重返哥本哈根一天 Returning to Copenhagen

2021年11月10日,星期三,23天的2021年旅行终于接近尾声了,昨天从希腊雅典又飞回了哥本哈根,飞行非常顺利,出希腊和进丹麦都不需要过海关,所以护照上没有留下任何去过希腊的印迹。 会在哥本哈根停留两晚,明天回家。 昨晚在旅店附近找了一家意大利菜饭店吃晚饭,

On Wednesday, November 10, 2021, our 23-day Covid 2021 trip is finally coming to an end. Yesterday, we flew from Athens, Greece back to Copenhagen. The flight was very smooth. We didn’t need to go through customs when we left Greece or enter Denmark, so I didn’t get a stamp on my passport! No traces of ever having been to Greece 🙁

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雅典第三天 Athens Day 3


On a day of “not much happening”, in the morning we went to the “National Garden” which was very close to our hotel. We went through Syntagma Square and happened to catch the tail end of a small-scale changing of the guard in Athens.

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雅典第二天的两个山峰 Day 2 of 2 Hills

雅典有7个有名的小山,除了昨天去的卫城,今天又攻克了两个。 早上步行去了第一个山-吕卡维多斯山,位于卫城的东侧,海拔只有277米,应该是雅典的最高点。从旅店步行40多分钟比较轻松地到达了山顶。从山顶上可以看到昨天去的卫城,可惜今天有些雾蒙蒙的, 远处看的并不是很清晰。

There are seven famous hills in Athens, counting the Acropolis that we went to yesterday, we have conquered two more of the hills today.

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希腊雅典第一天 Athens Day one


We left Paros Island yesterday and the owner of the hotel drove us to the airport (so nice!) It took 25 minutes to fly to Athens. The subway from Athens Airport to the hotel took about 50 minutes (not including the time to walk to the subway station), and the fare was 9 euros per person (buying two tickets, each person gets a discount of 1 euro! So sweet.) but compared with Copenhagen, the subway system here is not convenient at all.

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帕罗斯岛第二天 Paros Day 2

今天决定坐大巴去帕罗斯岛的纳乌萨小镇,每人1.8欧元的车费,大概20分钟就到了纳乌萨。这个小镇比帕里奇亚更小,更安静,基本没看到几个游客,很多饭店和酒吧应该在旅游旺季的时候会很忙,不过现在都关门了,至少午饭没开门。在纳乌萨闲逛了一阵,吃了一顿简单的午饭,坐大巴回到了民宿。没想到回程坐的大巴竟然是一辆兼职校车,一路上接送了很多放学回家的中小学生,原本20分钟的车程, 变成了45分钟。其中一个绕了一个很大的弯,就是送一个学生回家,还真是很贴心。

Today, we decided to take a bus to the small town of Naousa in Paros. The fare is 1.8 euros per person and it takes about 20 minutes to reach Naousa. This small town is smaller and quieter than Parikia. We rarely saw any tourists.

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帕罗斯岛 Paros

离开圣托里尼岛,下一站是帕罗斯岛,我们离开的这天,也是岛上很多生意结束今年的工作的一天,忙了一年的他她们会开始自己的度假和旅行。我俩昨天早上坐大巴从伊亚到了费罗,又在费罗转了两个多小时,再次肯定了上次来这里的感觉,这里要比伊亚有意思很多,价格便宜,各种选择更多,还发现了两个中餐馆!所以当然午饭就吃中国菜啦,哈哈,上次还是在哥本哈根吃的呢。味道还真不错,回锅肉很地道。 总之我俩的感觉是伊亚比较小,景色非常迷人,适合放松发呆,泡温泉,做按摩等等,费拉就更接地气一些,建议来圣托里尼岛的话,住在费拉,然后去伊亚一天看那些著名的景点。

The next stop after Santorini is the island of Paros. Santorini (and maybe other places) start to shutdown at the end of October. Many restaurants and hotels will close until spring. We took the bus from Oia to Fira yesterday morning and checked out Fira for a couple of hours before heading to the port.

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