the street to be cooked by a chef in various delicious styles. In the historic center, we quickly found the “Shrimp Lady” spot using Google Maps. Unexpectedly, many ladies were selling shrimp there! Which one was the famous “Shrimp Lady”? We had just had lunch, but next visit, we’ll definitely experience this shrimp delicacy.

未吃虾前,先被虾吃 – Here to eat the shrimp, but got “eaten” by the shrimp.
在古城里走累了,喝了一杯咖啡 – After walking around the old town, we stopped for a cup of coffee to rest our feet.


After finishing our coffee, we walked back to our Airbnb along the Malecon. The slightly salty sea breeze brushed against us as waves crashed against the shore. Along the way, a few pedestrians strolled—some jogging, others walking their dogs. On the beach, small restaurants had set up umbrellas for diners, and the air was filled with the tempting aroma of grilled shrimp.


After a short rest at our Airbnb, we walked to the beachfront restaurant across the street and ordered two ice-cold beers. We found these beachside restaurants all close around 6-7pm. As we drank, we watched our first Mazatlán sunset—the sun slowly sinking below the horizon, casting golden ripples across the waves.


Tomorrow, work begins, but gazing at the endless ocean and the stunning sunset, I felt a wave of relaxation. Perhaps, with a view like this, work won’t feel as burdensome—maybe it will even bring some motivation.

2 thoughts on “马萨特兰历史中心古城 Mazatlan Historic Center”

  1. I loved your description of the noises in the night and of your morning . Hopefully the noisy night doesn’t interfere with your concentration at work.
    Why is your Airbnb not called a hotel? It is so large! I thought all Airbnb’s were private residences.
    Again I also liked your descriptions of the historic center blending old and new.
    What a great writer you are! Liking all your descriptions throughout this post.
    I hope you get to try a grilled shrimp meal.

    1. The noise doesn’t really bother me while I’m working. It’s just that I have to wear earplugs every night to sleep, that part’s annoying. Yes, this Airbnb is spacious! It’s privately owned, more like an individual apartment, not a hotel.

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