芥末酱骗局 The Mustard Scam


December 3, 2023, Sunday, marks the tenth day of our trip to Mexico City.



Today, our journey in Mexico City concluded with an unexpected twist. In the morning, after packing and storing our luggage at the hotel, we strolled along Amsterdam Avenue. This avenue is famous for its oval shape and design tracing the outline of an early 20th-century racetrack, stretching about 1.9 kilometers, with lush trees lining the path, offering a pleasant view for our walk.

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国家宫 National Palace


December 2, 2023, Saturday, the ninth day of our Mexico City trip.


This morning at 9:45 AM, we took a bus and a subway to reach the National Palace, intending to join the 10:30 AM English-language guided tour. However, it turns out we were misinformed and the tour didn’t start until 11:30 AM …

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革命纪念塔 Monument to the Revolution


December 1, 2023, Friday, is the eighth day of our trip to Mexico City.

今天早上坐公交先到了何塞巴斯孔塞洛斯图书馆,坐落在繁华的城市之中,这座图书馆以其独特的现代建筑和丰富的藏书闻名。图书馆的历史可以追溯到2006年,它是由时任墨西哥总统倡议建立的,以墨西哥诗人、外交家和图书馆学家何塞·巴斯孔塞洛斯(José Vasconcelos)的名字命名。图书馆的建筑由墨西哥建筑师Alberto Kalach领导的设计团队设计,该建筑以其现代感和透明性而著称,采用了大量的钢结构和玻璃,创造了一种漂浮书架的视觉效果。

This morning, we took a bus to the José Vasconcelos Library, nestled amidst the bustling city. The library is renowned for its distinctive modern architecture and extensive collection of books. It dates back to 2006, initiated by the then President of Mexico and named in honor of José Vasconcelos, a renowned Mexican poet, diplomat, and librarian.

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索马亚博物馆 Soumaya Museum


November 30, 2023, Thursday, Day 7 of our Mexico City Trip



Today, our destination was the Soumaya Museum, a palace of art renowned for its unique architecture and rich collection. We originally planned to follow Google Maps and take the bus there. However, after waiting at the bus stop for over 20 minutes, the bus never showed up. So instead, we took Uber again, and after a journey of over 30 minutes, we finally arrived at the museum.

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