东京独特的东西 Unique Things In Tokyo


Sunday, June 11, 2023, the 7th day after returning from the trip to Tokyo


It’s been a whole week since we came back from Tokyo, and time flies so fast. After being back for a week at my work, jet lag is basically over. I would like to summarize a few unique things we saw in Tokyo – things so unique that neither of us have seen something similar in our travels around the world.

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再见东京 Bye-Bye Tokyo



Sunday, June 4, 2023, the ninth day of the trip to Tokyo

We are going home today. The weather in Tokyo was exceptionally good, the sun was shining brightly, and the plane was schedule to depart at 5:00 p.m.

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东京第八天 Day 8 in Tokyo


Saturday, June 3, 2023, the eighth day of our trip to Tokyo


It was still lightly raining in the morning, so I went out by myself to some shops to buy various Japanese snacks. The rain finally stopped at 11am. Today we plan to visit Ueno Park. We took the subway to the famous shopping street, called Ameyoko which is short for “Ameya Yokocho”, meaning candy store alley. After we came here, we found that many of the merchants and restaurants were run by Chinese. There was a mix of Japanese and Chinese dishes and also many shops selling cheap goods. It seems that they cornered a big domestic market here. We randomly picked a restaurant that was not very busy for lunch, and then went to the nearby Ueno Park.

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下雨的一天 A Rainy Day


Friday, June 2, 2023, Day 7 of the Tokyo trip


We woke this morning to the sound of heavy rain outside. After referring to the weather forecast, it seems that the rain will last all day. We changed our plans and decided to find an art gallery that has available tickets. But I was surprised to find that many of the art museums in Tokyo are so popular.

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参观东京皇居 Imperial Palace Visit


Thursday, June 1, 2023, the sixth day of the Tokyo trip


Today is our real scheduled day to visit the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. We hope our mistake yesterday was worth it, in other words they will require our passports to get in. Also, today is laundry day. The laundry room is on the 8th floor; washing machine is 300 yen, and the dryer is 100 yen for each 30 minutes – decent price.

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