安顿 Settled In


On February 23, 2024, Friday, and February 24, 2024, Saturday,


I decided to take a few vacation days to first settle down in Georgetown; PJG set up my workstation perfectly, with the two computer screens I brought from home undamaged. We carefully inventoried the supplies already in the apartment and made a shopping list. We went to the nearby Lotus Supermarket, about a seven-minute walk away.

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到达马拉西亚槟城 Arriving Penang Malaysia

2024年2月22日 星期四 Thursday 2/22/2024


Thursday 2/22/2024

After three years of pursuit, a long-cherished wish has finally been fulfilled. The process of realization is like a cup of hot tea gradually spreading warmth on a cold day, warming my whole heart and soul. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a silver lining, fundamentally changing people’s concept of “going to work,” with more and more people starting to work remotely. This shift laid the foundation for PJG and me to realize our dream.

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