Food In Peru

Lima was undoubtably the highlight of our visit to Lima. We are very happy we spent time in this culinary unique capital. There was such variety among dishes even with the same name and some truly amazing dishes we have never had.

我的简单的午饭,鸡肉芒果卷和大虾咖喱饺 – My simple lunch of chicken mango rolls and shrimp curry dumplings (it’s not a pancake).

我的晚餐:皮斯可沙瓦鸡尾酒,香蕉片,香肠tacos,和一种烤鱼, 没吃出来有什么热带雨林的味道. – My dinner: the daily pisco sour, banana and taro chips, sausage tacos, and a piece of grilled fish,I didn’t taste any special “jungle” flavor.

又一款土豆鸡肉沙拉 – Another chicken Causa
PJG只喝了一点儿汤 – PJG only had some soup
我的油炸豚鼠,肉质细腻,介于鸡肉和兔肉之间,鼠皮酥脆,下配有土豆和紫洋葱丝。- My fried guinea pig had tender meat, somewhere between chicken and rabbit, with crispy skin. It was served with potatoes and thinly sliced red onions.
拧汁腌生鱼 Ceviche

One of the two dishes above is going to be remembered…. 上面的两道菜中的一道将会让我们铭记…

午饭的地方 – Our lunch restaurant
我的拧汁腌生鱼 My Ceviche
这是一道融合了日式和秘鲁风味的吞拿鱼刺身冷菜,味道极其美味,既有芒果的清甜,又带着一丝独特的熏香,令人回味无穷。 This dish is a fusion of Japanese and Peruvian flavors—a tuna sashimi cold appetizer that is incredibly delicious. It combines the refreshing sweetness of mango with a hint of unique smokiness, leaving a lingering and unforgettable taste.
非常有创意,又好吃的煎饺 – a very creative and tasty gyōza
寿司卷 Sushi roll
日式风格的拧汁腌生鱼 – Japanese style Ceviche
鸡肉土豆沙拉,一道经典的秘鲁菜,主要由土豆泥拌入柠檬汁、辣椒酱和调料制成的“土豆层”,搭配鸡肉沙拉、蛋黄酱和其他配料,层层叠叠装盘,清爽可口,非常好吃。- Chicken Causa, a classic Peruvian dish, features layers of mashed potatoes mixed with lime juice, chili paste, and seasonings, paired with chicken salad, mayonnaise, and other toppings. Carefully stacked and beautifully presented, it’s refreshing, flavorful, and absolutely delicious.
PJG点的炒牛肉配藜麦- PJG ordered stir-fried beef with quinoa.

For dinner, we chose a Peruvian restaurant called Punto Azul. Every time we passed by, it was always packed, a testament to its popularity. Despite not having a reservation, we were fortunate enough to snag an open table and finally got to try the much-praised cuisine.

这个饭店版本的虾木薯沙拉,这个木薯泥是油炸了的,是一道热菜,和中午吃的冷菜的版本非常不一样 – This restaurant’s version of shrimp Causa features fried mashed yuca, served as a hot dish, which is quite different from the cold version we had at lunch.
典型的秘鲁酸橘汁腌鱼 – A classic Peruvian ceviche.

这两盘便是chifa,炒鸡肉和炒牛肉饭,味道一般般了。These two dishes are Chifa classics: stir-fried chicken and beef fried rice. The flavors, however, were rather average.

We chose to have dinner at a Peruvian restaurant called Amankaya, nestled in a charming building dating back to 1920. Without a reservation, we were fortunate to find the restaurant fairly quiet and were given a cozy table on a small balcony on the second floor. The ambiance was delightful. The menu featured some creative dishes, but the highlight was undoubtedly the Paella seafood rice ordered by PJG—rich, flavorful, and satisfying.

海鲜小菜 a seafood appetizer
一道很咸的海鲜速食面 – a way too salty seafood ramen
PJG的非常好吃的海鲜饭 – PJG ordered this delicious paella

没有吃早饭的我俩,随便在一家小店喝了两杯咖啡,吃了简单的早午餐,共计72新比索,我给了5新比索的小费。Skipping breakfast, we stopped by a small café for two cups of coffee and a “simple” brunch. The total came to 72 soles, not bad!

Before we left home, I came across a list of the best restaurants in Peru. While browsing, I casually sent a message through the website of one of them, La Gloria Miraflores, to inquire about dinner reservations. To my surprise, the restaurant immediately replied and confirmed a booking for 7:30 on our first evening. So, tonight, we had the chance to enjoy a fine dining experience. Overall, the value for money was quite reasonable, without the overly absurd prices often associated with other upscale dining spots.

我的百香果皮斯科酸酒 – my passion fruit pisco sour

左边的是秘鲁著名的酸橘汁腌鱼, 右边是菜单上写的”非常秘鲁”的一道开胃菜,里面有鱼,牛油果,橄榄和酸豆。On the left is Peru’s famous ceviche, and on the right is an appetizer described on the menu as “Very Peruvian,” featuring fish, avocado, olives, and capers.

烤扇贝,味道很一般 – Grilled scallops, a very ordinary but delicious dish

左边是PJG点的意大利饺子和我点的一种鱼,西班牙语的名字忘记了,味道感觉缺了一点儿什么。An Italian ravioli dish on the left ordered by PJG and a type of fish I ordered – though I’ve forgotten its name in Spanish – felt like it was missing something in the flavor department.

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