2022年11月27日,星期日,南美洲之旅第十一天 – Day 11 of South America trip
PJG started to have diarrhea in the middle of the night last night, and it got worse by the morning (was it that pork dish I gave him?). He still insisted that we walk to Western Union to exchange money. Because today is Sunday, there was only one store relatively close to us that was open – the exchange rate was 1:304, not the best. After walking back to the apartment, PJG didn’t have lunch and just went to straight to bed. I bought takeaway for lunch, and then went to the famous Japanese garden, alone.

出了日本庭园,步行不到十分钟就到了伽利略天文馆,据说这是一个很先进的天文馆,跟传统天文馆相比,可以让人看到多出大约一百万颗恒星,可以以前所未有的真实感欣赏银河系。PJG提醒过我说,南半球看到的星星和我们在 北半球看到回不一样。下午到了天文馆也只能是看看外观,因为票已经售罄,要在网上预约购买才能进去。
Just near the Japanese Garden, the Galileo Planetarium in less than ten minutes walk. It is said that this is a very advanced planetarium. Compared with other planetariums, people can see about one million more stars, which can be seen with unprecedented realism and can admire the details of the Milky Way. PJG reminded me that the stars seen in the southern hemisphere are somewhat different from what we see in the northern hemisphere. Unfortunately, when I arrived at the planetarium, I could only gaze at the exterior of the building, because the tickets were all sold out – They said I had to make an appointment online to enter.

PJG sent me a text message saying that he started to have a fever of over 102 (39c). It seems that he has a virus or bacterial infection. After I returned to the apartment, I went to a butcher shop and bought two small chicken legs and some white bread slices, and made chicken soup broth and white toast for him. Then I went to find something for me for dinner!

Based on Dr. PJGs reading of google, he estimated that it will take two or three days to fight the virus/bacteria. I hope it doesn’t get more serious. He seems very sick but says he’s not sick enough to go to the hospital. Meanwhile, I will find something fun to do!
I’m sorry James is sick, hoping he quickly recovers. Thank you for making him chicken soup.
I’m glad you were able to relax at the Japanese Garden and see some lively dancers.