重返智利 Returning to Chile

2022年12月1日,星期四,南美洲之旅第十五天 – Day 15 of our South America Trip

早上4点半起床,快速收拾完行李,5点半预订的出租车就在楼下等好了,今天我俩要重返智利,去距离圣地亚哥大约120多公里的一个海滨小城-比尼亚德尔马。PJG还是没有痊愈,早上还有些低烧,可怜的人只能带病旅游了。一小时五十多分钟的飞行就到了圣地亚哥,在机场坐Turbus公司的大巴, 十多分钟先到了pajaritos站,再转乘到比尼亚德尔马的大巴,一个小时四十多分钟的车程顺利地到达了目的地。

We got up at 4:30 in the morning, quickly finished packing, and our 5:30 taxi was waiting downstairs. Today we fly back to Santiago, and then take a bus to Viña del Mar, a seaside town about 120 kilometers away from Santiago. PJG still isn’t better, and he still had a low fever in the morning. The poor man

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Valparaiso 瓦尔帕莱索

2022年12月2日,星期五,南美洲之旅第十六天 – Day 16 of South America Trip


Well, PJG feels much better today, but still has a lingering cough and diarrhea. Just in case, he did a quick self-test for Covid-19, and it was negative. Strange to say, we have traveled far and near, and we have been to so many places where people gather – we have never worn a mask. The virus has not disappeared, but we are still not infected. It seems that we have established a strong immunity!

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比尼亚德尔马 Vina Del Mar

2022年12月3日,星期六,南美洲之旅第十七天 – Day 17 of the South America Trip


I was woken up by the earthquake this morning! I felt the bed shaking and at first I thought PJG was moving. I turned to look at him, but he was still. When I saw the chandelier above our bed swaying, I knew it was an earthquake. I woke up PJG immediately and when we went to stand under the door frame,

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南美洲最后一天 The Last Day in South America

2022年12月4日,星期日,南美洲之旅第十八天 – Day 18 of the South America Trip



Our short South American teaser trip has come to an end so quickly. Initially, we called the trip a teaser because we were traveling to relatively few countries in South America, so this trip would be our first. Well, to be honest, South America was not our favorite place to visit. So, maybe this will be our first and our last trip to South America.

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瓦尔帕莱索的墙绘 Murals in Valparaiso

2022年12月6日,星期二,从南美洲之旅归来的第二天 – Day two after South America


Though I’m still jet-lagged today, I can relax now and sort out the wall mural photos that I took in Valparaíso and share them here. The two-day excursion to Valparaíso was clearly the highlight of the trip to South America. Although this small port city is full of dirty streets, criss-crossed wires and cables, ferocious-looking stray dogs, worrying security problems, etc., the city still uses its strange, dazzling and creative walls to attract thousands of tourists like us who are captured by the murals.

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南美洲预告片之旅的总结 The Summary of The Teaser South America Trip

2022年12月8日,星期四,南美洲归来之后第四天 – Day 4 after South America



  1. 价格便宜,尤其是用黑市的蓝色汇率的阿根廷
  2. 接触到的本地人都很友好
  3. 圣地亚哥的街头表演很有创意

My summary of this trip to South America in one sentence is that it was not unexpectedly enjoyable, meaning it was not enjoyable. In terms of the aspects that I was most concerned about:

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